DTV horrible company/moron report update (final chapter)

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geaux1 said:
Incoherent! Do you ramble on like that in court?

no, I am just trying to dumb it down for simpletons like you, so you can keep up, get it?

My goodness Geaux look through your posts since joining "Satellite Guys". You have a problem and its not DirecTV. The childish name calling, immature rambling, non-sensical inchorent repetitive ravings, and complete fixation with what to the rest of the world would be a small thing in life, leads one to believe that the fact of the matter is you are probably off your medications.:rolleyes: And if you're not you need to get on some soon. :hatsoff:
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Wow, what a waste of 10 minutes to read this thread.

No matter what company you look at, you will have unhappy subs or customers. Some of them you cannot please no matter what. You are one of them. And no, I do not work for DTV or anything, I'm just a sub. But I'm happy. I understand how business works and I do not pretend to want to run how DTV works. If I disagree with their procedures, I will simply move on to someone else. Its just that some people think that every business out there needs to kiss your butt 24/7 otherwise they are not doing their jobs. Well, guess what, its not going to go that way all the time.

When I need to call CSR or Retentions, I always think about clowns like you who are ranting at a rep for 30 minutes past when you made your point.

so, let me get this straight, you are on Satelliteguys, and have internet access, but yet you signed off on a work order giving you a phase 3 dish instead of the AT-9??? wow...
Optical serenity, another moron with no brain who can't read who has no life and thinks everyone is a dork like him who sits on their couch and therefore knows the difference between crap like that, well most people with lives don't. I didn't and make no apologies for it. And for your info genius, the work order said the dish on the roof was the 3 lnb dish, which was not what i needed, so again as usual you are talking out you're butt. i also never ranted at a rep for 30 minutes, I made a threat, followed through, and demanded they give me service on my terms at 6 in the evening after they close, and they agreeed and forced their meth addicted Atoka Directtech contractor to hire a sub to do it. if you pay the big bucks, you get to dictate the terms, that's the way it works. I don;t like doing buss. that way, which is why I posted this and why I will complain to them, maybe they will change. Trust me, I am not the only one in Memphis complaining. The only reason I found this webstie was to look into how this crap works becasue they did not deliver on their promises when they hooked up the wrong dish with the ota 8 weeks ago, I looked into it, understand now????
"Apparently the ones you have talked to are lazy. DTV installers get paid per installation they accomplish, plus they get paid on how many units are installed at that installation. In a typical 4-box installation they should get around $100 for that one job. Any installer should be able to pull at least $600/week easy. When they get done with their routed jobs, they call in and get more to do. Unless they are lazy of course, then they get nothing more. They get compensated quite well, if they work."

Even in a poor area such as where I live, $600/week is not good money for people who work such long hours, and drive as far between jobs, as the installers who have done the work at my house.

I am very happy with my installers and wish they all could be like the ones I have had.
Here is the deal. No tech wants to lose a 100 dollar job. If you had 16 techs come to your house in the last 8 weeks I can almost 100% guarantee they just were looking for excuses to avoid you as a customer. And you are as a customer is obviously pain in the ass. When an installer sees a customer like you he rather cancell or reschedule than do a job. Because this job simply cant be done. Why. Because you are pain in the ass. You have too many demands for a 100 dollar job. Its not worth it. All the pain isnt worth 100 dollars. I have customers like you once in a while and I am very happy to get a reason to reschdule or cancel. You cancel it yourself and you dont realize it. Your ridiculous demands to Directv can be resolved very quickly - hang up or transfer you to another department. Your demands to a live person a contractor are too much to handle. We avoid people like you. Please stop torturing everybody and switch to cable. Do it.
Must be trolling for fights; most were all old threads near, or close to dead and buried. AND nothing new or helpful was added.
My goodness Geaux look through your posts since joining "Satellite Guys". You have a problem and its not DirecTV. The childish name calling, immature rambling, non-sensical inchorent repetitive ravings, and complete fixation with what to the rest of the world would be a small thing in life, leads one to believe that the fact of the matter is you are probably off your medications.:rolleyes: And if you're not you need to get on some soon. :hatsoff:

Yes - correct! You can always tell when someone doesn't have a real argument - just look for when intelligence leaves and vulgarity begins.
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Installing a HR20 with DVD recorder?

Directv Idiots strike again, do yourself a favor

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