Existing Customer Promotion

Can I do better than this?

New TV Charges
12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Monthly TV
America's Top 200
Local Channels

12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Loyal Cust Hopper DVR (Reg $15)
Wireless Joey Receiver

12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Multi-Sport w/ Redzone
DISH Protect Silver


FCC Regulatory Fee


State/Local Tax (Sales)


New TV Charges
Ive been a customer for a while now, late 1990's.
My recent contract was 2 years for Americans Top 250 - $69.99
Locals for $12.00
(2) HWS for $24
Grand total with taxes $104.02

I called and tried to renew and instead they gave me the above for a 12 Month contract instead of 24 for a Grand total of $84.02
figured that was a better deal.
Yes, on my account, and the accounts of others who posted in this thread, Dish does seem to prefer to give a better deal over a shorter period of time (one year) as opposed to the two-year price lock deal. That makes me wonder if the next price increase after next month's upcoming increase (Jan. 2020?) will be when the $hit really hits the fan. Maybe Dish doesn't want too many people locked into a price-lock deal at that point. :biggrin
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Can I do better than this?

New TV Charges
12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Monthly TV
America's Top 200
Local Channels

12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Loyal Cust Hopper DVR (Reg $15)
Wireless Joey Receiver

12/14/18 - 01/13/19
Multi-Sport w/ Redzone
DISH Protect Silver


FCC Regulatory Fee


State/Local Tax (Sales)


New TV Charges

Are you a customer out of contract? If yes then maybe. See if you qualify for the $15 reduction and freeze for two years. And many of us have the Sports Pack (with Red Zone) for 1/2 price.
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I am have been a loyal customer, and fanboy, of Dish network for 13 years. New construction on broadband infrastructure paid for through billions of dollars in federal credits had resulted in Spectrum installing 200MB/400MB/960MB internet,cable,voice in my hometown. Has been 5MB DSL and Dish til this point. The installer is coming this Sunday. Dish will be put on pause/hold. Spectrum Select will be given its fair chance at our home.

As a result of this, A Dish Senior Resolution Specialist, Formerly Office of the President, has provided me with the following offer...

-$30.00 for 12 months
-$20 one time credit
3 Months Dish Protect
Installation of 4K Joey, which I must purchase to avoid activating a 24 month commitment and a $480 ETF
12 month ETF of $10 per month

Preferred Customer 2 Year Offer expires 12/30/2018
Flex Pack
Local Channels
Locals Savings

12/24/18 - 01/23/19
Hopper DVR Service
Joey Receiver

FCC Regulatory Fee

State/Local Tax (Sales)

As an alternative to the above I was also given the option to accept a Preferred Customer Loyalty offer of the following...

$61.99* ** Americas Top 120 on a 24 month price lock,
*Price includes the fees for the Hopper 3 and 4K Joey
-$20 one time credit
Free 4k Joey/installation
3 Months of Dish Protect
**If accepted before 1/15/2019 price increases, with $480 ETF

I am on the fence, time will only tell. The option to pause service without cancelling, while I sort things out, is a great way to make sure I am making the best decision for my family. I have been reassured these offers will be there for me when the time comes.
My bill went up $25 when the previous offer expired.

Just came off the phone with Dish. They offered a two year price lock with $10 off core, $5 off auto pay, and $5 off the Hopper 3. Seems to be the standard deal. Glad to be in before a price increase.

Now if HBO ever gets restored then I'll be very happy with Dish.
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Just called loyalty and got Karen from Colorado. Very nice CSR. Was able to get promotion the beginning of the thread. AT250 at $72.99 for 24 months. $12 for locals and $5 off the hopper fee. Total savings of $20 month. I also dropped protection pack (which I should have as early as last month). So that saves me a total $29.99 a month. She also threw in offers of 3 months of Showtime for free or 4 PPV coupons of up to $6.99 each. Glad to be in before price increase.
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Allrighty then! Another reason to be a SatelliteGuy, members sharing gems like this!

Currently on hold...

After going through the Automated Acceptance System (Language, Last Name Verification, and Account Security Code) I am now locked in to $98/mo for another two years of America's Top 200 w/Locals on my Hopper 3 & 4K Joey! Awesome!

So, Scott Greczkowski, how do you want your Piece of the Action? ;)
I went thru this exercise yesterday..........what an ordeal
went thru all of sales jabber about great long time customer & all that crap, then thru the automated acceptance.....& magically my new monthly pricing wasn't what I was just told
Had to go through another 20 minutes & 2 more people to finally get the pricing that I was told
I can't understand all of the bs........no changes were made to my programming, just a lower price, but guess it doesn't matter when all is said & done
I went thru this exercise yesterday..........what an ordeal
went thru all of sales jabber about great long time customer & all that crap, then thru the automated acceptance.....& magically my new monthly pricing wasn't what I was just told
Had to go through another 20 minutes & 2 more people to finally get the pricing that I was told
I can't understand all of the bs........no changes were made to my programming, just a lower price, but guess it doesn't matter when all is said & done
I had the same experience. I called in for the 2 year price lock promotion, but after checking, the customer rep said I would have to wait until after January 8th, because my previous 2 year promotion had not quite ended yet. He told me to call back then, and gave me a phone number.

Just before hanging up, the rep said: "If you don't want to wait until then, I can give you a better offer right now but it will only be for one year". Then he told me what my cost would be with his new offer, and I was blown away. The price was ridiculously low, so I accepted the offer. Later that day, I checked my account on the Dish website, and I saw that offer that I had just agreed to was not what the rep had told me. The numbers did not add up. I would be paying about $30 more per month than what the rep told me.

I had to call back and spend another 30 minutes on the phone in order to get close to what I was initially offered. The end result was good for me (lower price), but I wonder if Dish used the bait and switch technique, hoping that I would not notice (If you and I had the same experience, I'll bet this happens to a lot of others as well).
I don't understand why some of you are having issues getting the promotion. I called retention directly and received the offer and a free upgrade to an H3 quite promptly. I did have to answer the phone prompts but this was at the end of the process. Did you go through a CSR using the 1 800 333 3474?
I didn't mind the WAIT of 22 minutes to SAVE over $40 a month for the next year. I was a Dish Dealer for many years and had a very good visit. I was offered a upgrade to Hopper 3 and 2 year price lock but i have so many remotes and ect. I just don't want to have only ONE receiver if i have a problem.
No, I called the number that was given earlier in this thread (888-496-1260).
I am sorry to hear that you had problems when using that number. They usually provide much better service than that. For example, the last time I called, they answered the phone promptly and, without me even asking for a discount yet, the lady asked me if I was calling to lower my bill. Of course, in this case, I made it easy for her by simply switching from Flex Pack to Welcome Pack. The only follow-up question at that point was whether I wanted to keep Latino Bonus Pack. I said "not really" since I already suspected that I would not be allowed to keep Latino Bonus Pack with Welcome Pack. She quickly confirmed that the system would not let her switch me to Welcome Pack with Latino Bonus Pack still on the account, and she made the requested changes. (switching from Flex Pack to Welcome Pack and dropping Latino Bonus Pack) The whole call only took a few minutes.
If one still has a few months to go on their initial price lock contract, can one still call in to get another price lock contract before the coming price increases?
EZ, PZ. Went from Flex to 120, $10 DVR and 4 PPV's. With 120, I won't have the $6 add on for Sirius XM. So, getting a few more worthwhile channels and paying nearly the same as I was with Flex.
Just a follow-up to my earlier post:

Tech showed up right on time, very knowledgeable and courteous, and when I mentioned SatelliteGuys he treated me even better! :oldlaugh

He replaced the J2's with J3's, double-checked all my previous wiring, and was finished in about 45 minutes (that includes us chatting about tech stuff during the swap). He even offered to replace my main line from the node to the H3 since the RG6 was a little old. We figured out it was rated for 3000Hz and I wasn't really having any problems so I told him to leave it alone. Re-running the line would have taken another hour and it was near the end of the day so I didn't want to bother him. Besides with the Protect plan I can call in the next 3 months and get it replaced if I need to by requesting a "cable reroute".

So far after about a week I am pretty happy. The J3's are definitely faster than the J2's and have a slightly better picture. The only thing that disappointed me was I thought they would come with 54.0 remotes but they only come with the 52.0. Dish is running a special where if I bought a silicone skin for $15 they threw in the 54.0 remote. We really only have 1 Joey in a dark room so I only did that one. I don't like the 52's (have 40.0 as backups on all of those) but the 54 definitely has a better button layout and feel.

P.S. -- I now have an almost-new 52.0 and also a new 50.0 (touchpad) for sale. If anybody can use them shoot me a message. You pay shipping and a small fee to help me fund the purchase of more 54's for the other 2 TV's :D