DVR Alert Thread

kstuart said:
You could have left that decision for dfergie since it is his thread.

I didn't have to. It was an abvious move.
Then why did he not do it ?

He posted in the thread over an hour before you did it.

I think that if yesterday had not been a Launch day, the post would have just stayed there, some people would have been informed and no harm done.

PS If you have spare time to move posts, there are about 100 threads in The Dish Network Forum that need to be merged. ;)
kstuart, the way I see it, if the forum description says "This is the place to discuss Satellite and CableTV programming and channels such as USA, HDNET, CNN, HBO, Showtime etc." and if there is a separate forum for "General Network and Syndicated Television Programming Discussions", then the network show annowncements belong to the latter. I don't understand why you are making such a big deal out of it?!

Anyway, I will leave it up to dfergie to decide if he wants to move the messages back or rename this forum. No big deal either way.
Wanna be mod alert, beep beep beep.....

He already is a mod.

In any event, if messages have to conform to the Forum structure, then all of dfergie's posts about movies in the morning or afternoon have to be removed, because this is a sub-Forum of "Prime Time". :eek:

Again, it is very hypocritical because mods allow all sorts of threads in the wrong Forum, off-topic posts, and 10 duplicate threads on the same topic, without caring much.

It's just like the referee who gives a penalty at one end of the pitch, after failing to penalize the exact same tackles over the previous hour...
For me, and I conversed with Ilya on this, my thread (thread starter) anything should go ;) I do have a network alert thread... which I encourage folks to use, but as has been alluded to elsewhere tonight we are looser than some forums, in fact some have sort of copied what we do in this thread (Fredfa's HOTP thread now has daily program info at Avs) and that is a bigger forum so we should be proud... :)
For me, and I conversed with Ilya on this, my thread (thread starter) anything should go ;) I do have a network alert thread... which I encourage folks to use, but as has been alluded to elsewhere tonight we are looser than some forums, in fact some have sort of copied what we do in this thread (Fredfa's HOTP thread now has daily program info at Avs) and that is a bigger forum so we should be proud... :)

Again, it is very hypocritical because mods allow all sorts of threads in the wrong Forum, off-topic posts, and 10 duplicate threads on the same topic, without caring much.
It's just like the referee who gives a penalty at one end of the pitch, after failing to penalize the exact same tackles over the previous hour...

kstuart, no one gave you any penalty. You posted in the wrong thread in the wrong forum. I was just trying to correct that.

We have more than a dozen of forums here at SatelliteGuys dedicated to Broadcast Network programming and we keep adding more (haven't you just applied to become a moderator of one of them?) However, we have only one (!) single forum set aside for non-network programming: this one! And you decide to post network programming announcement here, simply because, as you said, that's the only programming forum you read?!

I think your post has value and deserves to be in the right place, not buried among other unrelated posts. It would've been more visible, easier to find and easier to discuss if it was in the right place, perhaps even in a separate thread. By the time some of the shows you mentioned in your post even start, this thread will have several pages of unrelated posts, and your post will be lost among them, don't you think?

Now, is it prohibited to post in the wrong place and the wrong forum? Of course not! Our forum members do it all the time. And if moderators were to move every single misplaced post then they would've had to quit their day jobs! So, why did I bother moving your post? For three simple reasons. First, some other members complained. Second, I do care about this thread – one of my favorites at SatelliteGuys. Third, because I thought your post was valuable enough and deserved to be in the right place, rather than buried among thousands of posts in the wrong forum. That's all.

However, when I moved your post, I didn't expect you to make such a big deal out of it. Since you insist on having your post here and since the thread owner doesn't mind, I am moving it back. Fine with me. Enjoy!
The 'Burbs 6 am 8.29
Pride and Glory
8 pm 8.29

The Pick-Up Artist 6 am 8.31

Burn After Reading 12:35 am 8.30
After Alice 2:20 am 8.31

Race to Space 2:20 pm 8.29

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1:50 am 8.31

Tank Girl 845 am 8.30

The Comebacks 12:35 pm 8.31

Nights in Rodanthe 10 pm 8.29

Apollo 13 -- 8:15 am 8.29

Rawhide SD 4 am 8.29

Black and White 4:15 am 8.29

The Nail: The Story of Joey Nardone 12:15 pm 8.30

Ju-on 2 -- 4:05 am 8.31

Blue Steel 2:45 am 8.30

1408 -- 9:35 am 8.29

Spider-Man 3 -- 10:30 am 8.29
21 -- 10:45 pm 8.29

Screwed 9:45 am 8.29

The Iron Giant 1:05 pm 8.29

Sleepwalking 2:30 am 8.29

National Lampoon's Animal House 8 pm 8.30
The Blues Brothers 9:50 pm 8.30

Winged Migration 1 pm 8.30
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 1:50 am 8.30

Note: The Following Programming Contains Commercials

Legend 9 pm 8.31

Support Your Local Gunfighter 2 pm 8.30

Never Talk to Strangers 7 am 8.29
Serenity 7 pm 8.30

The Client 1 pm 8.29
I Am Sam 1 am 8.30

The Pink Panther ('06) 10 am 8.29
Jingle All the Way 5 pm 8.29
Galaxy Quest 4 pm 8.30

Borat 1 pm 8.29
Liar, Liar 3 pm 8.29
007 MB 9 am 8.30
007 MB 9 am 8.31

Made for... 9 am 8.29
Made for... 9 am 8.30

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle 7 pm 8.29
Futurama: Bender's Big Scor 11 pm 8.29
South Park: bigger, Longer & Uncut 1 am 8.30
Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder 9 pm 8.30

Rocky 1-5 -- 3 pm 8.29
Meteor 8 pom 8.30
The Storm 8 pm 8.31

Dark City 9 am 8.29
I, Robot 9 pm 8.30
The Family Stone 11 pm 8.31

All Times Edt... ? = Programs may not be True HD... Programs underlined are Premieres Progams in Green are exclusive World Premieres...
Red = Dish exclusive channel, Blue = Directv exclusive channel, Black = both providers...MB = Mini Block (Marathon)...Italics = Series

Shrek 4 pm 9.1
Lord of Illusions 1 am 9.4

Dancing at the Blue Iguana 2:20 am 9.2
Last Tango in Paris 1 am 9.3

Kitt Kittredge: An American Girl 9 pm 9.1
Under Suspicion 2 pm 9.2

The Wizard 1:20 pm 9.1
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 3:15 pm 9.2

Turbulence 10:30 am 9.1
Bio-Dome 3:55 pm 9.1

Big 9:55 am 9.1
Do Not Disturb 6:50 am 9.2

Swordfish 8:15 pm 9.1
Sleeping With the Enemy 10 am 9.2

Marathon Man 5:45 pm 9.1

Guys and Dolls 2:20 am 9.2
Kiss Me Goodbye 12:45 am 9.4

All Together Now 8:30 pm 9.1
Honeydripper 10:45 am 9.2
The Mist 8:15 pm 9.3

The House on Carroll Street 9:45 am 9.1

Gospel Hill 8 pm 9.1

The Mean Season 11:30 am 9.1
Sleepy Hollow 8:15 pm 9.2

Creator 10:05 am 9.1

How the Garcia Girls Spent The Summer 2:10 am 9.1
Bring it On 6:50 pm 9.2

Wrongfully Accused 6 am 9.1

The Secret Garden 11 am 9.2
Popstar 12:45 pm 9.2

Stepbrothers 5:10 am 9.1
Swing Vote 2:45 pm 9.3

Phenomenon 8 pm 9.2
Scream 3:50 pm 9.2
Enemy Mine 6:10 pm 9.3

Dogtown and Z-Boys 8 pm 9.1
National Security 9 pm 9.2
The Man Who Knew Too Little 8:15 pm 9.3
The Last Starfighter 8:15 pm 9.4

Note: The Following Programming Contains Commercials

Captain Corelli's Mandolin 9 pm 9.2

Gun the Man Down 2:25 am 9.1
Babes in Toyland 6 am 9.1
Once Bitten 6 pm 9.4

Black Dog 9 pm 9.1


Small Soldiers 10 am 9.1
Son of the Mask 1 am 9.3

Law & Order: SVU MB 6 am 9.1
NCIS MB am 9.2
Bruce Almighty 11 pm 9.2

Made for.... 10 am 9.1
Made for.... 8 an 9.3
Pitch Black 9 pm 9.3
Eureka MB 8 am 9.4

Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector 4 pm 9.1
Greg Giraldo: Midlife Vices 7 pm 9.1
Patton Oswald: My Weakness 8 pm 9.1
Michael Loftus: You've Changed 10 pm 9.4

The Storm 9 am 9.1
Deadliest Warrior MB 1 pm 9.1
Sniper1, 2 & 3 -- 4 apm 9.4

Mr. & Mrs. Smith 7 pm 9.1
Perfect Stranger 8 pm 9.1

All Times Edt... ? = Programs may not be True HD... Programs underlined are Premieres Progams in Green are exclusive World Premieres...
Red = Dish exclusive channel, Blue = Directv exclusive channel, Black = both providers...MB = Mini Block (Marathon)...Italics = Series
So, I do not follow DirecTV in any way (which is why I do not say anything negative about it).

But I am curious as to why everyone has the backwards DirecTV symbol lately ?:confused:

It's in that big "So Want to See" thread in the Pub. Has to do with events that happened last week. I won't go into it. Details are staying there.


If I said too much, you may edit my post ;)
Smart Travels Pacific Rim - Queensland, Australia 10 pm 9.1
InFocus: Smart Travels Pacific Rim - New Zealand's South Island
10:30 pm 9.1
The Ultimate Trailer Show 8 pm 9.2
Trailerama 3D Films 8:30 pm 9.2
Meatloaf: Three Bats Live 8 pm 9.6


Glastonbury 2009 9 pm 9.1 (3 episodes)
Benicassim 2009 9 pm 9.2
Kings of Leon 9 pm 9.3
Gnarls Barkley 10 pm 9.3
The Streets 11 pm 9.3
Isle of Wight Festival
2009 9 pm 9.4
Sonisphere 2009 9 pm 9.5
Sonisphere 2009 ep 2 9 pm 9.6

Transatlantic - Netflix

Last And Next Movie Watched
