First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

Any more info on the software and any extra things embedded in it? Hitting "no cancel download" every morning is annoying but I can live with it. Is it still just Weather Channel or do we get Am Radio On Demand or something?

Stereo am radio. Anyone remember that?
Stereo AM? Man, that was a while back. I wonder if people will be saying "do you remember HD radio 10 years from now. Seems like it's already set up for a fall, hardware is hard to get and expensive, dosen't seem to be getting better any time quick.
Maybe, but it's partially the developers' fault that HD radio would flop - that stuff is DRMed to hell and back, no real technophile would support it.
Am radio...mono. Bah! That's how I feel about those music channels Dish has that are mono. The other chanels are stereo. Why not those? "Hey, honey, let's have some wine and listen to some mono. Oh it's making me all hot."
Why don't Dish get the NOAA weather radio on its satellite since audio takes up very low bandwidth. This would broadcast weather conditions, watches and warnings.
Dish somehow installed that insidious software without my permission, even though I told it with my permission only. Hell fire!
If they don't have the local weather on by December 12th I'm going to email Charlie and ask him if he knows.That's when the next Charlie Chat comes on.I really wish they would let us know something.
If its not on by then - then they may want to avoid those questions at all costs - and we may want to bombard them until one of us gets through and asks that questions. With almost 60,000 members on this site and many more visitors, we are bound to have one caller get through to them.

Maybe what we should do is this - the caller that gets through will ask them a series of questions with this weather channel being one of them. Other questions will be some that Dish will also want to avoid. I would LOVE to see the looks on their faces. How about asking about the NBR that was promised on the 501/508/510 receivers. I am sure they would be blue in the face by the time the caller was done with them unless they say that something "happened" to the connection lol.

This should be a tradition that we start here at satelliteguys. This may cause them to not take anymore calls in future chats though.
If its not on by then - then they may want to avoid those questions at all costs - and we may want to bombard them until one of us gets through and asks that questions. With almost 60,000 members on this site and many more visitors, we are bound to have one caller get through to them.

Maybe what we should do is this - the caller that gets through will ask them a series of questions with this weather channel being one of them. Other questions will be some that Dish will also want to avoid. I would LOVE to see the looks on their faces. How about asking about the NBR that was promised on the 501/508/510 receivers. I am sure they would be blue in the face by the time the caller was done with them unless they say that something "happened" to the connection lol.

This should be a tradition that we start here at satelliteguys. This may cause them to not take anymore calls in future chats though.

i just emailed them, matter of fact i make 2 emails 1 to ceo and 1 referance to itv

no time to waste if we want this this year
If you're going to be e-mailing Charlie (he is a robot..I have proof), then I would rather you breach NBR for the 500 series. They told us they were giving us that years ago. They lied (Charlie is operating under the Asimovian laws, wherein a robot may work around technical restrictions to outright lie to a human in order to spare it's feelings, thus not emotionally harming the human. To hurt a human is against it's programming. Of course, this could result in a malfunction in it's core programming - a dilemna - where undesirable results can and will occur. Instability of the robot then follows. This does not change the fact that the robot has the ability to lie under certain conditions.). I don't have NBR, though I am paying a fee for using the DVR (even though I bought it) and not getting any benefits that others offer. The weather thing is nice, I'm sure (if you believe that neo-witch doctors can predict the future using the power of a nice suit, large viewership and a television camera), but down here in Florida, the evidence of a hurricane is known for weeks before; one need only peruse the local grocer's store and wonder at the missing spaces in the water, batteries, can goods and sexual aids sections. Other hints are your neighbors saying "better hunker down". If I hear someone tell me to "hunker down" again, I'm going to "hunker down" the top of their head and then steal their precious stache of batteries and water. I have no need for a generator: I hook my girlfriend up to a treadmill that provides power to my Dish receiver and television. What really annoys her is when I refuse to watch the weather during a hurricane. She asks "what's the point of this setup if you're not going to watch the weather?" At that point, I point outside and direct her attention to the hordes of homeless people flying through the wind, clutching onto their vodka flasks for dear life. "Hurricane," I say. "Now hush, Bugs Bunny is on." So I guess my point is : Send all the e-mails you want. Robots will do what they are programmed to do. And include NBR request in there. Heh.
If you call into a Charlie Chat, they screen the calls and questions. You need to tell them your question is something easy and safe. When they put you on live, you ask your real question. Of course, they won't let this happen too many times before they simply take your question, name, location, etc and it will be "Joe from St Louis was wanting to know...." just like they do with the e-mail questions.
Guys I want the interactive weather channel as much if not more than most. Studying the weather has been a hobbie of mine since Hugo blew through Charleston back in 89. I was part of an emergency response team sent down there before it hit and I was amased at the awsome power of that storm, how weather works and the role it plays in our day to day lives.(not to mention scared the hell out of me) With that said, I do not want Dish to role this out to our receivers untill it works like it should. When it is rolled out and the software doesn't work right or werse causes problems with my receivers I will be highly upset. Dish has a long history of problem riddled software updates. If you want to see what bad software can do (I don't reccomend you do this) go to the interactive channel, click on # 3 Shopping and then click on # 6 Tide to go and watch one of the commercials.It will lock up your receivers requiring a front pannel reset. At least thats what it does with my 625. You surley don't want this to happen everytime you want to check the weather. I look forward to it's arrival but hope they don't rush and put it out with bad software. Dish may be real careful putting this out because if it causes problems not only would it look bad on their part but give The Weather Channel a black eye.
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Don't worry. New upgrades are harmless. Why, this latest update has made my discrete power on code not work properly. See? Harmless. One of the most useful things Dish has added, now crippled.
Don't worry. New upgrades are harmless. Why, this latest update has made my discrete power on code not work properly. See? Harmless. One of the most useful things Dish has added, now crippled.

"Ditto" be real careful with what one wishes for............
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"...missing spaces in the water, batteries, can goods and sexual aids sections. ..."

You have sex toys in your grocery stores? @party
Sexual aids = brillo pad and rough ground pepper. Yes, my grocery store has sexual aids. :D Doesn't yours?
Sending e-mails to dish is fun! I sent one asking about NBR for current models and waiving my dvr fee. I was told to pay my fee and upgrade to a 625. I then e-mailed Kathy back and asked her if she would give me a 625 for free, and if not, could she tell me about the status of NBR on current models. She told me the price was $283.95 (so specific) for a 625. I thanked her and sent her a 3rd email asking about the status of NBR on current models. Wow. They don't like those questions. Should I include a question about the Weather Channel in my next one? I'm sure I won't get my answer.
It was said that it was not going to require a software upgrade but a code was going to be sent out to allow this feature.

Sometimes it does not matter if they wait until they release it, it ends up buggy anyways whether it is now or later.
You all lost me when someone started talking about sex toys, ect.
Is there a projected date for the Locals on the 8's to go active?
Seems like a simple software update doesnt it? if they can Offer me my local SD channels, why not local weather?

622 backhaul question

Homeowners Association on the Warpath - Advice Please!

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