DP34+ or SW64

found out what was happening...it was a defective sw21 switch....I am getting exactly what I should be getting, but I do no get 121 even, when I do the switch check I get:

1A/1B - 119
2A/2B - 110
3A/3B - 148
2 - 121 odd

I am thinking this could be an aiming problem...that's the only other thing that it could possible be

thanks for all your help larry!
Try unhooking everything and reseting your switch matrix and tehn hooking everything back up. This may fix it. OR, you LNB is an odd only setup......Usually, if an SW21 shows something it is ok....but they are not too expensive to replace. One other suggestion. Clear your switch by unplugging the sat line and running a switch check. Then hook the 121 directly into the receiver and see if you get the evens. Do not do a switch test at this point as the receiver should see both the evens and odds. If no evens, try the switch check and see if the evens show. Otherwise, bad LNB.
To troubleshoot the 121 LNBF, get the switches TOTALLY out of the way and see what's there. BTW, I looked at the PDF link posted - it says nothing about you LNB type. Does it have 2 outputs? how are they marked? If one has "H" and the other "V", then it will only work with the SW64. If there's markings that indicate it's a voltage-switched output, you should be OK.
One thing for sure - a single output non-DishPro LNBF can NOT be routed through a switch - at least not if you want both sets of transponders.
It can be rounted through an SW21 to supply it to 1 receiver, like he is trying to do since the sw21 passes both voltages. I'm just curious to see if it is actually a switched H/V LNB.....
I had to dig really hard for an answer, but it is a vertical only lnb. I hooked straight into receiver and only got 121 odd. looks like I am going to have to get a ku lnb, so I might as well get a dual.

Thanks guys for all your help.

BTW, I was getting 121 ODD both through the sw64 switch, when I put it in slot 3B and left 3A open and when I set it up with the SW21 switch as well.

Thanks again guys. :D
Before trashing that LNB - have you looked to see which transponders you care about? If they're all odd or all even, you're OK.

If you need the even ones, turn the LNB 90 degrees and hook it to port 3A of the SW64. Yeah - really. Think about it. :)

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