Why is it being changed?
It was being moved because HDMM couldnt make it. Also, we were moving it to later in the preseason to see if there were any injury's that might evolve with picks, otherwise im good to go to do it tonight!

Why is it being changed?
My last email says this:Ok, so the latest email has the draft being this Thursday, August 27th at 8pm EST. Is this correct?
My last email says this:
The draft settings for your Satelliteguys.us Fantasy League league have been updated:
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 8:00 PM ET
Time Per Pick: 30 Seconds
Just checked on our league page on ESPN and it says 8/30 there....I got that one too, but then 2 more after that. Apparently there's 3 email's going around.
Set it straight commish. Make the call.....
*Guys, I am going to have to bow out of the league this year now that the draft date has been moved to Sunday August 30th. I have a live draft that afternoon and the 30th is also my Birthday, so I'm going out that night and won't be home or near a computer all day.
No hard feelings. Maybe next year. If you need to find a replacement, I advise doing so ASAP....
I feel bad because I'm the one who wanted the change in the first place....There's still 2+ weeks until kickoff. I wonder if there is a way to get a date agreeable for all.....We did it for baseball. My birthday is 8/31, so that night probably is a no-go....anything else is fine.
We have to pick a date/time and stick with it. It's hard, if not impossible to find a time that's good for all....
And PS, holy Sh**, your B-Day is 1 day later than mine?! Small world, eh Sky?!
Very weird! How old are you? I'll be turning 30 on the 31st.
Please keep it 8/30. I've already moved something to accomodate this.....Yea the 30th seems to work for everyone, If anyone cant atttend please pm me with your picks with a 1st choice, 2nd choice and 3rd choice for each slot,and we can choose your picks based on availability and choice. Let me know.