First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

I wouldn't hold my breath for this "feature" to come. Knowing Dish, like I am sure everyone knows, it will take them 6 months, and when they finally do something about it, they will say "we're sorry, we will not be releasing this feature because blah, blah, blah"

So, I would just stop thinking about it, it isn't going to happen any time soon for most.
Is the interactive TWC available now or is it still in the future? I went to 100 selected TWC, but have seen no banner or icon on which to select. When I press select, I simply get channel information.
Since it is too difficult for some to answer a simple question, I will. No, it is not yet available.
Whatever.... I'll admit that an 11-page thread is daunting and I probably wouldn't read the whole thing either. I would search though. I would also read the 1st couple of pages too. The kicker is the 1st post.....

Scott in the 1st post that started this thread said:
When the new TWC Interactive rolls out (and the rollout is expected within the next few days) viewers will be able to access the new TWC Interactive a few ways.

The first being by going to Channel 100 (Dish Interactive) and Selecting The Weather Channel from the News Category.

The second being by going to the Weather Channel (Channel 214) and by pressing select on your remote when an icon or banner appear.
Defend others all you want. You'll be spending lots of time answering the same questions over and over though.
This goes to show how much in demand this feature is and how happy it will make people once the feature is added. Dish Network seeing this and the other threads regarding this will probably cause them to want to get the feature on quicker for us.
Dish Network seeing this and the other threads regarding this will probably cause them to want to get the feature on quicker for us.
I'd bet if Dish could wiggle their noses and have all sorts of cool and useful features added to our receivers, and be guaranteed perfect functionality, they'd do it.
Hall chastises those who defend others, yet he's more than willing to defend Dish's honor and virtue. If Directv slapped Dish with a glove, would you be her champion? Who said chivalry is dead...:D
] Dish Network seeing this and the other threads regarding this will probably cause them to want to get the feature on quicker for us.

Yeah...that's worked great for us so far on so many other things posted we hoped Dish would do, right?

There was...oh yeah, and ...

Then again. ;)
Wait, before I respond to that, I have to finish offloading content from my 921 to D-VHS via my firewire, then setup a few NBR recordings on my old 721.....

cue the rolleyes....

With most features they state as coming in the future, you've got about a 50-50 chance of them happening (IF that high), before they discontinue the receiver....
We all whined and complained for over a year before the OpenTV upgrade was finally released to 3800/3900 receivers back in, what, 2002?. It was really cool for the first couple of days. I almost never look at any of that interactive stuff on any of my receivers now.
Actually, I think I'll dig this one - really dig it (like dish horoscope even though it repeats over and over XD) - because TWC locals *gasp* HAS MY AREA IN IT!
I think I read a story about the Weather Channel Interactive app, the HD RSN's, and INHD in the National Enquirer last was right below some Paris Hilton story.
Batboy found in cave! Officials speculate that he was working on the legendary Weather Channel Upgrade. Also found in the cave were the remains of Elvis Presley, whoses bones were found in the act of taking a Name Based Recording logo and trying to nail it onto a 500 series DVR with a hammer. Found on the floor cave were several memos from Dish stating "NBR abondoned in favor of increased resource work on Dish Games" and another saying "possible cancellation of Weather Channel Interactive due to severe demand for Dish Karaoke". Batboy is now rehabilitating at a nearby zoo where you can feed him peanuts (which he hates). As always, you heard it here first: the official status of the Weather Channel Upgrade. :D
Actually, they said it would be out as soon as they fixed the "software" problem that killed the HDMI outputs on the 622...
I have to admit I'm not as excited about this as I was.I've begun to relize this may not happen till next year or maybe not at all.I do however check this board to see if Scott has any important info they have sent him.

622 backhaul question

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