I just upgraded my HR44 to the HR54. Is it possible to add an external hard drive to it so as to have even more storage space on my DVR?
This I know. I just thought if I put a larger drive in than is already there that it'd gain me more space. Is that the only way i can connect a larger drive, the eSATA port? I figured maybe I just hook one into one of the USB ports on the unit.but remember an external drive REPLACES the internal drive, it does not add to the storage.
Even if you do it, the external drive doesn't add to its space, it overrides the internal drive. And since an external drive costs more than an internal drive it doesn't make much sense to do it that way.
So IMHO whether or not you get one without the eSATA port if you want more space the easiest solution would be to swap out the hard drive in it. Keep the old one so you can swap it back if/when you have to return it to Directv.
People will warn "oh no you can't open it up that violates the terms of service!!!" but I have been on this forum and dbstalk for years and have heard of exactly ZERO people ever getting in trouble over this. Not saying it has never happened because we can't know for sure one way or the other, but if it does happen it must be pretty rare if it has never happened to anyone who later posted about it on the internet.
Until the hard drive just dies, out of the blue .... it happens, that why I tell people to NOT put really Important stuff on a HDthats what i did. i use a samsung evo ssd in mine. works like a charm. over the weekend i pulled the drive to evaluate its smart data. looks like the ssd will outlive the 54 its in and possibly the next 2 units. in theory, i should get around 13 years of service with my current viewing. but even if its 5 years, its still a worthy upgrade.
Until the hard drive just dies, out of the blue .... it happens, that why I tell people to NOT put really Important stuff on a HD