Duplicate threads.

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damn!!! look what he did today in my back yard :mad::mad:

You have to magnetize them, that way they will be flushed down the drain. But be careful, if you do too much, they will be attracted to you, and fall right on top of you from the ceiling.

You used too much.:eek:
OK, now that the original thread has been blasted into smithereens, I fear another duplicate thread has now appeared, since I'm posting in it.
I guess that now makes all clones original and the original duplicate thread original as well.

The horror, the horror!!

here is the new duplicate thread.


Which of course is a duplicate of the old duplicate thread, which is a duplicate of the original thread that is filled with aliens.
You are lucky. I here demagnatizing is a pretty stable field to be in these days. Much better than hippo managment

Some days are better than others, that bad part is when people try to magnetize there hippos, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants and lemurs, but when they mess up and add to much, Rey, they call you to come fix there mess up, when if they would of called first, it would of been faster and cheaper for them.
I de-magnetized myself from women (it was an experiment gone wrong). You know how some guys just have that "it"? Well apparently I discovered the antidote. Didn't work on my wife. oddly enough. Poor girl.
I de-magnetized myself from women (it was an experiment gone wrong). You know how some guys just have that "it"? Well apparently I discovered the antidote. Didn't work on my wife. oddly enough. Poor girl.

Funny thing my wife is the same way, but I never demagnetized myself. That's just odd.:confused:
Where's Paul! Do you guys know? Do you know what that guy did to me? He fed me to that frickin' hippo! Fortunately for me, I survived. Not so good for him when I find him. His ass is grass, and I'm the frickin' lawnmower!
yeah i'm sorry about that ;) but part of the problem was yaz distracting me with his yelling on how much of a mess i made after the cloning of the duplicate thread which is a duplicate of the duplicate thread. what he doesn't understand is that i'm confused on him being confused that i am confused on the confusion over this thread which has msmith confused too about yaz being confused about me being confused about this whole confusion. pretty clear cybok0? :confused:

Just a lot of confusion.
Where's Paul! Do you guys know? Do you know what that guy did to me? He fed me to that frickin' hippo! Fortunately for me, I survived. Not so good for him when I find him. His ass is grass, and I'm the frickin' lawnmower!

I think you should shower first, you smell like hippo.:D
paul got a new job making clones out of plastic;) he told me he needs a dummy to duplicate. know any dummies????? :eek:

Rey are you sure Paul asked for me, and why did you give me someone else name tag? I'm positive my name isn't Abi Normal, well if you say it's my super secret code name, well OK.
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