FIRST LOOK - Hopper OTA Module

Contact a DIRT member for your upgrade. They can order the OTA tuner for you in parallel with the upgrade order. I recommend waiting 24hrs before adding any features. It takes Hopper 24hrs to download everything. The OTA tuner is basically plug and play and will prompt you to do a local scan.

I just ordered Hopper via DIRT- they cannot add OTA unit to the initial work order. It needs to be ordered by customer after Hopper has been activated.
I just ordered Hopper via DIRT- they cannot add OTA unit to the initial work order. It needs to be ordered by customer after Hopper has been activated.

I had my system installed on a Friday night. Ordered the OTA on Saturday, got it Wednesday. Not too terrible, but I do agree it would be nice to order them together. I can see not allowing customers without a hopper to order one, but they should at least allow them to be ordered together.

Oh well - at least it is finally able to be ordered!
I can see not allowing customers without a hopper to order one, but they should at least allow them to be ordered together.
It's almost as if they have no way to "control" it better. The online store or the standard-level phone reps are restricted by a "flag" the locks out the module if a Hopper doesn't yet exist on their account. Obviously it can be overridden by folks with enough privileges.
Ok for you OTA Fans who makes a good Attic Antenna?? Since the weather can get crazy here in the spring in Tornado Ally I might look investing into one of these.. :)
I used a huge channel master in Virginia, was like 7' by 14'. I had it pointed for va beach locals but it also go Richmond fine which was the other way LOL.
I'd bet the 5020 would be fine. Mine were only like 45 and it nailed em all.

Ok cool! I think when I buy I will go with this plus from what I can tell it does not look like it would be to hard to install. Do you need to have a Amp hooked up to it or not?
I have two antennas hung in the attic, as follows.

I have an AntennaCraft MXU47 UHF yagi pointing almost due north for most stations in the 20-50 channel # range, 50 miles to towers. 12 and 26 are coming from about 25 degrees to the left of that at 35 miles, 36 is off to the east somewhere.

I also have a high band VHF only pointing almost due west to ch 8 and 10 at about 70 miles. See

Both antennas are combined and amplified for distribution with a UHF/VHF combiner amp, see

I have reliable OTA service and don't regret any of the choices I've made. I did previously use a radio shack amp and simple splitters to combine, but this was kind of a hack assembly; sometimes having drops and other signal issues. I mostly blame the cheap amp for that.
That is why I wanted the ota tuner for my hopper. I have Houston locals that I "moved" for ,to get ABC/CBS/FOX/NBC as well as CW and PBS in HD. I use my ota tuner for my hometown locals for weather and news for Beaumont/Pt.Arthur,Tx . Beaumont/Pt.Athur doesn't have CW in hd or even sd in the sat delivered locals and the ota only has crappy sd on the sub channel of CBS . So having sat delivered locals from Houston and ota locals from Beaumont gives me the best of both towns.

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