EHD questions for Hipkat/Boston or any experienced member

I do not believe you can have folders on an EHD.

You can delete a show directly off the EHD.

You usually can plug in a new EHD to a Dish receiver and it will recognize it and offer to format it.
Reading, re-reading, learning as much as I can. Glad you guys take your time and share your wisdom. Having 2 different ways of looking at things is actually pretty helpful.

Back to my order.... Kept checking my porch for Amazon delivery yesterday was supposed to be a next day delivery. No luck. Perhaps, my items were shipped from a distant warehouse. They should be here today.
Meanwhile, couple questions. Please remember your answers are not just for me, but others who may purchase/use ehds.

1- Some folders on my Hopper3 dvr are created by Hopper3. Episodes of the same shows. I created some folders myself. For instance, a folder I named 'Nature'. When I record nature related shows (from public tv, national geographic, etc.) I move them there. I find it much easier that way. Nature, movies, music......
Now, is it possible to move these folders I created into ehd? If not, do I need to open the folders, select all the recordings and move them? If I do that will Hopper3 allow me create folders within ehd and keep them in that particular folder? I find it easier to keep similiar recordings in folders.

2- There is no such thing as copying. Right? You move them. The recordings are no longer available in Hopper3's internal drive. (I see no reason to have 2 copies anyway. The whole purpose is having more space .)
3- Let's say you watch few shows (moved to ehd). You are ready to delete them. Can you delete them when they are still in ehd? Or, do I need to move them back to Hopper3 first and delete?
4- WD ehd will come as a formatted drive from the manufacturer. Do I need to format it with my computer first and change it to fat32 or ntfc, and connect it to hub/Hopper3 and let hopper3 format it again? I am assuming Hopper3 will always require its own formating. Am I right?

I want my experience to be a smooth easy ride and painless. When I do my own search regarding these matters at Web, I see so many conflicting suggestions. This is the place though.
Thank you all.
1 - You have to select individual programs to move. You can not move a folder as a whole. You cannot create folders on the EHD, unfortunately.

2 - You are correct. It's a move not a copy.

3 - You can delete directly from the EHD.

4 - It's been a while since I did this, all the way back to 2010, but all I did was plug the EHD into the receiver and it asked to format. You let it format and off you go. If the Hopper doesn't recognize the EHD to start with you can format on your computer as a Fat32 and all should be well.
1 - You have to select individual programs to move. You can not move a folder as a whole. You cannot create folders on the EHD, unfortunately.
But you can have program name folders if you have more than one program. I have hundreds of programs in my NOVA and Nature folders. Those aren't custom folder names, though. I'm guessing that is what you are discussing.
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But you can have program name folders if you have more than one program. I have hundreds of programs in my NOVA and Nature folders. Those aren't custom folder names, though. I'm guessing that is what you are discussing.

Wow. I'm going to have to review that one. I could have sworn I deleted stuff directly off the EHD, but maybe I'm thinking of my VIP gear.
Yes, that is what is being discussed

I did say that you could delete directly from the EHD.
What other blunders can I make today? :(
Hey, your heart is in the good place!

Bobby, I sure appreciate your time. You the best. I mean it. Always helpful. (Just between you and I. When a fellow member on different threads criticize your thinking I don't like it . My motto : Disagree but be respectful).

Had a chat with Amazon. Delay in the shipment. Probably tomorrow. Vivek, the customer rep, gave me a $5 discount for my next purchase!
See my post #27 to see where the on/off switches will be beneficial when it comes to the DISH Hopper 3 DVR as one would use them for a different reason without causing wear and tear on the ports the cable connectors. All you really do is keep things plugged in and only turn it off which is the same as unplugging and turned on which is the same as replugging something back in after you unplugged them. I know you meant well arlo but it's better if everyone stayed on topic and answer the question with the items that are in question in the same environment meaning with a DISH Hopper 3 DVR and not a EHDD with a computer as it's not even remotely related and wouldn't help with the answer anyways because the EHDD's referenced will only be connected to the DISH Hopper 3 and nothing else so the options mentioned are not even available. That's similar to saying that a laptop has a physical power switch like an older computer did where it would physically connect or disconnect inside a real switch as the current notebooks, the power switches are more soft switches where if you held it for 10 seconds, it would then power the system off. It's like a convenience feature whether if you didn't have the on/off switches, and even if you don't use them, they can come in handy in certain situations as I have mentioned and if you didn't have them originally, then you don't have that flexibility for options should you needed. No different than USB is supposed to be Plug N Play but remember Bill Gates introducing Windows 95, it was more Plug and Pray which was why I said implementation and how well it is designed are factors on the benefits versus risks as well since I am sure even without unplugging, if conditions are right, one can still fry both the EHDD and the DISH DVR whether one likes it or not.
good gawd!!!
Well arlo, don't complain about it because #1, it's my personality and writing style just like I don't go criticizing your personality and writing style. I am a science major as an Astrophysicist with a Ph.D. and someone who is into computers at all levels. I never claimed to be a liberal arts major or being perfect in the English language, in either the American or British variety. If you want perfection, retain a lawyer or someone who actually majors in writing with perfection. What matters is I am trying to be helpful and explain things to you so you will atleast understand it using the best of my abilities as I am also a Toastmasters International member so my replies are more about being accurate and competent after performing due diligence and if I am wrong or unsure, you will see my remarks about that as well. I do not have time to spend slowly correcting it because each minute of my time is atleast $US25 of income so if you want it your way, you can pay me to correct it because you do realize I type the entire thing in less than 5 minutes flat or you can also go to Burger King where you can have it your way. Don't know about you but in the early to mid-1980s, for things like CompuServe, The Source, GEnie where the chat room has 200 plus people, you would on a monochrome Hercules/CGA/EGA CRT see 5 lines every 1/2 second in real-time which did not offer anyway to scroll back, you had to learn to be fast and read everything which for postings here, you can really take your time and read at your leisure... 1% now, 2% later, the next 10% 3 hours later and so on, like read 5% of the post every 3 weeks or 3 years if you really wanted to.

And remember I have a broken "T" key on my notebook's keyboard so it adds even more difficulty as I get frustrated everytime I hit the "T" key which takes several strikes before it will recognize it once with "T" key landing somewhere else on the keyboard which I have to then have to put back in the correct spot. Another thing is this forum when typing the message can freeze the browser tab because randomly, the forums firewall will block me so I have to first clear the cache and cookies for this specific site as mentioned in post(s) #203 and #204 in this thread:
New Server - Issues and Reports
After that, I will have to login again and in the case of this post, I had to type everything again from scratch using the memory in my head as the other option would have been to just post whatever content was in it first and then edit to add but that would not work as my thoughts when writing is in my hands as my brain is always atleast two sentence behind my hands typing and if I did that, then those thoughts would be gone.

Other than that, realize that the State of California's tax deadline where I am located has been extended from April 16, 2023 for both 1RS and State of California to October 16, 2023 and I am trying to manually copy and paste a few hundred lines of transactions from February 28, 2022 to now for almost 100 different accounts at different financial brokerage firms and also banks into Microsoft Money Portfolio Manager by manually inputting each transaction so I am also working on time constraints and taking a break by reading the forums by commenting and trying to help others out. What Bobby said is true since if you look at the title of the thread, it did ask for experienced users meaning someone who has personal experience with the DISH DVR which you do not. Not talking from a personal level but when you look at a few of the other EHD questions like from ppappas for example, not the one where I started the thread, your answers always talk about using the EHDD on a computer with Linux on it when the question is related to using it on a DISH DVR of the model being discussed. I don't mind if you do it because it's an interesting discussion but the OP may or may not like it because if it was a non-computer literate person, it's almost like me talking about rocket science which is way about your level and basically sounds almost like listening to foreign language that the reader does not even understand. And another thing is you do know that for electronic communications, there are rules and standards for that as well that people had always used since the atleast the early 1980s and it's called netiquette as seen here: The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea --
and what is not mentioned in the rules using your reply above are:
1) Excessive Quoting as the quoted content is a big portion of your actual post and in your case, it's probably 99% as your response is nothing more than your comment and a photo.
2) Using one liner replies when the post adds no value to the actual discussion as this would follow forum rules on the internet in general:
"No useless posts, e.g., thread bumping, useless one liners, junk posting to increase post count, and identical multi-postings in different forums."
3) In your responses to Bobby and also bookworm370 in I believe this thread, as a friend, last thing I would want is you to get in trouble with this forum as per forum rules: Official SatelliteGuys Rules - Updated October 2nd, 2013
"II. Forum Rules

B. Unacceptable Forum Behavior

1. Flaming

Flaming is considered the angry or abusive behavior toward another forum member. This takes the form of calling another member insulting or offensive names, but can also take the form of other insults or derogatory statements, including derogatory statements about race, religion, gender, sexual identity or other characteristics.

If a Staff Members feels that a member's behavior is a detriment to these forums, they reserve the right to act accordingly. These forums exist as a community of hobbyists helping hobbyists."

and lastly, your actual one liner comment... You are correct that Almighty1 is another name for god and also dog when the later is spelled backwards.

Now back to the actual discussion thread so it's not off-topic in compliance with forum rules:
sktrus asked the following and other than for the things below, everyone else already answered what I would have said one way or another...

"2- There is no such thing as copying. Right? You move them. The recordings are no longer available in Hopper3's internal drive. (I see no reason to have 2 copies anyway. The whole purpose is having more space .)"
Actually there is in a way because when you move, the operation should be as follows and I could be wrong:
Copy from source to destination until 100%, verifies either while copying or after copying to make sure the destination copy is identical to the source copy with CRC checks or something or atleast I hope it does that then it deletes only after 100% has been copied. As explained earlier, if it copied in the following scenarios:
1) Copies to 65% (a randomly picked number to use as a example) and something interrupted it like the process hanged, there was a power outage, the box was rebooted using either red button reset or menu, power cord was pulled
2) It shows a message that says the transfer which I don't remember if it said completed but it also would say contains errors in the same message
In all the above scenarios, it appears the EHDD will not have the 65% of the recording there after rebooting but you will find 100% of the recording still on the original internal HDD of the Hopper 3 DVR so it appears to only delete the file after the transfer/move which is more copy to 100% then deleting.

"3- Let's say you watch few shows (moved to ehd). You are ready to delete them. Can you delete them when they are still in ehd? Or, do I need to move them back to Hopper3 first and delete?"
You can delete them while they are still on the EHDD as others have pointed out. Only thing I believe no one has mentioned and apologies if I somehow missed that is unlike the Hopper 3 internal HDD when you delete, it's a permanent deletion meaning it will not land in the trash can which is similar to Windows Recycle Bin so there is no recovery option if you accidentally deleted something, it's basically the same as selecting item(s) and then pressing Shift+Delete keys in Windows which is a permanent delete that will delete without going into the Recycle Bin first so be more cautious when deleting on the EHDD as once gone, it's gone.

"4- WD ehd will come as a formatted drive from the manufacturer. Do I need to format it with my computer first and change it to fat32 or ntfc, and connect it to hub/Hopper3 and let hopper3 format it again? I am assuming Hopper3 will always require its own formating. Am I right?"
The EHDD usually comes formatted for Windows which is what the Hopper 3 needs to see before it will give you the format option on the Hopper 3. I heard there is a folder with some software/tools you may want to make a backup copy of in Windows first which I was unaware of so I always just plug the WDC EHDD into the DISH Hopper 3 and let it do it's formatting. If the DISH Hopper 3 does not give you the option to format, then what you need to do is in Windows 10/11, delete all existing partitions and create a single simple partition using NTFS for the full space of the drive and use all defaults, the formatting part is not required as mines refused to format in Windows 10/11 when I tried this extensively a few days ago so somehow you seem to ask the questions at the right time as it's from recent experience so it seems all the DISH Hopper 3 really wants to see is the EHDD does not have the ext3fs partitions on it such as NTFS as I don't think it even checks if the drive was formatted or not, what it really cares about is the EHDD has a partition that is not compatible with the DISH Hopper 3 and then it will basically delete all the partitions on the drive and partition the EHDD with multiple ext3fs partitions so you can use it. What I have not verified is if the DISH Hopper 3 would offer to format if you connected a EHDD with no partitions of any kind on it as in deleting all existing partitions while in Windows.
Umm. Believing post #4 was nice and neat. And to the point.
That is a trait of mine. To try to be helpful as a hobbiest. And a person who doesn't have a phud or ever planned a mission to mars. I do have a sohk and practical experience.
School of hard knocks. Who found and developed good practices conveyed to others. It worked.
In a one on one with a person who in a "it's okay?", or "yaaaa...go ahead it's cool" situation that could be wrong.
Yeah. I'll probably step up. And counter the perhaps bad procedure. Which is obvious here.
I would suggest getting that bad T fixed asap. Some phenomenal BT keyboards out there. Even small ones that would overlay your existing lappy one. Why stress? And perhaps a stop at the neighborhood cali. dispensary.
Taxes are stressy, yes. How the heck did that migrate here? And being the state of you can't even fart without wearing activated carbon shorts. No malice meant. Really.

Post 4. Short and to the point. And very very correct. No matter if you never stop completely at a right on red, drive 26 thru a school zone.
Please don't down a person who pop's up a quote here and there. Mine? Not just a quick Google and grab the first one.
If that has to be done, dude. To support a subject. Comes from a list of similar or identical subjects.
Do not remove or disconnect internal or external storage unless safe to do so.
Of course there are certain configurations where it may be acceptable.
If a utility or function of the connected device is available. Always use it.
Post #4 . Pretty slick.
(And don't my T work so good??).

PHUD and all aside. If you can't take a Bill Burr or perhaps Kat Williams stand up show. You cant take me either.
Valid gripes in a mix of wallflowers.

120GB hdd for example. Does never start out with 120GB of space. There is actually a larger amount on it.
Not like a 60 pg. notebook that gives you 120 pages of usable writing space.
Even during manufacture not all of the disk space is perfect. And is marked as such by it's firmware.
With excess and not reported, etc. physical territory on those platters. As it ages. "Blocks" and "Sectors" that are found and marked as bad....are. Because of the overhead.
You never see in your face that your 120GB drive suddenly shrinks to 118, 113, 104, etc.
Because as bad "pages" are identified, new ones are brought in to replace them. An analogy, of course. From "the bank" of overhead.
Not for a long, long time. Until one day it starts clicking on you. Or worse.
And. By simply divorcing electricity or disconnecting the communication bus w/o properly telling the drive electronics to close out its tasks and park the r/w heads, etc.
You are asking for trouble. Not today, not tomorrow, not while you sail through a rolling right on red to get your next phud to become yet another engineer. Hell. You don't have to wipe. But you do. Do you ever skip one? Bet not.
Option 1. Do it right. Option 2. Tap out.
Later. I tap out of this one. Do it your way and rock on.
Okay friends. The latest.....

Got my package today. Attached that WD 2 TB ext. hd to my laptop. The format came as NTFC. (with 1.81 tb available.)
Connected that baby to the first port on Wenter brand powered usb hub. 5 ports. 4 of them are for usb devices and the last is to charge a device. 5 individual on/off buttons. Ports are not numbered. So, I used the closest one to the section where cables are attached. Let's call that port 1. Pressed the on/off ind. button. I heard the WD Element spinning gently.
Connected its usb cable to top usb port behind Hopper3. (I am using the bottom port for antenna.Called air tuner?). I fired up the tv and Hopper3. Nothing on tv that Hopper recognizes ehd!! Ugh, bad sign.

Went to dvr. Picked a folder I created and named 'Nature". Bunch of Hopper created folders in there and each holds different numbers of episodes. Selected options/manage recordings. Highlighted one folder and clicked 'transfer to exd. hd'. Ugh number 2!!
Hopper showed 'ext. hd not available. Plug a usb drive into one of the ports' (not exact words).

I switched the usb ports behind hopper3. Now usb hub is attached to the bottom usb port on Hopper3. Same steps. Nope. Hopper is still not wanna dance.
Turned tv and Hopper off, unlugged the surge protector. Waited about 25 seconds. Plugged it back. That didn't solve the problem either. Still no recognition.

Decided to use a different port on the hub. Connected WD to port #2. pushed the on/off button. Few seconds later tv screen showed Hopper was ready to format it!! No idea why port 1 didn't work but port 2 did.
I formatted WD.
Back to dvr. Same steps. Picked about 9 recordings and started transferring them. Very slow process. Perhaps, that's normal. It took about 18 minutes. After it was finished, I picked a bunch from the same folder. Now, the progress bar is showing 198 minutes left. Guess I need to be patient and let Hopper do its thing.

After transferring what I want I will pick one show from ex hd and watch/delete.
I will leave my impressions as always.

Thank you folks for all the help I received..
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Okay friends. The latest.....

Got my package today. Attached that WD 2 TB ext. hd to my laptop. The format came as NTFC. (with 1.81 tb available.)
Connected that baby to the first port on Wenter brand powered usb hub. 5 ports. 4 of them are for usb devices and the last is to charge a device. 5 individual on/off buttons. Ports are not numbered. So, I used the closest one to the section where cables are attached. Let's call that port 1. Pressed the on/off ind. button. I heard the WD Element spinning gently.
Connected its usb cable to top usb port behind Hopper3. (I am using the bottom port for antenna.Called air tuner?). I fired up the tv and Hopper3. Nothing on tv that Hopper recognizes ehd!! Ugh, bad sign.

Went to dvr. Picked a folder I created and named 'Nature". Bunch of Hopper created folders in there and each holds different numbers of episodes. Selected options/manage recordings. Highlighted one folder and clicked 'transfer to exd. hd'. Ugh number 2!!
Hopper showed 'ext. hd not available. Plug a usb drive into one of the ports' (not exact words).

I switched the usb ports behind hopper3. Now usb hub is attached to the bottom usb port on Hopper3. Same steps. Nope. Hopper is still not wanna dance.
Turned tv and Hopper off, unlugged the surge protector. Waited about 25 seconds. Plugged it back. That didn't solve the problem either. Still no recognition.

Decided to use a different port on the hub. Connected WD to port #2. pushed the on/off button. Few seconds later tv screen showed Hopper was ready to format it!! No idea why port 1 didn't work but port 2 did.
I formatted WD.
Back to dvr. Same steps. Picked about 9 recordings and started transferring them. Very slow process. Perhaps, that's normal. It took about 18 minutes. After it was finished, I picked a bunch from the same folder. Now, the progress bar is showing 198 minutes left. Guess I need to be patient and let Hopper do its thing.

After transferring what I want I will pick one show from ex hd and watch/delete.
I will leave my impressions as always.

Thank you folks for all the help I received..
The transfer is a very slow process. You really don't want to transfer more than, say, ten shows at a time. Not only is doing more very slow but you have a better chance of corruption in the transfer. Even if you have hundreds to transfer patience is a better virtue. Keep in mind that you don't want to transfer more than a total of 999 programs to the EHD. While the programs will actually transfer to the EHD you will not be able to see anything over that 999 programs. It is a limitation of the system.
Thanks Bobby. Since I've got you I am throwing few more questions your way.

1- If you leave the screen where you see the transfer progress bar (Hopper says 'you can watch tv. We will alert you when it's done'.) how do you check how much time is left? Is that even possible?
During the process I decided to change the inactivity timeout from 8 hrs to off (which is not recommended). I played around Settings with no luck. I know it is transferring. (The recordings in Nature folder dwindled to 88 from 176.)

2-How do you make sure you have less than 1000 recordings in ehd? Other than counting each one of them, is there some easy method to use and find what ehd is holding?

3-When you select a program to record from Guide do you have an option to chose either Hopper or ehd? When I am confident I will keep the shows I'd rather select ehd to avoid transferring.

I know it is still early in CA ,Bobby. More questions to bug you.:sorrysign
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I figured it out the first question.
DVR. It shows 'other devices'. Select that. It shows Sources. Hopper3 and EHD 1 (in my case). Click EHD 1 and the progress bar is on the screen.
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Thanks Bobby. Since I've got you I am throwing few more questions your way.

1- If you leave the screen where you see the transfer progress bar (Hopper says 'you can watch tv. We will alert you when it's done'.) how do you check how much time is left? Is that even possible?
During the process I decided to change the inactivity timeout from 8 hrs to off (which is not recommended). I played around Settings with no luck. I know it is transferring. (The recordings in Nature folder dwindled to 88 from 176.)

2-How do you make sure you have less than 1000 recordings in ehd? Other than counting each one of them, is there some easy method to use and find what ehd is holding?

3-When you select a program to record from Guide do you have an option to chose either Hopper or ehd? When I am confident I will keep the shows I'd rather select ehd to avoid transferring.

I know it is still early in CA ,Bobby. More questions to bug you.:sorrysign
1 - you figured that one out! :)

2 - Unfortunately it is a count. If it helps, each shelf holds 5 programs. You can start on the left side and count 1, then down arrow, count 2, and so on. When you get to the end multiply by 5. There will be a single on the first shelf and maybe 1-5 on the last. Add those to your multiplicand and you have your total. It is cumbersome but it works.

3 - you can only record an initial program to the Hopper. There is no option to record directly to the EHD.

Another thing to mention is transferring a Prime Time Any Time program. You cannot transfer a program that resides in the PTAT folder. So, you must wait for that program to time out in that folder. That time resides in Settings, PTAT and defaults to 8 days . That can be changed to any time between 2 and 8 days. What you will want to do for these cases is to go to DVR, select the program that you want to, eventually, transfer to the EHD and press Enter, Save. This will place that program in both the PTAT folder as well the normal recording area. After the program times out of the PTAT folder it will disappear from that folder and still remain in the normal area. Once you get there you will be able to transfer to the EHD.
Thanks Bobby. The adventure continues.......

This morning I turned the port on the usb hub where ehd is connected, then tv and hopper3. A message appeared saying 'ehd 1 is connected'. Same message also was on kitchen tv with Joey2.

Keep on transferring 9-10 at a time. Smooth sailing so far.

I find it interesting that you can delete only recording icon not the recording itself before it times out (latest 8 days) in ptat folder. Some Dish member mentioned that prime time recordings are recorded all together, nbc, abc, etc. as a block. But, you can save them before they are automatically deleted.
Hold it right there, Navychop!! The fat lady still sings until Bobby quits answering my questions!!:bluesbros

one interesting observation. There were few minutes left before the transfer of about 10 episodes today. The progress bar stalled. The minutes left stayed the same. I waited about 30 minutes. Nothing. So, I went back selected a bunch to transfer. The bar showed 0 minutes left. 1/2 hr later still the same. I rebooted Hopper3 by unplugging and plugging it back. Picked the same shows. They are moving to the ehd now.
I belong to a computer forum where hardware/software related questions are answered. Over there you can block any person's responses. For instance, you don't care about member X's contribution in this thread. You block him/her. The others who don't mind still see those threads. Then, everybody is happy.. maybe, Scott can look into this if this feature is currently not available.
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I belong to a computer forum where hardware/software related questions are answered. Over there you can block any person's responses. For instance, you don't care about member X's contribution in this thread. You block him/her. The others who don't mind still see those threads. Then, everybody is happy.. maybe, Scott can look into this if this feature is currently not available.
It is already available here. It's called ignore.
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