First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

I still think this will roll out today.They may be able to fix the problem.
You're an optimist.... If Dish thought they could fix it, they wouldn't have given anyone the heads-up that they ran into a glitch. Personally, I do NOT want them scrambling to fix this with sloppy work just to meet some arbitrary deadline.

i have thought from the beginning that this was just a ploy to dtv and cable customers over, still may happen,but when you promise something and take
so long to give it, it doesn't seem to be that exciting anymore. DISH,YOU BLEW IT.:confused:
dish is advertising this feature again on the itv channel...still hope
I just received a reply from the weather channel.They said currently there is no technology in place to allow satellite viewers to get local weather.They did however say they were working on a box to give satellite viewers local weather and are aiming for Fall 2006.
I just received a reply from the weather channel.They said currently there is no technology in place to allow satellite viewers to get local weather.They did however say they were working on a box to give satellite viewers local weather and are aiming for Fall 2006.
A box? Oh no not another box, enough of the boxes .:eek: The other night I was playing around with my 625 in the interactive tv and went to those Tide comercials with Kelly Rippa in it. That would lock up my box everytime. I would have to reboot my receiver. Maybe they are having simular issues with The Weather Channel. I still look for it every morning when I get up .
I just received a reply from the weather channel.They said currently there is no technology in place to allow satellite viewers to get local weather.They did however say they were working on a box to give satellite viewers local weather and are aiming for Fall 2006.
Hmmm, seems that Dish Network knows differently and that the person who answered your e-mail is clearly out of the loop.

Please don't believe this e-mail and please don't spread it.

here is my reply from dish when i ask if "soon ment next year"

Hi David,

Coming Soon means we do not have a definite date but as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience and viewership!

Folks just a (Non) Update.

As I was told on Tueday afternoon they found a Glitch which MAY prevent the launch of the service.

Well it looks like it DID.

They were supposed to get back to me with more information, however I have not heard anything back yet.

As soon as I hear something I will let you know. :)
scott, i wasn't trying to undermind your being able to get better inside information
i just recieved that email this a.m. and just thought i would though it into the mix.
No I didn't think I was being underminded at all, just posting an update of what was going on. (or not going on)

I am just feeding you this info as I get it, after all where do you think the photos and information came from? :)
Your brilliant imagination? :D Just kidding. Don't ban me.
You must be thinking your at a different satellite site. :) Its ok to disagree with the staff here. :)

Besides I didn't draw those pictures, hell I can barely color in the lines with my 3 year old when he wants to color. :D
Any more info on the software and any extra things embedded in it? Hitting "no cancel download" every morning is annoying but I can live with it. Is it still just Weather Channel or do we get Am Radio On Demand or something?

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