ESPN U Gone?

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Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I am hearing from a number of folks that ESPN U is gone on DIRECTV.

Can someone check and see if they lost it as well?
Mine says 721.
Which means Not Suscribed. Hmm

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yep 721 here

The issue is the SEC game that is on they are blacking out for everyone instead of just the SEC market (they have to watch it on local station). Screwup on ESPN part
I just twitted @Directvservice to see what excuse they have

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With all the tournaments on local channels here now, ESPN is a useless group of channels right now with all the blackouts. In a related news, The ACC Netowrk has taken over both CBS stations and The SEC Network is on the CW and one of the ABCs.
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