Well honey, as you know I currently have one 5' mesh on a pole with the 'arm' on it. You have also noticed (and commented on numerous times) about the other 4 Primestar stationary dishes (she actually called them big gray eggs). You've said you're tired of seeing them on the south side of the house all lined up like bowling pins.
Well, I have a solution to all your problems. It's called a 2.4M solid dish (I dont' dare tell her it's 8'......I'll cross that bridge when I come to it). Then she'll say...."what's the difference....if I know you, you'll just squeeze it inbetween the other 5." You don't understand dear, if I get the 2.4M then I can sell all of the other dishes. Her response, "who else besides you would be weird enough to buy old used satellite dishes?" (At this point I would ignore that last comment, as to not get involved in a p*****g contest)
I would then play my 'ace in the hole card'
Well, honey I'll make you a deal.....you know how you've been after me to landscape the south side of the house. If I get the 2.4M dish, I will install it in such a way along with an elaborate landscaping plan that will virtually 'hide' the dish. I may even hire a professional painter to turn the dish into a work of art. (I will also agree to take her to Germany to see her aunts and uncles)
I'm sure this scenerio will work...............if not, I'll just get the 2.4M an apartment and visit it on the side
Well, I have a solution to all your problems. It's called a 2.4M solid dish (I dont' dare tell her it's 8'......I'll cross that bridge when I come to it). Then she'll say...."what's the difference....if I know you, you'll just squeeze it inbetween the other 5." You don't understand dear, if I get the 2.4M then I can sell all of the other dishes. Her response, "who else besides you would be weird enough to buy old used satellite dishes?" (At this point I would ignore that last comment, as to not get involved in a p*****g contest)
I would then play my 'ace in the hole card'
Well, honey I'll make you a deal.....you know how you've been after me to landscape the south side of the house. If I get the 2.4M dish, I will install it in such a way along with an elaborate landscaping plan that will virtually 'hide' the dish. I may even hire a professional painter to turn the dish into a work of art. (I will also agree to take her to Germany to see her aunts and uncles)
I'm sure this scenerio will work...............if not, I'll just get the 2.4M an apartment and visit it on the side