I just sent Karl a PM with a couple of corrections:
Is your last name... "Monitor"?

I just sent Karl a PM with a couple of corrections:
1H/2J install just completed...fresh with 230!
Now I just need to clean up the wiring and hook up the OTA Adapter and play!
These people with fresh installs are getting the update. Is there anyways to reinstall the hopper to force it to update?
With hopper and ota can I record 1 ota and 2 other shows a same time?
TheKrell said:Joe could you expand on your setup some more? I'd like to get two Hoppers w/two OTA dongles, but I have only a single coax running to the Hopper locations. Can we e.g. use an isolator just ahead of each Hopper to dump the MOCA signal, and then use a diplexer ahead of that to get the antenna signal to the dongle, while injecting the antenna signal at client output at the node? Let me make a diagram:
antenna ------------v
DPP antenna --> duo node ---> diplexer --> isolator --> Hopper
v------> dongle -------^
All Hoppers/Joeys would be connected via GigE LAN.
DWS44 said:Actually, 1 OTA and 3 other shows. The Hopper has three tuners!
... don't panic if your subchannels' guide data doesn't populate at first. I hooked it up around 8PM last night, and immediately had guide data for the primary OTA channels, but was a bit bummed to find all the subchannels said either "Digital Service" or "No Info available". This morning, though, I turned it on to find all the subchannels had populated overnight as well!![]()
And some will never fill in and don't worry there, it's not a Hopper problem.
And still no software. I am the proud owner of a very small black brick that I can screw a coax cable into.
rdale said:From what I gather in the rest of this thread, the more often you post this - the more likely Dish is to put your system on the upgrade list!