External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

Yes, the smartware needs to be disabled BEFORE you connect it to the DVR. Connecting and reformatting out of the box will appear to work for a little while but the smartware is still functioning and will cause a problem. I simply connected my first one and formatted it before I knew the smartware was going to be a problem and it failed within 1 day. I googled WD smartware removal or disable and found some discussions on how to remove it. Found links to the WD site for the firmware download. Don't have the links handy but it should be fairly easy to find if I found it. After I got my replacement drive I updated the firmware, disabled the smartware, then wiped the drive just to make sure it was completely clean.

I have 3 other WD essentials drives but they are the older models without any sort of software locks or auto backup. I have had no issues with any of the other drives, this one was the newest version and the only one to have a problem. After disabling the smartware it behaves just like my other drives.

Yes the DVR sees all 1.5T of the drive, after formatting there was about 1.3T available space.

Message for Western Digital, if it aint broke, DON'T FIX IT!
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Formatting does NOT remove the space. The difference is that the disk makers use powers of 1000 and most others use powers of 1024. 1.5x1000^4 is about 1.36x1024^4. Blame the disk makers for being different from the rest of computerdom.
You are right, that small amount of space used by the smartware(about 500MB) is not recovered. But you must disable the smartware for the drive to work with your DVR. The rest of the 1.5T is available which is about 1.3T, I can deal with that. It would be nice if WD gave us the option of taking that extra 500MB back but they don't so no biggie to me. The other .15T is used for the formatting of the drive just like if you had it connected to a computer. You never get to use ALL the space on a drive, my 1T drives formatted to about 930GB so 70GB were not available.
Smartware/firmware/whateverware is not causing the discrepancy. It's the "special math" HD makers use, as KKlare was referring to.
What does this have to do with the fact that the smartware does not work with the DVR and must be disabled? I am still able to use a drive bigger than 1T on my 722. The drive will show the same available space whether connected to my computer or the DVR, so what is the point?
What does this have to do with the fact that the smartware does not work with the DVR and must be disabled? I am still able to use a drive bigger than 1T on my 722. The drive will show the same available space whether connected to my computer or the DVR, so what is the point?

I dunno, what's your point?
My original point was that the new WD essentials hard drives were not plug and play. Not quite sure what the importance of how the drive capacity is figured by the manufacturer has to do with that. He asked if all the available capacity was there when using a drive bigger than 1T(my interpretation of his question) and it is. Does it really matter how the capacity is configured by the manufacturer?
We're all THE GOOD GUYS here. What the hell is the problem with WD? Are they too stupid to recognize a large market out here for DVR expansion devices? Apparently not since they have come out with the WDHIS500N and 1000N versions that they state are designed for DVR's. It seems that WD is milking this new market with a higher priced version of the WDBAAF minus the smartware. Why not simply allow for the option to engage or disengage the smartware in the first place? Of course that would be way too customer friendly.
I agree, I have 3 1T drives that are the previous versions of the WD mybook essential without the new software and they work flawlessly. I have those and the new 1.5T drive connected to my 722 with a 4 port switch. I would have preferred that WD make the software optional but apparently when these drives first came out you could not disable the smartware. After people screamed about it they put out a firmware update that allowed it to be disabled. Kinda stupid if you ask me, that is why I bought the essential model to begin with, it comes with a minimum of extra unecessary crap(or used to).
The newest EHD from WD is the WDHIS500 and 1000N. They are both promoted as DVR Expanders. How do they differ from the Essentials and what is the difference between the Essential and Elemental products?
I just heard back from WD regarding the above question. They said that the only major difference in the software is the addition of Smartware for Essentials. They also recommend the DVR Expander version for Dish DVR's.
According to WD, the DVR Expander WD20EVDS (2TB) runs cooler, quieter, uses less power and was designed with DVR's in mind.
The WD20EVDS is NOT a DVR expander. It's an over-priced "green power" internal HD. Do you always automatically believe manufacturer's claims? It may conserve power, but not your bank account.;)
OK, so is the Element basically the Essential less the Smartware? That said, is the Expander just a re-badged Essential?
Yes, and the only USB version is only 500gb. 1T is eSata for Scientific Atlanta receivers. They will soon be gone entirely. Not enough "buying into the hype".
Why the agonizing over which drive to buy? A 1T WD drive can be had for less than $100 dollars, it isn't rocket science. They will all work, the ones with smartware need to have it disabled, NO BIG DEAL. You can use one up to 1.5T and they are available for less than $150.
The WD20EVDS is NOT a DVR expander. It's an over-priced "green power" internal HD. Do you always automatically believe manufacturer's claims? It may conserve power, but not your bank account.;)
Lighten up will ya. I'm sorry if I'm too stupid to understand all the ins and outs with EHD's. I guess we can't all be gurus. If I always believed what the manufacture said I wouldn't be here asking for your advice. But then again I don't automatically discount what they say either. As fast as this field is advancing it shouldn't surprise anybody that a manufacture would design a EHD specifically aimed at DVR Expanding. Perhaps the condisending tone of your responses is the reason more people don't come here seeking advice. When I said that WD recommendes the DVR Expander your response was a snappy PT Barnim reference. Very helpful. When I asked the simple question, "what is the difference between the Expanders and the Elemental" you kind of eluded that they were both Essentials less the Smartware, which of course is not true according to the not to be believed manufacture.
I'm sorry if I'm too stupid to understand all the ins and outs with EHD's. I guess we can't all be gurus.

That's it in a nutshell. You don't have to be...if you would just take the input you've been given and stop trying to dissect it.