south of PR, found 41 OTA channels:
2.1 - WKAQ
2.2 - WKAQ
2.3 - CNK
3.1 - WIPM
3.2 - WIPM
3.3 - WIPM
3.4 - WIPM
3.5 - WIPM
3.6 - WIPM
3.7 - WIPM
4.1 - WTIN
4.2 - WTIN
5.1 - WORA
5.2 - WORA
6.1 - WIPR
6.2 - WIPR
6.3 - WIPR
6.4 - WIPR
6.5 - WIPR
6.6 - WIPR
6.7 - WIPR
7.1 - WSTE
9.1 - WSUR
12.1 - WOLE
12.2 - WOLE
12.3 - WOLE
14.1 - WMEI
20.1 - WKPV
20.2 - WKPV
20.3 - WKPV
26.1 - WQTO
26.5 - WKTO
38.1 - WJWN
38.2 - WJWN
38.3 - WJWN
38.4 - WJWN
42.1 - WIRS
42.2 - WIRS
42.3 - WIRS
54.1 - WCCV
there are other channels missing that i get with the homerun HD, they're WAPA 4.1, WAPA 4.2, WNJX 4.1, WNJX 4.2. since they share the same channel number, maybe the module is displaying only the strongest one. the MT2 captured and displayed those channels.
2.1 - WKAQ
2.2 - WKAQ
2.3 - CNK
3.1 - WIPM
3.2 - WIPM
3.3 - WIPM
3.4 - WIPM
3.5 - WIPM
3.6 - WIPM
3.7 - WIPM
4.1 - WTIN
4.2 - WTIN
5.1 - WORA
5.2 - WORA
6.1 - WIPR
6.2 - WIPR
6.3 - WIPR
6.4 - WIPR
6.5 - WIPR
6.6 - WIPR
6.7 - WIPR
7.1 - WSTE
9.1 - WSUR
12.1 - WOLE
12.2 - WOLE
12.3 - WOLE
14.1 - WMEI
20.1 - WKPV
20.2 - WKPV
20.3 - WKPV
26.1 - WQTO
26.5 - WKTO
38.1 - WJWN
38.2 - WJWN
38.3 - WJWN
38.4 - WJWN
42.1 - WIRS
42.2 - WIRS
42.3 - WIRS
54.1 - WCCV
there are other channels missing that i get with the homerun HD, they're WAPA 4.1, WAPA 4.2, WNJX 4.1, WNJX 4.2. since they share the same channel number, maybe the module is displaying only the strongest one. the MT2 captured and displayed those channels.