ESPN HD problems

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 26, 2004
Glendale, AZ
I recently purchased a HD receiver and dish and I am very happy with the new service with the exception of the ESPN HD channel. On some progams and commercials, the picture and audio quality are horrible. More specifically, the lower part of the picture freezes and the audio does not seem to agree with the video. I had the installation people out to take a look, but when they came out the picture was just fine so I was unable to show them what the ESPN channel was doing. All the other HD channels are fine. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you correct it? Thanks for the help.
Hoss said:
I recently purchased a HD receiver and dish and I am very happy with the new service with the exception of the ESPN HD channel. On some progams and commercials, the picture and audio quality are horrible. More specifically, the lower part of the picture freezes and the audio does not seem to agree with the video. I had the installation people out to take a look, but when they came out the picture was just fine so I was unable to show them what the ESPN channel was doing. All the other HD channels are fine. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you correct it? Thanks for the help.

I've never noticed a problem with thier shows, but I find that the audio in their commercials are frequently out of synch with the video. Sometimes the commercial video studders too.

I think its just an ESPN thing.
I also have never noticed any issues with ESPN. Have you called D* to see if they can help determine if it is your receiver?
Yes its an ESPN thing.
I had that problem...switching my Samsung HD box to 720p native helped out alot, but it still stutters from time to time.
All other channels are fine.
I'm having the same problem with ESPN. The audio is way off during commercials and during some of their shows (Hustle for example was unwatchable). But Sportscenter and their Sunday Night Football is just fine, so I haven't worried too much about it. I also have a Samsumg HD box, can anyone explain how you change it to 720p native? Maybe that will help...
My box is a TS-360.
On the remote, on the slide down section where the dvd player buttons are, theres a button for it. WIthout looking at it, I cant remember which one it is, but its either Resolution (RES) or format. You're tv will need to be able to display 720p as well. I just hit that button and it switches through the different ones, 480i/p, 720p and 1080i, native 1, 2, and 3.
Just play with it awhile, and you should find a successful one.
This is not a cureall for ESPNHD but it helps.
Is it funny these are all Sammy boxes? I have never seen these issues with my receivers. If it was and ESPN feed problem wouldn't I and my neighbors see them too?
I would tend to think so, but its only on this channel and only during commercials for me. I was thinking maybe its the way its handling 720p but Im watching the World Series right now in 720p and its not like that, so I dont know whats up with ESPNHD
Thanks blakeharrell - I forgot about the slidedown panel on the remote! Doh!

I'll give that a shot the next time I notice the problem with ESPN-HD and see if that fixes it. BTW, I also have the 360...

- Dan
I think the problem is samsung related. I was having the same problem plus a few other D* sent me a new box RCA 210 and I have been very happy since. :yes
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