First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

Please reply by conversation. has some nice Cisco Catalyst switches that offer PoE, just to show that it's become mainstream and not someones duct-tape and bailing wire solution.

For Internet or data communications look at these links for some interesting news: Cinergy starts to offer high-speed broadband over powerlines. Edison Electric Institue perspective. Voice over IP trial using powerlines news.

In anycase, using it like a data network can work. It's different than the X-10 wall stuff you'd see in Radio Shack, so don't discount this in the longer run.

I think the complaint is that each vendor is looking at a different approach and not "inter-connect" so that you can have your Tivo in one room communicating with your Dish DVR.
:yes Maybe someone can marke an adapter that communicates in all the vendors methods and allow the interconnections. I can dream right?
GaryPen said:
I don't know why you so often feel the need to argue with me, when in actuality, you agree with my position.

I argue with you becuse it is fun ;) and that my opinion differs from yours in the details not the general concept. Actually I don't consider it argueing but disagree with some of the details of your argument.

When you talked about TIVO and other DVR sharing mechnisms compared to Dish's method you eluded to that different DVR technologies can share files between each other. From what I know, that tends not to be the case.

The competition my all use Ethernet as a transport medium but if they can't communicate with other technologies I don't see the benefit of Ethernet over AC comm. Actually from this point, AC is a better medium because the communication means is in ever home and would be simplier to deploy to Joe Six pack. The reason I feel AC comm is a bad idea is the problems that AC comm can have. Dirty lines etc. Also I can see issues with going through APCs and power conditionars which some homes have. (Mine for one)

GaryPen said:
In this case, you are agreeing that there is an industry home media communication standard, and that Dish is not utiliizing it. It really doesn't matter what their rationale is. They made the wrong decision.

Actually I am not agreeing it is a standard. Standards usually have a standard body of which there is specifications written that everyone adheres to. Maybe there is a standard both that Tivo, Reply, DirecTV, Microsoft, etc are a part of but I am not aware of one. To me just having ethernet does not make it standards base. To be standards based there has to be RFCs or some other form of documents behind it.

I agree Ethernet is a good choice here and maybe a defacto standard as a transport mechanism, but I would not go as far as to say it is a industry home media communication standard. To me communication is more than just the physical layer.

Though I agree with you that this might be the wrong decision, I have an idea of why they made this choice. And those reasons from their perspective make sense. However, I think they are going to run into a lot of use cases where this technology will not work.
All of the current Home Media networking solutions use ethernet and 811.b/g as transport medium.
They also ALL will transfer media files such as MP3, MPG, JPG, etc between the unit and a Windows PC using those standard media file formats, and maybe more.
These different units may not be able to talk to each other, or maybe they can, I do not know. But, if Dish's solution cannot talk to my PC, and play files that reside on that PC, or transfer programming to another Dish DVR via the Internet, then it is a proprietary system, inferior to any of the competing home media solutions currently on the market.
There maybe no answer to this as yet but I'll ask anyway

The 811 OTA tuner has trouble with "multi path" digital signals. Are the OTA tuners on the 921 and 942 the same tuner as the 811?

I am a long time Dish Customer and I am wondering when the 924 will be out? THis is very frustrating having a HDTV and not being able to record it.

Mark :)
Nolzman said:
...If the 942 does not have 2 OTA tuners, then I am off to Direct and good ridance. How can they make such a boneheaded design decision. Most of the best HD material is on the networks (off the air). There will many times when a scheduling conflict will cause the user to have to decide which show to record...

Not that I necessarily disagree with you, but what good is having two OTA tuners for HD conflicts, since the 942 will supposedly only output HD to TV1. If TV2 is SD only, then you would only be able to record one show in HD at a time...not two HD shows simultaneously as you mention above. Am I missing something?

On a totally seperate thought...I have a hard time getting excited over the 942, simply because I feel it will be a longshot that I could actually GET one! I have tried several times to just lease a second 811 since I signed up for the DHA, and Dish just plain won't let me have one w/o purchasing for full price. They won;t even let me trade the 322 I have leased for one. If I can't even get an 811, I doubt there is a snowball's chance in you know where that they would let me have a 942...and if the 811 is $400, then you know the 942 will be more $$$ than that...which is more than I can afford to chunk out on a receiver. Doesn't paint a very optimistic picture for me.

Maybe the new subscribers will enjoy it. :rolleyes:
DWS44 said:
Maybe the new subscribers will enjoy it. :rolleyes:

Not even the new subscribers will get a break on the 942. They didn't get one on the 921. This is considered a "nicety" receiver and anyone who wants one will have to pay pretty much the full price. :)
If it's going to have two OTA tuners, then it will, quite possibly, have twice the problems that the 921 currently has with just the one OTA. Perhaps the redeeming factor is that it is developed by different software engineers, right?
Having quietly watched the trials of the parent boxes in customer's hands, it seems to me the 'twice the problems' is a reasonable guess. Given that the respective software products appear not entirely capable of handling either parent box, it strikes me that double the trouble is likely. This is disheartening to me, having eagerly anticipated the 921 last summer and fall. Now here I am again awaiting news of the 942. The $835 921 special buy brings me to the cusp of buying, but then where would one go for eager anticipation?

I still wonder why Scott months ago commented to the effect that the 942 seemed a (stripped, cheapened, poor-man's?) 921.
bbriggs said:
Having quietly watched the trials of the parent boxes in customer's hands, it seems to me the 'twice the problems' is a reasonable guess. Given that the respective software products appear not entirely capable of handling either parent box, it strikes me that double the trouble is likely. This is disheartening to me, having eagerly anticipated the 921 last summer and fall. Now here I am again awaiting news of the 942. The $835 921 special buy brings me to the cusp of buying, but then where would one go for eager anticipation?

I still wonder why Scott months ago commented to the effect that the 942 seemed a (stripped, cheapened, poor-man's?) 921.

Hmmm. Special buy on the 921? where did you see this. Hmm I don't recall Scottl commenting on the 942 as a poor-man's 921. Based on the specs I have see I don't see why this to the case. I also remember some people calling the 811 a poor man's version of the 6000.

I am actually waiting to see what the 942 is about. I might be tempted at a 835 price, but I am still reluctent given some of the reports I have seen. Have not been following its progress, but I do questioned its life span.

Scott, Do you recall your comments on this and why you felt this way?
The special buy is noted in the dish store support forum, order probably went out today. It is/was $839, I slipped up on that.

I distinctly remember Scott saying something about how the 942 seemed inferior to 921, but I'm not finding that quote. It struck me as odd because the 921 major features all seem to be there, plus the newer chipset in the 942 evidently allow SD and HD simultaneous output. Still, my brain is not as young as it used to be and I do not wish to offend Scott; I may have slipped up on that too. I do see that he commented it (942) being based on 522 could result in a 'robust' system. I hope so.

If you've looked over at the other site, it appears that the 921 is pretty stable now and (intimated by Mark) the new not-yet-released software is quite good.

I'm worried about the life-span too, but the 721 is serving me well now even after its production demise. A 921 might do that too.
Found where Scott commented on perceived inferiority of the 942:

Quote 'The 942 is NOT better, infact I consider it a step down.' in response to a querry regarding upgrading from 921 on July 28 this year.

That comment has haunted me since then.
bbriggs said:
Found where Scott commented on perceived inferiority of the 942:

Quote 'The 942 is NOT better, infact I consider it a step down.' in response to a querry regarding upgrading from 921 on July 28 this year.

That comment has haunted me since then.
I recall the quote also. Concerning the chip for the 942 that is to make the PIP work for HD. I think that every 921 should be recalled and the chip replaced along with the OTA tuner so it will function better, and for our satisfaction. The aesthetic look of the 942 is quite appealing but I just wonder if the interior will be inferior?
bbriggs said:
Found where Scott commented on perceived inferiority of the 942:

Quote 'The 942 is NOT better, infact I consider it a step down.' in response to a querry regarding upgrading from 921 on July 28 this year.

That comment has haunted me since then.
The reason for Scotts comment (and I agree) is that the current plans for the 942 are to have only ONE OTA tuner when it would be better if it had two.
n0qcu said:
The reason for Scotts comment (and I agree) is that the current plans for the 942 are to have only ONE OTA tuner when it would be better if it had two.

Sure two would be better, but 921 only has one OTA - and seemingly not a particularly good one at that.
The problem with the 942 and only having one OTA tuner is the fact that the unit outputs to two tvs.

If you want to watch OTA in your bedroom and someones already watching it in the living room you are SOL and can't watch OTA until the person in the living room stops watching the OTA tuner.

Also remember that there is a VERY GOOD chance that the 942 will not be sold, instead what I am told they are planning to do now is offer the unit as a lease only receiver.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The problem with the 942 and only having one OTA tuner is the fact that the unit outputs to two tvs.

If you want to watch OTA in your bedroom and someones already watching it in the living room you are SOL and can't watch OTA until the person in the living room stops watching the OTA tuner.

Also remember that there is a VERY GOOD chance that the 942 will not be sold, instead what I am told they are planning to do now is offer the unit as a lease only receiver.


If the 942 offers a single mode like the 522 then I have a hard time thinking the 942 is a step down. Maybe a sideway step depending on what the internals in the 942 are compared to the 921. As to the OTA issue you speak of.. That is most definitely an issue, but that would not make me think it is a step down from the 921.

The biggest point is that the 942 might only be a lease only purchase. This to me is not appealing. I hope that you can buy the 942 and I really hope that Dish rethinks the VOD and makes it per account instead of per receiver.

Well I respect your opinion and it will make the buying decision between a 942 and 921 tough. Then again, maybe D* will have JapanTV buy then and I will have another option to throw into the fire. Yikes!!!!!!
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