External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

I have the 750Gig version of these and they work great. They do spin down but they have the smarts (unlike Seagate) to not tell the receiver they did. So the receiver will just wait for the spinup before it continues.
I have a 750GB MyBook and it spins up, but the ViP622 doesn't wait for it. It will tell me how much space is left, but it won't list any programming.
Funny, when I access the My Media folder my 622 just sits there until the drive spins up and then I get the entire show catalog on it.

After it spins up, do you have to re-access the directory to see the shows? If so, then that's not the way mine works. We may have to compare WD model numbers to see if they are different. I just buy the normal My Book Essential version as it doesn't come with the backup software because I know I'm just going to blow it away anyway. I always thought the Essential version was the same as the home edition but without software. Maybe there are other differences as well?
Twice now in the last 2 months, my 622 DVR has stopped recognizing the programming on my external hard drive and says that I have to reformat it again. I did try the reboot but no luck. Anything else that can be done to get the DVR to recognize the programming again?

As Paradox suggested, you might be able to run disk recovery on a Linux PC and get the programming back.

BUT, if it's happened 2x in 2 months, it's going to happen again. Some drives just don't get alone well with the 622. You could try a different cable or Power Brick, but you once you get your programming off, I'd suggest relegating this drive to PC use.
Next time call dish and have them send a re-hit to the receiver for the EHD.

It appears that occasionally the receiver "forgets" the recognition code for it's EHD, often a re-hit restores that relationship.
So I go to access my external hard drive via my 622 and get the following message:

The attached usb storage device needs to be reformatted to support DISH Network functionality. All existing data on the device will be erased. Do you want to continue?

I tried disconnecting the drive and reconnecting. I also tried rebooting the Dish receiver. I guess this means I am screwed and will lose all my recordings on the external drive? I have had no previous issues.
run linux e2fsck

So I go to access my external hard drive via my 622 and get the following message:

The attached usb storage device needs to be reformatted to support DISH Network functionality. All existing data on the device will be erased. Do you want to continue?

Assuming the drive is spinning and not making and scary noises...

You could call dish and ask for a rehit.

Then, go read about using a Linux Boot CD to run scan disk:

211k. Seagate Showcase 500 gb external hard drive. Worked great at first. Now, receiver won't recognize it. I have rebooted and/or unplugged it. Then it would recognize it for maybe a day. Also have unplugged USB cable and when I plugged it back in, receiver recognized it.

NOW, nothing works to recognize it. Dish chat says there are known problems but offers no solution.

We have Fringe and Fast Forward recorded on hard drive because the 622 is already recording Bones and CSI.

I guess I ain't gonna be a happy camper because the wife ain't gonna be happy!!! (:
211k. Seagate Showcase 500 gb external hard drive. Worked great at first. Now, receiver won't recognize it. I have rebooted and/or unplugged it. Then it would recognize it for maybe a day. Also have unplugged USB cable and when I plugged it back in, receiver recognized it.

NOW, nothing works to recognize it. Dish chat says there are known problems but offers no solution.

We have Fringe and Fast Forward recorded on hard drive because the 622 is already recording Bones and CSI.

I guess I ain't gonna be a happy camper because the wife ain't gonna be happy!!! (:

I'd guess that your EHD is going bad, or it's internal circuitry is fouled.
211k. Seagate Showcase 500 gb external hard drive. Worked great at first. Now, receiver won't recognize it. I have rebooted and/or unplugged it. Then it would recognize it for maybe a day. Also have unplugged USB cable and when I plugged it back in, receiver recognized it.

NOW, nothing works to recognize it. Dish chat says there are known problems but offers no solution.

We have Fringe and Fast Forward recorded on hard drive because the 622 is already recording Bones and CSI.

I guess I ain't gonna be a happy camper because the wife ain't gonna be happy!!! (:
Read back a few posts about possible recovery techniques.
Record Directly to EHD?

I just installed a WD 1TB Elements EHD to one of my 622's and the setup and activation went smoothly. I did a search on recording directly to the EHD but I didn't get any hits. I probably didn't enter the correct search criteria. Anyway, is it possible to record directly to the EHD? Thanks.
External Hard Drive not Recognized

211k. Seagate Showcase 500 gb external hard drive. Worked great at first. Now, receiver won't recognize it. I have rebooted and/or unplugged it. Then it would recognize it for maybe a day. Also have unplugged USB cable and when I plugged it back in, receiver recognized it.

NOW, nothing works to recognize it. Dish chat says there are known problems but offers no solution.


I've got the exact situation with my 1TB Seagate Showcase. Supposedly, engineering is working on this "known bug" but won't know anything about a fix until new software is released. After the first VIP722 DVR stopped recognizing it, I tried our 2nd VIP722 DVR. Again, the external hard drive is recognized and all recordings are intact, but recognition is lost every night. This seems to be related to the nightly updates.

What is particularly upsetting (besides my wife's anger) is the fact the Dish Network specifically recommended the Seagate Showcase for use with the VIP 722 DVR.
My Bug: Every now and then my drive does not show in My Media.To get it to show up, I have to power down the drive.
I am using a Western Didgital 250gb hard drive in an aftermarket external usb case, by Maddog, pluged into a 722 DVR. I was thinking that this was a problem with the EDH Case, and was ok with it. Until the last two times this happened, I also lost network conectivity and I had to reset the box to get both, ethernet and usb back.
I just installed and transfered programs to a WD My Book Essentials EHD. I do not plan to tranfer either way any programs for several days. Can I power down (unplug) the EHD?
I just installed and transfered programs to a WD My Book Essentials EHD. I do not plan to tranfer either way any programs for several days. Can I power down (unplug) the EHD?
Yes. Like myself, you're essentially using your EHD for archival purposes as opposed to true extension of your DVR. From a purely economical / green point of view it makes sense to unplug it. I do it all the time and have no problems.
Has anyone been able to make a mirror copy of their entire EHD using some flavor of Linux?

Why I'm asking: I have one particular EHD that has 130 programs on it (it's a 750gb drive) with about 88gb of free space left on it. It has developed the odd habit of losing the most recent program (albiet a movie or whatever) that I transfer to it. I can watch any of the 130 (mostly movies) on it without any problems, but if I transfer anything more to it and then watch that movie or concert or program that I transferred to it, after I am done watching it, it will disappear from the top of the list...and in fact, it vanishes from the EHD program list entirely. I can pgdn through the entire list of 130 programs and the 131st program that used to be at the top of the list is gone.

None of my other 5 EHD's exhibits this kind of behavior and all but one are 750gb drives. Has anyone else in this thread experienced this kind of oddity? I'm thinking the drive may need to be replaced, but don't want to lose everything on it, which is why I want to do what is essentially a diskcopy of it onto a new 750gb drive and then use the old drive on my PC as a data drive.

So, can it be done, or do I just shrug and start manually transferring EHD->IHD->new EHD and rescue what I can while I can?
