External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

Ok, so I'm more than willing to suffer the wrath of the "Didn't you do any searches new guy before you asked your question" comments, but I promise you, I did. Between the 123 pages of replies on this thread, as well as the multitude of threads addressing issues with the Vip211 and EHD's, that's a ton of info to crawl through. So I'm going to attempt to appeal to the wisdom of those that have been here for quite some time, and hope that someone can help me , or at least point me in the right direction to narrow things down. Here's my issue.

I've got a VIP211k unit hooked up to a WD2500JB 250G Drive in a RocketFish USB 2.0 enclosure. The unit recognizes that there's a USB drive hooked up, and asks me if I want to restart the receiver and format the drive. When I select "Yes", my screen goes dark, the lights on the HD flash, but the receiver never seems to restart (i.e. none of the lights flash, turn off, anything). Then, the picture comes back up, a message flashes on the screen so quickly that I can't read it, and then whatver channel I was watching before the drive was hooked up comes back on, and I have no DVR functionality. I've tried doing a hard reset on the device, I've called dish to make sure they provisioned the correct box in my home (I have a 622 downstairs), and I've even gone so far as to replace both the enclosure and the HD. Any ideas? Am I just SOL because this is a WD drive and WD drives don't seem to play well with Dish hardware? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

That's what I'm remember reading: 2TB no go; 1.5TB works.

Lat night at Fry's I bought (3) Seagate 1.5TB's and (3) Antec MK-1 External USB Enclosures for my (3) Dish 722's (with which I'm have about 6 working 1TB drives/Antec MK-1 full from the last 2 TV Seasons).

I'm have one 722 that often needs to have the USB removed and reinserted on the rear panel.

Sometimes, when I'm first select My Media the 722 offers to format the already populated HDD. If I remove and reinsert the USB cable the 722 "sees" the prior recordings.

Any tips why that might be happening or how I'm can avoid it in the future?

I bough the Seagate 1.5TB not the Samsung 1.5TB HDD.

I like the 5 Year No-Hassle Exchange Warranty that Seagate has.

Just fill in the web form, mail in the drive, and sure as rain you get a "Recertified" unit in exchange with free shipping.
Worked with a CSR last night. Once we overcame the language barrier, and I got him to stop reading from him book, he resent the activation code, and we double checked to make sure it was on the right receiver. Did a full system plug pull just to be sure, and I'm still having the same problem. Any thoughts?
Twice now in the last 2 months, my 622 DVR has stopped recognizing the programming on my external hard drive and says that I have to reformat it again. I did try the reboot but no luck. Anything else that can be done to get the DVR to recognize the programming again?
My 622 on two different occasion has stop recog the EHD...I lost everything the first time but the second time i back everything up to my PC....reinit the EHD and then copied the info back to he EHD....

The direction can be found here if you do a serach
Found a 500G WD Mybook on sale. Has anyone had any luck with one of these?

I have the 750Gig version of these and they work great. They do spin down but they have the smarts (unlike Seagate) to not tell the receiver they did. So the receiver will just wait for the spinup before it continues.

:up:up on WD's
Try unplugging the power to the EHD.

I was getting a beef about not being able to recognize the hard drive just last night (it seems to come from waking up the drive in a bad mood). I unplugged the drive and after it was up and running, the manage prompt popped up it accessed just fine.

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