ENTER HERE: Win a C Band Dish & LNB from SatelliteAV!(Contest Over)

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Honey, I found this satellite dish system that is devoted to shopping channels and fashion.:D I know you want the best selection out there. There are even a couple of channels devoted to nothing but purses and shoes !:rolleyes:

I know, you are asking what is in this for me. :devil: Well, there is a channel devoted to boating and boat main tenace. We can save a bundle on boat repairs and maintenace if I do the work myself. I know what a sore spot the boat is to you so this is how I can make it up.:cool:

The dish? What size is it? Where is it going? Well, you know where the other 5dishes are out by the fence? :yikes This one will replace all of those and be on a motor to point to the purse satellite or the shoe satellite or the boat satellite!:heart Yes you heard me right. There are so many purse and shoe channels they need there own satellite! :clap

As a mater of fact, I don't think you will notice it being there after I take the other 6 dishes down. (Yeh, right!):shh

So what do you think? I will even go to Church for a whole month! Pleaseeeeeee!!! can I have the dish? Did I mention it is FREEEEEEEEEE@party

I forgot to upload the pics where the new dish will go! See the attached photos.:p


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Conversation from this morning (not funny I know, but its true):

Me:Hey I found the dish that would help us to watch the channels that we used to watch overseas.

Her: ?

Me: Its just a game, maybe we can win it, cost way 2 much for us to afford it..

Her: Ok. Maybe we will win, who knows...
"Honey, you know how you love getting free stuff, and you love a bargain?"


"Well, if I got a brand new satellite dish for free, and it was shipped for free, and I didn't have to pay one red cent for it, wouldn't that be great?"

"You sure it wouldn't cost us ANYTHING?"

"Yes, absolutely... if I win the drawing, that is."

"And it doesn't cost you anything to enter this drawing?"

"Nope. Not a dime."

"Well, you probably won't win anyway, but if you do you have to put it out in the back yard by your other dishes" (as she eyes existing small dish farm).

"Thanks, honey. I knew you wouldn't mind."

Now the only thing is, if she doesn't ask the SIZE of the dish, she has only herself to blame if she doesn't like it, right? Because she okayed it, more or less, and if she just ASSUMES it would be a small dish, am I really obligated to mention it?

This is all sort of hypothetical seeing as how I'm not married anymore, but when I was married, my ex-wife sometimes omitted important specifics about things she wanted to buy (or just bought them without asking at all, like certain pieces of furniture we could have lived without), so I figure it must be okay to omit certain details, too. If they don't ask, they can't blame you later, right? :D

(Now, before anyone else uses this as an excuse, bear in mind that I did say she is my EX-wife!)
Wife: What are you laughing about.

Me: Oh I was reading on that satellite forum I am a member of. They are having a contest where you could win a 8ft dish but you need to write a brief essay about the conversation with your wife.

Her: What about taxes at the end of the year, Also would you need a permit to install that dish.

Me: Umm good question. It will be sorte of a pain to put up in are yard but once its set with a motor we probably could almost not even need charter any more.

Her: Leave the cable alone.

Me: Don't worry I would still have cable the dish would just be for my hobby.

Her: Laughs Ok.

Notice how I used the current discussions to broach the subject :D :up

How would you like to be able to watch General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Passions and Young and the Restless before anyone else has seen the episode? How would you like to see the trailers for the upcoming shows...for the rest of the week?

That ought to be enough to convince her right there. Just will have to invest in one of those picnic table umbrella covers to fool the HOA ;-)
haha.. I actually mentioned it this morning and the only thing she said (after I told her what I put in the message) was "I don't think the HOA will appove that." lol
I'm not married, but I will admit that it's just possible the number of dishes on and around the house could be part of the reason. I don't really understand why though. I mean, there's only 4 dishes that are even receiving programming now. Since I got rid of Dish network, the little ones aren't even being used. I just haven't got around to taking them down yet. I only have one BUD, and it's a beautiful spun aluminum model I rescued a couple years ago along with 2 old Primestar ovals and a 30" Fortec that are live. What's not to love about that? So now I'm trying to win another BUD so I can record subscription programming on one and cruise for cool FTA feeds on the other. How could any woman object?
honey, thanks to two kids in three years i've pretty much given up all of my toys and hobbies. i don't mind having to do that, but it sure would be nice if i could get back into the satellite hobby with this setup. we might even get some more of those international channels that you like.
You know that website that told us how to get those Free To Air satellite channels? Remember how they had all that great information about satellite all in one place? Remember last February when I was out in 15 degree weather cursing the elevation markings on the Primestar? Yeah, those satelliteguys. The ones who are always there with help and suggestions and never give up when someone needs help.

You know that the website is supported by a small number of honest, reliable, helpful, friendly advertisers. If it weren't for their financial support we wouldn't have FTA satellite now. They seem like a bunch of really nice people. Well today I was on the site and saw that one of their advertisers has a problem and they need help from us. I can't find the post now, but it was something about a misplaced decimal point on some wholesale order or something. I think it was they ordered too many dishes or maybe it was they wanted 8 inch dishes and got 8 foot dishes. I don't remember for sure. Anyway they're looking for people who have room for an 8 foot dish. I think maybe they didn't have room for one more dish in their warehouse. The deal is that they would give us an 8 foot dish and even pay for shipping. No, it won't cost us anything and it will help them meet their quota with their shipping company. They really need our help and here's a chance to show them how much we appreciate everything they've done.

A Bud? No, that doesn't stand for anything other than a Bud is a really good friend. When you see what we can get on the dish it will be your best friend too. I knew you'd understand. I already told them it would be okay.

I'll let your mother in law sleep inside the house next time she visits!! Promise!
Hunny... it will make you look 10lbs thinner when you stand next to it!!!!!!

ok.. when do get the dish...LOL
Considering I am only 17 years old I write this essay as if i were asking my parents, plus i don't know how to pretend to be married.

Me: Dad can I get a 8 foot dish c-band dish? Its brand new! and free!

Dad: Your already have a 7.5 foot dish up north. And you remember how much trouble it was to get that for free.

Me: Dad its not on freecycle, you don't have to pick it up in the truck either, this dish is being given away on that satelliteguys website with free shipping.

Dad: So you want it for home or up north?

Me: this one will be for here, we will get all those cool c-band channels here at home and it will work great with the HDTV pci card on your big screen.

Mom & Dad: where will it go? will the village allow it?

Me: I already contacted the village. In the 70s when big dishes were popular they allowed them, and they never changed the rules so big dishes are legal anywhere in the village.

Mom & Dad: Whats going to happen to it when you go to college?

Me: Dad, Ill teach you how to use it. And mom this dish will keep me coming home on the weekends. Plus I guarantee I will set it up one day when I have my own house, and i'll use it for 50+ years.

Mom and Dad: Okay, lets get that dish!

haven't posted in a while but that's pretty much how it would go in my family, now its time to write some college essays!
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Hunny, Ur Mom Would Luv This!

Hey Hunny,

You know that extra bedroom you been wanting me to build so your mother could come and stay with us? Well ..., I could get rid of all those nasty ugly little dishes and get those New York channels she watches and the wild feeds for "Another Worlld" if you let me put up a bigger dish. We could even cut back on Dish Network with all the sports feeds we could get and save some money. How about it ? If you love me you you let me do this for us. It would be so cool.

(I think I sunk to a new Low)

Could you come here for a minute want to ask you something

Her:What is it this time?
Me:Well come here and let me tell you
Her:Ok.I'm here.
Me:Good ,Honey the satellite site I belong to is giving away a 8ft C-band dish for free for the best essay
Her:I don't want to here about that we had a deal no more dishes
Me:Yeah,I know but we also had a deal about no more shoes also didn't we?
Her:UHH,well Uhh,yeah but I didn't think you would mind if I got just one more pair they were on sale and theyyyy were just soooo cute I had to have them.
Me:Well that dish is sooooo cute I have to have it.
Her:I don't know
Me:Well I'll tell you what you let me enter this contest and if I win you know that ring you have been wanting so bad
Her:Oh no you aren't going to buy your way into this deal
Me:Did you ever tell your mom you backed into her car
Her:Hope You win the Dish.
Woman, I'm getting a big ass dish, and you're gonna like it.


(So that isn't how it would really go, but since we're pretending here ;) )
since I did prove today that we can get most of the FTA satellites thanks to http://perso.numericable.fr/~gjullien/satellite.htm how about us going all the way and install a C-ku 2.4m(8 foot) band dish. Since I am a ham KF4UBB you know that my antenna farm is not compelete without some sort of satellite dish. Since this great company SatelliteAV and Satelliteguys web site are giving one away

wifes reply:
well I think it will be a great idea :hatsoff: you did say that has some shopping channels on it....

me again....
oh! brother:eek: I gues I'll have to install 2.... :D

How do I tell you how I feel about you

everytime i look into your eyes, i wish i was there
everytime i see you smile my heart melts and
every night before i go to sleep i pray we dont end.

I've tried somehow to say:
you're the sun that lights up my sky
the wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer day
and sweet incense that keeps me on a natural high

I Love You .... For ever ... ** KISS **

(Just before stepping out of the house ..)

BTW Honey I'm getting a 8 feet dish ..... (Door Shut)
Honey, you know those big dishes that nobody uses any more, well I want one.

Thats all it takes, she doesn't even try to set me straight when it comes to electronics toys - she has given up!

Anyway, to justify the want, I'm interested in the wild sports feeds up there...
Free C Band Dish & LNB

Honey, just think, if I win that big dish and lnb,
I'll never hog your remote again. You can watch all the Lifetime and Oxygen you want in the den while I'll be busy in the other room scanning the skies and viewing on my Fortec C band and digital channels.
well, i could write a cute wife begging, con artist, pleading ,persuasive little story, but the fact is that when i explain why i cant, if i dont win i dont win,,the truth is, that if i were to tell my wife i needed to put up a large satellite(( which we have plenty of space for)), espeicially if it was free, i would get a smile out of her and her 1st question would be, what channels would be getting for our 3 yr old daughter that has a heart transplant that we dont currently get, becuase the fact is, we dont have the finances for pay tv( i lost my business to tend to the needs of my then newborn that was listed for a heart transplant at 3 weeks old after 2 cardiac arrests and 7 open heart surgeries), so we rely on true free sat tv,, we have a used under 1 meter dish, which has the wrong mount and constantly moves, and its only pointed at one sat, and the arms on it were not really for it, if the mount didnt move chances are with a good storm, the arms did, so even though with the size of the dish we shouldnt have weather fade, but becasue its make shift , well, you get the picture, it has a cheap lnb,, so again poor quality,,,and the STB we have was a gift for the holidays last year from a family member that lives across town and also uses true FTA.( so when he upgraded his recvr last year and he gave us his old STB. we took down the UHF antenna and obtained a old used channel master for 20$...)so, for me and my wife there would be not need to have a conversation like thos that i am sure guys are writing, ,,i could not even light heartedly write one, knowing it would not be the case,,
well ,,,there ya go,, sorry for laying out a heavy story in what is supposed to be a fun essay and bring smiles,, just not the case here,,i wanted to write the truth of what winning this kind gift would mean.( and the reason i am able to write this on a internet site is verizon was kind enough with help of the county to give us a life line for contact with childrens' hospital)..thank you to anyone taking the time to read this..
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