External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

When I am copying to the external drive, the UHF Pro remote stops working. I am assuming this is due to interference from the hard drive.
I'm using a Buffalo- 500gig, works great but I don't know if it spins down. May be running 24/7. I'm sure I'll have it filled up long before that is a problem.
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I can't believe I've waited this long to buy an external drive! I've had mine for just over a week and I already have a couple dozen movies on there! It works really well with the WD My Book II 500GB. I only wish that there were more view, sort, grouping, labeling options on the external drive.
Any idea if Dish is going to "allow" movement of an EHD between recievers? It would be nice to be able to move the EHD from the frontroom to the bedroom to finish a movie. This would be a nice feature to attach an EHD to an account instaed of individual recievers.
Any idea if Dish is going to "allow" movement of an EHD between recievers? It would be nice to be able to move the EHD from the frontroom to the bedroom to finish a movie. This would be a nice feature to attach an EHD to an account instaed of individual recievers.
Currently, you can make three moves.
Re sorting, you can set at least by date and by alphabetic in the normal recordings section. These sorts are then used in the USB external list. The Tech Forum said there will likely be folders, perhaps integrated with the recordings, come sometime this spring.

Re moving the EHD, you might want to keep a small drive and only put the show you want to move on it. It can then be emptied or erased and becomes new drive so the 3 times start over.

I'm now full on one 750 My Book with movies--more than half in HD. Wish HDNet Movies were MPEG-4 to save a lot of space--of course, then I could not use them on the 921.
A second 750 has series (Northern Exposure Arrested Development, etc.) and nonfiction (The War, Planet Earth, etc.) on it, need folders here. I switch by plugging the power supply into a power strip, one USB to front and one to the rear.

The movies to purge (IMDB<7.2 today) and daily shows are on the 722 HD. Now if I can just get caught up.
Well I think it is time to break down and buy a external. It seems like MYBOOK is the favorites of the forum. I have used the Buffalo's at work with reliability, but only a few posts here about it. Anyone else ever use a Buffalo?

I'm using a Buffalo 500gb Turbo and so far no problems. It has an on/off rocker swith on the back of the unit so I turn it off when I don't need it. I bought this unit a couple of months ago after reading about all the problems with the My Books and Seagate drives and so far I don't have any problems to report.
Currently, you can make three moves.

I basically want to mkae unlimited moves because it makes no sense to move only 3 times. I thought I had read something when EHD first came out that Dish didn't want you taking the EHD to firends house but they were looking at allowing unlimited moves within the account. I just thought it would be nice to move it from one room to another to finish watching something without going out and buying a second EHD just to duplicate programming.
I still don't understand the underlying theory of moving content back and forth between DVRs. Why don't you just play the program off of the EHD?

Because I have one 622 out in the living room and another one in the bedroom. If I start a movie out there it would be nice to unhook it and move the EHD into the bedroom and finish what I was watching. The problem lies in the 3 move rule and I don't want lose programming while moving. I do play content directly off of the EHD, no problem. The EHD rules should apply to an account, unlimited recievers, and not have it attached to a single reciever. I understand their concern of people taking the EHD to friends house to watch something.
If I start a movie out there it would be nice to unhook it and move the EHD into the bedroom and finish what I was watching.
As I have only one receiver, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that the EHD will only play from the machine it is married to and if you want to watch something on a different receiver, you must move the content to the second machine before you can play it?
As I have only one receiver, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that the EHD will only play from the machine it is married to and if you want to watch something on a different receiver, you must move the content to the second machine before you can play it?

I could be wrong, and probably are, the EHD is "married" to the original reciever you formatted it to. This is where it would be nice to move it around the house to use on any recievers that are on your account. I don't think you would have to move the contents to the HD of the second reciever, but should be able to play directly off of the EHD tthrough the second reciever to watch. Do I make sense?
Supposedly that will be allowed someday...
What will be allowed?

Yes or no: you can play EHD content on any capable receiver on your account without moving the programs between physical media.

Has anyone with multiple receivers tried this?

I understand what everyone considers ideal, but I'm not sure how far we are from ideal nor if we're not already there.
I guess they would have to download a software upgrade that would put in a question that "if this reciever that has this acct number tied to it then it is OK to use on both" type of equation. Download the software upgrade to the original reciever then move the EHD to a second 622 and let it read the reciever's number to authorize the software to recognize it on moves. Seems to me, not being a programmer, that it wouldn't be such a big deal to develope such a program. We can only hope.

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