The connections include a Antenna / Cable In Port, an stereo agile tuner output as well as composite video and audio outputs for tuner 2.
The Tuner 1 outputs include component Y/Pr/Pb outputs, analog audio, Digital Audio output and a DVI output.
The unit also has 2 Satellite Inputs which are DishPro plus compatable, a USB 2.0 port and a phone jack.
The big problem I have with the 942 is that the unit only has one over the air tuner. This means both TV's can not watch seperate over the air broadcasts at the same time, if someone tries to watch the Over the Air tuner and its in use they will get an error message telling them the tuner is in use.
It is sure disappointing that this unit won't have two OTA tuners, but I can live with that. What disappoint me the most is the lack of a S-Video output and a HDMI output. HDTVs are now coming with HDMI inputs, not DVI, what's the point in staying behind?
Other than that, I can't wait this unit gets out. I am too optimistic in thinking they could change their mind and easily come with an HDMI output instead of the DVI one without delaying the unit? Just need to change a chip or something!?!?
It would also be great if this unit could come in choice of black or silver!