External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

I use a FAP 750 and it has eSATA and USB 2.0 interfaces.

My apologies for misunderstanding the term "multiple interface". I thought he was referring to a 1 TB "drive" such as the MyBook that actually has 2 500GB drives or 3 333GB drives, etc. I just don't understand the term for that.

I thought I'd read that DN did not support or recommend enclosures with multiple drives as only 1 of the drives would be used. Maybe I'm just misremembering something.
I thought I'd read that DN did not support or recommend enclosures with multiple drives as only 1 of the drives would be used. Maybe I'm just misremembering something.

I don't recall reading anything along those lines, but did read that 1TB drives weren't "officially" supported, but that some may work. I've been running 2 drives via a USB hub and they work great as long as I only have one powered-up at a time. :) Almost 1.5TB storage between the two...
Well, I went ahead and deleted my partitians on my EHD again last night. It stopped working when I had to replace my receiver. But I only copied one movie onto the EHD. Mainly because I have a fear that my EHD will stop working again, as soon as I get the 4.49 software update.
Bad experience continues

So, I disconnect the 1TB My Book and replace it with a brand spanking new 750 GB Maxtor (7200 RPM, 16MB cache), USB 2 interface (no fw, no eSATA). I archived one program (a 1 hour Rave HD program). It took approximately 45 minutes to transfer. I selected the program, pressed play, and the video froze after about two minutes. Reset the EHD, reset the receiver, swap USB cable. Same result. Video freezes after ~ 2 minutes. I contact Dish technical support 3x times. Time #1: Can I send out a technician? Then I get disconnected. Time #2) Look up this article online, it will tell you how to reset the receiver and resolve your problem. Me: You mean like I just did? Dish: Yeah. Me: Thanks. Time #3: Sounds like you've got a virus. Me: Incredulous. The programs play perfectly from the receiver. Dish: Well then, there's no problem with your Dish Equipment..... Me: Ugh.
End of saga

Last update: "Advanced technical support" (which consisted of authoritatively telling me to reboot the receiver and EHD) gave up and requested that I email info on the receiver and drive so "Engineering" could examine the data and maybe roll a fix into future software releases. I'd rather not pay for the privilege of participating in alpha/beta software testing. I had Dish turn off the External HD "feature" and reverse the charges on my account. End of saga. Great feature IFF it worked. It doesn't for me.
I've tried a number of externals. Found many that the 622 just didn't like. I even had problems with the Western Digital Mybook Essential.

Once I found a couple of budget IDE and SATA cases that worked, I stocked up (these budget cases come and go). It is a pain. The USB implementation on the 622 seems picky.
For those of you with Seagate drives that go to sleep, do you just unplug it and plug it back in every time you want to get it out of sleep mode? I have too many hours of programming on there to move it all back to the 722 and then hook it up to my PC and run the Seagate software on it to stop the sleep mode. Just seems like a big hassle.

Also, isn't there a limit to the number of times content can be moved back and forth from the receiver to the hard drive and vice versa? What about the number of times I can move the hard drive (with content on it) from one receiver to the other?
For those of you with Seagate drives that go to sleep, do you just unplug it and plug it back in every time you want to get it out of sleep mode? I have too many hours of programming on there to move it all back to the 722 and then hook it up to my PC and run the Seagate software on it to stop the sleep mode. Just seems like a big hassle.

Also, isn't there a limit to the number of times content can be moved back and forth from the receiver to the hard drive and vice versa? What about the number of times I can move the hard drive (with content on it) from one receiver to the other?

1. As long as you're careful the sleep mode on the drives can be changed without losing any programs. The instructions have been posted several times in this thread.

2. There is no limit on the number of times programs can be moved from internal to external and back. There is a 3 move limit on moving the drive from one receiver to another.

I just unplug the USB from the back of the 622 (easiest access in my set-up). I get the warning that A USB Device Has Been Unplugged, press OK on the remote, and plug it back in. Works just fine. Of course I figured 4.49 would fix this, but it doesn't...
Here's an interesting cautionary note:

When your EHD has less than or around 90-100gb left, it'll take a LOT longer (3 to 4 times longer) to transfer programs/movie files to it.

I'm suspecting this is due to file fragmentation, which makes me wish that there was an option to defrag the EHD...Somehow I doubt we'll see an option like that anytime soon...
When you get down to a few GB left, the 722 will start a transfer but (probably because of fragmentation) it will then stop and say an error occurred. This may happen several files into the transfer. (Oldest to newest?) When you try to send again, it says the disk in in use by the other set. The trick is to then turn on and off the other remote if in dual mode so you can try again, hopefully with a smaller file or after removing something.

Wish list:
jump to (1...9)-1 8ths of list as in program list (but for EHD and search list),
EHD and other lists to remain at where item deleted or canceled instead of going to first,
folders for EHD!!,
sort by episode and/or first date shown,
episode number/original date visible without complete info on EHD,
editing in the machine for titles including upper/lower case and full title length,
a separate user comment/title to place say IMDB rating or any comment and sortable.

BTW, I should get WD 750 #3 Monday. The model number went from G to H so I'll miss the circle.
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Have a WD MY BOOK ESSENTIAL 750gb. Because of problems with adding additional programs to it, moved all it's contents to another 750gb. Now I want to reformat it. Hook drive to PC but does not show under "MY COMPUTER". Tried to use WD FAT32 FORMATTER but get 'drive size is too small or not supported'. Anyone know how to format this drive? I don't trust the current contents and need to start from scratch.
If this is a repeat, I apologize. I was gone for three weeks and archived all programs from the 622 to my Maxtor 500GB EHD to make room for new recordings. I then turned the EHD and 622 off. On my return I noticed that certain programs had stopped being recorded after about week. In addition, I now had a system failure on two of the three sats (110 & 119) I target. A check switch and point dish indicated no problem though. The problem was the same across all my receivers.

A call to an E* CSR only resulted in a $50 service call appointment more than a week away. The CSR wasn't that knowledgeable since when I mentioned the possibility of sunspots I had to explain what they were to her.

Anyway, after a few days of this I happened to turn my Maxtor EHD on to retrieve an archived program and wonders of wonders, everything is back working normally.

I'd never had a problem with the EHD prior to this.
Have a WD MY BOOK ESSENTIAL 750gb. Because of problems with adding additional programs to it, moved all it's contents to another 750gb. Now I want to reformat it. Hook drive to PC but does not show under "MY COMPUTER". Tried to use WD FAT32 FORMATTER but get 'drive size is too small or not supported'. Anyone know how to format this drive? I don't trust the current contents and need to start from scratch.

Do Start/Control Panel/Administrative tools/computer management/disk management...Now here's where I'm not sure how it will look and say. It should show unknown device or something to that effect, left click to format. Since I don't have an unformatted drive around, I'm just getting you in the ballpark.
Seagate Freeagent EHD 750 GB overheating

Ever since the last software update my Seagate Freeagent EHD 750 GB has been overheating and not functioning correctly. My Seagate Freeagent EHD 500 GB drive are not overheating and function much the same way as before but some times I have to completely reboot the 622. In the past, Seagate drives have worked flawlessly and only the 500 GB My Book drive required me to reboot the 622.

Seagate Freeagent EHD 750 GB will no longer archive property. I have only been successful in archiving one or two events at a time and even then it is a hit or miss proposition. I can get to watch what is on the drive most of the time but sometimes it freezes the system and the 622 only comes back after I disconnect the drive. I f I switch from a 500GV drive to the 750 GB drive, I have to reboot the 622. I also can not delete archived events on the750GB drive but could before.

I had none of these problems before the last update.

By the way, it shows I have 170GB free.

Is there anyway to prevent software updates?

Is there a there a way to protect shows on the EHD like you can on the 622?

Everybody writes they love their My Book HHD but it is the most flaky one i have had. Unfortunately I bought that one first. I moved my James Bond collection to it and then after a month of having to reboot the 622 to log on to it I bought a Seagate 500GB and tried transferring them to it via the 622 and back to the Seagate. This worked and the originals on the My Book remained, but the copies are not as good or sharp.

Now I have gone back to the My Book and it does not show the bond films. I wonder if a software update went back and deleted them automatically after the fact. :eek:

Am I the only one experiencing the problems. :confused:

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