Still no HD for me :-(
As a former Voomer, I have been waiting to find out about the new MPEG4 rollouts from D* and E* before I plunk down anymore $$$ for HDTV.
I currently use my VOOM boat anchor...i mean STB

to receive my local OTA HDTV channels.
I, too, am in a Charter "dead zone" with no HDTV or even SD DVR offered for that matter. !protest !protest !protest
My wife has been begging for her Food Network back and others.
I stayed home from work for a couple of days sick and had to watch OTA during the day. OMG soaps in HD...woohoo!!!.....
NOT!!! Oh and then every 5 minutes there's the personal injury lowlifes and the feminine hygeine commercials.
Well, looky here...I came across a new promo from Charter:
Get Charter's Biggest Value Package, including HBO®, Cinemax®, and the STARZ! SuperPak® for only $39.99 a month for 6 months!
I am all over that!
Hopefully by the end of the 6 months, D* & E* will have the mpeg4 mess straightened out and I can jump back into the foray. Hell, maybe I can even find an mpeg4 E* STB on ebay and get the HD only pack from E*.
The moral of the story: Just like back in the high school days, I can drive a POS for 6 months until the new models come out.