First Look: Dish Network's DTVPal Digital Converter

Does anyone know a reliable way to get the DTVPal clock to reset itself?

Well, I'm still running my overnight timer test, and I'm optimistic it's going to work this time.

However, I before I turned off the DTVPal, I noticed the DTVPal's clock was 6 minutes slow, so I started looking for a way to get the clock to reset itself without doing a 30-second unplug.

Some people have given indications that they can get the time to update itself, by tuning to a CBS station in one case (although in that case the CBS station was off by an hour), or by turning the DTVPal off and on again. Turning the DTVPal off and on with the remote doesn't reset the clock for me, probably just because, for me, turning the DTVPal back on NO LONGER causes a partial restart with Guide data reloading; see the WCCO post above. And DTVPal may reset the time automatically when it sees a big difference, like an hour, because some people may receive stations from two different time zones, etc. But my six minute difference from the correct time was not enough to trigger any immediate change.

None of the things I tried, including going to Analog Pass Through and back, caused the clock to reset itself.

. . .Until I went into TV Guide mode and back out.

The good news: The clock was now set correctly (within a minute, anyway).
The bad news: The channels set in the timer did their "magical shift" again. This time I had two Mon-Fri timers set, one to channel 11.1 and another to 2.2. The 11.1 timer changed to 17.2 and the 2.2 timer changed to 41.2.

I edited both the timers to channel 2.2 and tried it again (into TV Guide mode and back out).

The clock setting remained correct, and both 2.2 Mon-Fri timers changed to channel 41.2.

I think when the clock is reset or adjusted, that's when weird things happen to the timers. And when a station's PSIP is screwed up, like WCCO (CBS) was in my case, that's what triggers the Guide to be reloaded and the clock to be reset.

So there's a chain of things causing these problems: bad signal/bad PSIP --> reload guide/reset clock --> mess up or erase timers --> timer fails

But, getting back to my question:

Does anyone know a reliable way to get the DTVPal clock to reset itself OTHER than unplugging it? (If you find a "secret" way to manually set the clock, that would be great, too!)
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DTVPal was selling at Ultimate Electronics for $0 after coupon

Once again, proof that DTVPal IS TR-40 and TR-40 IS DTVPal.

Here's the Ultimate Electronics ad: ( link )

Look at bottom of page 3. Click for enlargement.

And it has been reported ( link ) that they actually had some in stock (maybe only 5 per store), and that box read "DTVPal," not "TR-40."

But. . . did the boxes say DISH Network DTVPal (like mine), or Echostar DTVPal, or Sling Media DTVPal?

Probably still DISH for now, but the post did not say.

There are Ultimate Electronics stores in my area (Minneapolis), and poster jjeff who confirmed there were actually some for sale in local stores is also in the Minneapolis area. And I paid over $33 each due to the pressure of expiring coupons. So close and yet so far!

(This post is not an endorsement of the retailer mentioned, which, incidentally, was bankrupt in 2005.)
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OK, not proof

a printing error is not really proof, is it?
You're right, I misspoke. I should have said "evidence," not "proof."

More evidence that the DTVPal IS the TR-40 and the TR-40 IS the DTVPal.

It's at least circumstantial evidence.

Everyone seems to have ignored the strongest evidence in my earlier post that pointed out that the part number for the DTVPal is 159365, which is the part number everybody is looking for for the "Sling Media TR-40."

Looking back on that post, it was kind of silly that I was pointing out the Part # 159365 appeared on the UPS shipping label, because THE PART NUMBER 1593656 IS ALSO IN HUGE 18-POINT TYPE RIGHT ABOVE THE UPC CODE!

So you don't need a box sent by DISH with a UPS label on it. EVERYONE with a DTVPal box with the bar code label that says "MDL DTVPAL FG STAND ALONE RCVR" should be able to confirm that 159365 is the part number for the DTVPal. And many online stores tell us that this is the part number for the Sling Media or TR-40 version of the box. Two items from the same manufacturer with the same part number are essentially the same item!

By the way, pabeader, I sure wish you could tell us everything you know. This is getting to be too much work.
DTVPal turned itself OFF at end of timer! But results are mixed (again!)

I had mixed results from the overnight test. Which is FRUSTRATING, because it means I have to keep doing tests to get a definitive result.

The DTVPal actually turned itself OFF after the duration time expired! This happened once before, but I thought it was a fluke, and, in fact, I wasn't able to reproduce it, so it didn't seem to be worth reporting. (Well, now I'm reporting it, but don't get your hopes up that it will work reliably.)

I set the DTVPal with an 032-minute Mon-Fri timer, 6:59am to 7:31am on channel 2.2 (PBS HD). I set my VCR to record from 6:55 to 7:35, similar to all my recent tests, so I can see what happens before and after the timer.

Anyway, the point is, I can look at the tape to confirm I wasn't imagining things!

The timer also came on WITHOUT THE ON SCREEN COUNTDOWN. (I know this is another thing people have been wishing for, but again, don't get your hopes up that it will work this way on a regular basis.)

I got about 4 minutes of blank tape, 32 minutes of picture, and 4 more minutes of blank tape. So there was no countdown timer on screen AND the picture did not come on 2 minutes early. (AND the DTVPal turned off when the duration was over.)

It worked this way the last time it happened, also.

Unfortunately, it tuned to the wrong channel. It taped 41.2, which, if you'll recall from my earlier post, is the same channel that the DTVPal switched the timers to when I went into TV Guide mode and back out.

I wish I could be 100% sure that I DID change the channel set in the timer back to 2.2 after that last time I went into TV Guide mode. I'm about 95% sure. . . Arrrgh! :mad:

Anyway the timers still show channel 41.2 now. I'm going to investigate this channel changing phenomenon next, now that I know I can force it to happen by going in and out of TV Guide mode.

But, as a final comment on the best scenario for getting a DTVPal timer to do this (to turn on without a countdown, and to turn off again; let's call it On-C+Off):

The DTVPal HAD BEEN turned OFF with the remote, but On-C+Off only seems to happen after the Inactivity Standby time has elapsed. (So the Inactivity Standby 4-hour countdown seems to be continuing after the DTVPal is OFF.) Also, On-C+Off seems to be more likely to happen with an overnight test, perhaps because the IR sensor isn't sensing ANY IR signals to ANY components. In other words, use of any IR remote controls on other components may keep DTVPal from going into this "Deep Off" state, and a full 4 hours of no IR in the room may be necessary for DTVPal to go "Deep Off." So, MAYBE under these conditions, with DTVPal in "Deep Off," it will wake up without the countdown and go off again. (Sometimes. When nothing else screws it up.)

I'd love it if someone could reproduce this. Someone who seems to have no timer problems would make the best tester. I hope that this is an intentional timer feature in the DTVPal, and that it will eventually work reliably.
It was reported that fixing all the bugs requires a full exchange, but if some of the timer things could be fixed remotely, they'd do that, I would think. I wonder why they wouldn't use remote product updates as a selling point, value added.

*cough, pabeader, cough* what might be the indication that an update has happened? Would there be a sys info change?
Caution on ordering DTV Pal from Dish's website.
I tried this yesterday. There was no warning that Dish (or former) subscribers should not order online. After I put in the government coupon information and my credit card data and click on the final button to order, I get a message that as a current Dish subscriber I can not order on line and will have to call Dish. When I call Dish, I am informed that my government coupon has been invalidated when I typed it into the online system even though the order did not go thru! Apparently, it can not be reinstated and I can not get another to replace it.
Dish actually found a new and different way to screw their customers. By the way, the reason we have to call is to hear a little speech by the CSR that told me I didn't really need the DTV Pal since I got the locals via Dish and that Dish could not guarantee it would actually get a digital signal in my area. That little speech cost me $40!
Off-topic message for my friends here

Sorry about this off-topic post.

I was hoping to get a satisfying result from the DTVPal testing. It's worth repeating that a change in PSIP sent by the CBS affilate here has made my DTVPal operate a lot better, but unfortunately there are still issues. (Hmm, can't seem to stay off-topic even when I'm trying :) ) The point was, I wanted to get the DTVPal testing done first and THEN deal with the issue described this post, but I guess it can't wait any longer.

I think headings are good. I think they made my DTVPal review more accessible than some of my other recent long posts without headings, so I'll use some here.

My ban at

I'm taking a break from DTVPal testing to straighten out this business about being banned at It's always been a matter of curiosity, as much as anything, as to why I was banned with the false accusation of having "Multiple user ID's."

The problem is how to approach making an inquiry about this, because there are two very different possibilities for why I was banned.

Is my ISP the problem?

One possibility involves my ISP. I'm using the relatively new Wireless Minneapolis Wi-Fi network. I actually registered at in April using dial-up while I was waiting for this citywide Wi-Fi network to be built. It was originally scheduled to be finished in November 2007, but I wasn't able to start using it until May 1, 2008.

The ISP is, which is the new Wi-Fi division of They dynamically assign IP addresses. For now, there isn't even an option to get a static IP address.

Anyway, since the network is new and still under construction, I thought that maybe some mix up in doling out IP addresses meant that another avsforum member and I could have logged on using the same IP address at some point.

If that's the case, it's an innocent mistake due to confusion about a new ISP, and I hope the other guy in Minneapolis didn't get banned as well.

Was my choice of user ID the problem?

The only other possibility I can think of is that it's all about the user ID I chose. I selected rrrrrrobert, perhaps a bit impulsively. For those that don't know, there is or was a guy at avsforum with the user ID rrrrrroger that caused quite a ruckus because he was adamant that DTV was badly designed and that he could have done a better job. He lived in a rural area and had a mostly legitimate complaint that he could receive a lot of channels via analog, even if some were weak and snowy, but not nearly as many digitally. He did go on and on about it, and maybe he still does, but I haven't seen a post by him lately. (He may have no interest in the DTVPal?) I found rrrrrroger's rants, and especially the responses to them, amusing enough that I thought I'd get in on the fun, subtly, with my choice of user ID. I didn't intend to do parodies of rrrrrroger's rants or anything. I HAD put together a signature based on his, but it was accurate info about my own reception situation, and I hadn't displayed it yet on the posts I made.

And Robert is my REAL NAME, so I thought rrrrrrobert would still work fine after the digital transition was past and rrrrrroger's rants were long forgotten.

I seemed to recall a few cases where moderator Ken H was getting really irritated with rrrrrroger, so I googled them up and found the ones I remembered. I won't link to them here, because it would probably just lead to pointless speculation about their meaning (probably by yours truly), but I'm hoping that anger at rrrrrroger didn't rub off on me simply due to an unfortunate choice of user ID.

Timeline of the Ban

I had read avsforum occasionally many times, but didn't begin visiting it fairly regularly until I became aware of the $40 government coupon program. I felt like I knew some of the members quite well from reading so many posts, even though I was just a "lurker" at that point. I came to respect the knowledge and common sense of Rammitinski and the extensive fact collection work of Malouff, for example. I was always glad to see the broadcast industry perspective from bdfox18doe. I was amused by the, let's say, "persistence" of not only rrrrrroger, but Lexus1208 and Dagger666. I even recognized a name, "narkspud" that I knew from another, unrelated, forum (; revisiting there I see a link for "Secret Agent Man Radio." Interesting. But not suspicious. ;) )

After lurking for a couple of months, I registered at on April 24, 2008. (At least, I noted that date when I wrote down my password.)

I finally felt compelled to make a couple of posts on May 18, 2008. ( link 1a, link 1b, link 2 ).

I was pretty busy at that time, and didn't check back until a week or so later. I clicked on an attachment to someone's post, and that's when I found out I had been banned:
vBulletin Message
You have been banned for the following reason:
Multiple user ID's.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
Gotta love that "Never"! :confused:
I still get that message today (if I'm logged in).

I was aware of options I could try, such as deleting cookies and trying to register again. But in that case, I would actually be guilty of what I was falsely accused of, having multiple user IDs. I decided to just let it go and return to lurking.

Telling others about my ban

Eventually Scott's DTVPal review at the start of this thread led me to register here at

On June 17, 2008, I got my first private message (PM) here from partsman_ba. He said:
partsman_ba said:
Your summary post is the best, most concise piece of writing I've seen in this thread. I encourage you to keep it updated so we can refer anyone too time-pressed to read this whole thread.

Maybe you should change your sub-heading from "Junior Member" to something like "Crap Cutter!" :D
I responded
Thanks! And thanks for linking to it over at avsforum.

I would've posted it at avsforum myself, but. . .
and told him the story.

A similar thing happened later with Malouff, but they were the only people I told. I told them they could quote my PMs at avsforum if they wanted to, because I was curious enough to want a true explanation of why I was banned. (Because of the ban, I couldn't PM an avsforum moderator, for example, to ask what was going on.)

partsman_ba and Malouff have been almost more interested in getting me reinstated at avsforum than I was myself, although there have been several times I wanted to comment on something and couldn't.

I was surprised to see a fan club was almost forming at one point! Talking Rat joined (or maybe founded it?).

I appreciate their efforts, and now I want to make an effort of my own so that their work was not in vain.

I was never given an explanation for the ban

partsman_ba and Malouff were both eventually told that someone else's account couldn't be discussed, but Malouff was told recently by moderator Ken H that there was a "legitimate" reason for my ban. I'm skeptical! The multiple user IDs reason is NOT a legitimate reason; if there is a different legitimate reason, it's not the one I've been given. Saying there was a "legitimate reason" for my ban almost seems like slander from where I'm sitting (which ironically demonstrates the danger in skirting your own privacy rules).

I understand why they can't tell partsman_ba and Malouff any details due to the forum privacy rules, but I don't see why they can't tell me. They have my email address, of course.

It seems to me that if you ban someone, you can at least inform them of the real reason why. I was only "given" a reason by the automated message from the vBulletin system. I received no email. If I was sent a PM, I was banned before I was allowed to read it. (In my banned state, I can't even see if I have any private messages or not.)

I guess I have to do the asking myself. It was hard to for a banned user to find, but I eventually discovered this Contact Us page: ( link ) So that's where I am now, ready to make contact.

You can help me out with a little more information

The problem I'm having now is I don't know how to approach this. If it's just an ISP error, I can just make a simple appeal for the situation to be corrected. But if someone at avsforum has ill feelings toward rrrrrroger that have rubbed off on me somehow, I need a completely different approach.

Because of the ban, I am unable to do a member search at avsforum. Malouff once tried to search for me and found I was banished from search results as well (even though my posts are still there; see links above). I wonder if the same is true of rrrrrroger. I haven't seen a post from him in a long time, but I've been mostly sticking only to the DTVPal-related forums at avsforum since my ban, so I may have missed him. Could some one do a member search on him and see on what date his posts stopped, if indeed they have stopped?

Please post what you find in this thread; I'm having trouble keeping my PM box from filling up, and I don't think the satelliteguys will mind another post or two regarding this "drama." We should be able to get back on topic quickly.

What I'll do next

I will use your info about rrrrrroger to decide what approach I should take in making an inquiry through the Contact Us form -- whether I will ask for technical details of the ban, or ask for a true reason for the ban -- and whether I will ask to be reinstated as rrrrrrobert, or ask to be allowed to make a 2nd registration with a different user ID.

Correction: I said above that partsman_ba and Malouff were the only people I told about my ban, but I recall now that later (2 weeks or more later, I think, after it seemed to be common knowledge) that I did mention it, in passing, in a public post or two, and I also mentioned it to one other person in a PM.
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and maybe through all this you might decide to discontinue use of a site that has treated you so poorly, in favor of a much better site...

(discontinue use - not quite what i'm looking for there but it will have to do.)
I am informed that my government coupon has been invalidated when I typed it into the online system even though the order did not go thru! Apparently, it can not be reinstated and I can not get another to replace it.

That is unacceptable. You should report them to the government. They are probably going to get their $40. You owe it to yourself and all of the other taxpayers to report this and make sure Dish doesn't get away with it.
not sure if this will work, but I asked for list of rrrrrroger's posts and got this, which suggests 5/16/08 as the last post. Suspicious. :rolleyes:

AVS Forum

You pop on two days later as rrrrrrobert (I'm not checking to see if I have all the r's) with subtitle "not rrrrrrroger" --- and my best guess is that Ken -- who had already had enough of roger to lose his professional approach and went in and changed a couple posts so rrrrroger was calling 'himself' a few derogatory terms -- anyway, I think Ken assumed it was roger again, protesting he was not.

That dynamic address can cause havoc with mods, not to mention security. AOL is a bad one. With another board I'm on, when the board is down, AOL lets members have access to cached pages of those with similar addresses, which has given a few people access to private profiles of others.
Suspicious, indeed.

Thanks for that, TalkingRat.

As you suspected, that link you provided doesn't work for me.
"You have been banned. . ." blah, blah, blah.

So it is looking like a combination of a bad user ID choice AND bad timing.

If rrrrrroger was banned just 2 days before my first post, it really would have looked like I was him. (Although remember, I had registered 3 weeks earlier, in April.)

One "legitimate" reason for preventing me from using the user ID rrrrrrobert actually would have been to avoid antagonizing rrrrrroger. Avsforum might not have wanted to further tick off a guy who had just been banned by letting someone else use a similar name. But if that was the reason, they could have simply asked me to register with a different user ID. As I said, I was never contacted. And that doesn't fit with the "multiple user IDs" thing I am accused of.

By now it should be easy for them to confirm that I am not rrrrrroger and that a mistake was made. Assuming this all comes down to Ken H, is he incapable of admitting he made a mistake? He doesn't have to admit that banning rrrrrroger was a mistake. There may have indeed been a legitimate reason there. I just don't see how my ban is legitimate.

And since you point out that the dynamic IP could still be a factor, I still can't be sure I'm taking the right approach in what I say to avsforum.

I can't cut and paste the whole story above. I don't think any forum support person and/or moderator wants to sort through a message that big.

And, regardless, I don't think I should have to beg to be allowed back on the forum when it wasn't my fault.

I guess I'll assume that THEY assumed I was rrrrrroger, explain that I'm not, link to the post above, and ask for their suggestions for what I should do.

I could also just delete avsforum cookies again and try re-registering, but it's against my principles to knowingly violate forum rules by having multiple user IDs, even IF I have already been falsely accused of doing the same thing.

and maybe through all this you might decide to discontinue use of a site that has treated you so poorly, in favor of a much better site...

You have a point there, but I think at least Malouff and partsman_ba (is he on a 2-week vacation or something?) and TalkingRat would like me to have access to avsforum.

I do like it here, and will remain "loyal," but it's kind of an odd place to be posting, because I'm not sure I'll ever have satellite service. . . Unless DISH hires me as a paid equipment tester or something :)
One timer mystery solved!

Well, I've figured out WHAT is happening when timers are mysteriously deleted or the channel number is changed in a timer. It is all connected to the same bug. WHY this programming bug ever got into the DTVPal in the first place may be a question that only a DISH engineer can answer.

This bug happens when the DTVPal does one of those "unnecessary" reloads of Guide data. This had been happening almost every time I turned the DTVPal on during the period when CBS affiliate WCCO was not sending PSIP data (see earlier post). When WCCO started sending good PSIP, this became a much less frequent occurrence.

Then, while trying to find a way to force the DTVPal to reset its clock when it was set incorrectly, I found I could force these same timer errors to happen. It's done by switching into TV Guide mode and then back (2 reboots). The 2nd reboot back into "normal" mode also forces Guide data to reload, and the timer error happens during this process. (By the way, I found this was also successful in resetting the DTVPal clock, but unplugging the DTVPal for 15-30 seconds is probably preferable to waiting through two reboots, unless your DTVPal and its power cord are hard to reach.)

The tables in the following image sum up what happens, but continue reading below for a more complete explanation of the meaning of the data shown.


A little background information: When the DTVPal builds its channel list, it creates a hidden "channel index number" (different than the displayed channel numbers in the 000-00 format) for each subchannel it adds. If you have electronics or programming experience, you will recognize this concept as being an "index" into an "array"; the index used in the DTVPal software is like a row number in a spreadsheet of subchannel information. The first subchannel gets the index "0" (not 1), but from then on it counts up normally. In my case, I had 24 subchannels, so they are numbered or "indexed" from 0 to 23. To make this index distinct from actual subchannel numbers (in the formats 000-00 or 0.0), I'm using 4 digits from here on, meaning I will show these indexes as "0000" through "0023."

What happens is these channel indexes are getting multiplied by 2, or in binary terms, a bit shift to the left. If you're not familiar with binary numbers and bit shifting, a bit shifting error is like getting the decimal place wrong. For example, if you use the value 130 when you wanted 13, that's like shifting 13 to the left and adding a 0. But binary is only 1s and 0s -- for example, 13 = 1101; a shift to the left gives 26 = 11010, so the effect is to multiply by 2, instead of by 10. (0-1 is 2 digits, 0-9 is 10 digits. See how that works?)

Anyway, when the index is multiplied by 2, two different things can happen. The altered index may still be a subchannel in the channel list, and the timer gets altered. Or, the altered index may be too large and not refer to any subchannel anymore (a "blank row" in the channel list "spreadsheet"), in which case the timer will be deleted.

For example, in my case, where the maximum index is 0023, indexes of 0001 through 0011 (this looks like binary, but I mean regular decimal 1 through 11 here), will become 0002 through 0022, which still belong to subchannels in the channel list. Indexes of 0012 through 0023 become 0024 through 0046, which are "out-of-range." Index 0000 is a special case. Since 0000 x 2 is still 0000, a timer set to this subchannel will not be altered or deleted by this timer bug.

I think DISH should hire me to debug their stuff. I could actually use the work right now.
Now that is what I call an analysis. Knowing what I know about computer programming, this sounds very plausable. Not sure how the Pal 'does it's thing' but I bet this line of thinking will surely lead somewhere.

this is going to drive me crazy, I'm trying to envision the code that runs this part of the Pal, and what could be going wrong to cause this 'bit shift' I wonder if there was a compiler error? Or maybe, a glitch in the algorithm that complies for 'size' versus 'speed'. I've seen more of those then you could shake a stick at.

(staring off into space, thinking about indexed arrays and assembly language...)

maybe not bit shifted, but more like incremented by 2 instead of 1...

looking at before and after tables of "HDTV/VCR Pal" what if you were copying from Old table to New table. But the increment was 2 instead of 1? Does that fit?

It isn't the timer that is actually messed up. It's the "channel name" that is associateed with the timer maybe. That seems to fit. Think of two linked tables. The timer table has a link to the channel table. During a rescan, the channel table goes through a change that the timer table is not tracking correctly. You aren't loosing timers, your loosing/shifting the channel that is associated with the timer. When you run out of channels you are in effect, "deleteing the timer"

DUH! I guess it was too early in the morning for me when I started this. You actualy said that already... well almost anyway.

I really think it's more a problem with the channel table rather then the timer table. I bet if we check, the timers are still in there. Just no way to get to them anymore... Kinda like when you delete a file on your hard drive. It's still there, you just can't get to it in the regular way.

Holy Cr@p!! I didn't realize that the shift you are seeing is repeated each rescan. I had know idea that what you were showing us was the labor of 20!! reboots. I thought it was all from one!! No wonder my ideas were not more on the mark.
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Message to avsforum has been sent

I've sent the message to avsforum.

. . .Oh, what the heck, I'll repeat it here:

I selected "Registration Problem" as the subject on the submission form

In late April 2008, I registered at avsforum after visiting regularly for two months, and "off and on" over a much longer period.

I used the ID rrrrrrobert (Robert is my real name), which I thought would be amusing due to the antics of your member rrrrrroger and those who constantly had to correct him. I didn't intend to mock rrrrrroger; it was just a somewhat impulsive choice for an ID.

My only two posts were made on June 18, 2008. I didn't get around to visiting again for about a week, but when I did I found I was banned, supposedly for having multiple user IDs. (Not true.)

I had no way of knowing at the time that rrrrrroger had just stopped posting two days earlier, but someone who is a member recently searched for me and determined this. I am assuming that he was banned, and that I was assumed to be him, trying to get back on the forum. So it was a coincidence of bad timing, and perhaps a bad user ID choice.

I will understand if you do not want to let me use the user ID rrrrrrobert, but as things stand I cannot use another ID either. I have not tried registering with another ID, because it is against my principles to violate a known rule on a forum, and I am painfully aware that "multiple user IDs" are prohibited.

More details are available here:

If you could advise me on what should be done to correct the situation, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

Oops, just noticed one of those dreaded typos. Said June 18, meant May 18. Oh, well.
Correction has also been sent:
Correction: The previous version of this message said I posted messages on June 18, 2008. I have corrected that to May 18. That is the only change. Sorry about the error.
. . .rrrrrroger would never say "Sorry about the error"! That should be all the evidence they need! :D
please watch thread post 496 as I think this through. Anybody have other thoughts??

A guy- here is a question... after the 'shift' does 23.1 have the timer settings from 29.2? I seem to remember from previous posts, that it does.

hope things get straightened out over at the other place.. :) I can't even go there from here at work... :(
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I was afraid a profile search result wouldn't be visible to non-members. You could probably use the site search function on rrrrroger, not that it would make much difference.

I am a forum member where people show up after being banned. Usually it's obvious even if they plant false clues. Writing style, or threads that interest them, or the way they interact with others reveals them for who they are. One poster came back, registered some names one character off from the names of disliked people, and then posted mean things to make others think it was the disliked person saying them. That's my main sensitivity to look-alike names.

Wishing you luck with your AVS reinstatement.

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