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Never had anything but positive experiences with DishStore. Even when I posed a question, which had no implication for a sale, Claude or his staff were very forthcoming and quickly responsive.
The last time I tried to get a commissionable satellite sale through him but no response back on whether or not they were approved and I think I sent a few messaged to him. The first one I got a commission for it without a problem.
I would have replied sooner, but I have been do busy I haven't checked here in a few days

Ok now since the rebate form is clear as day, now the blame is being put on my employee who told this customer that they would get the $75 rebate.

The rebate or the club dish card makes no difference to my employees and they are all aware of the rules for sending in the rebate

As a Dish Network sales partner we record all our sales for QA purposes, so I will pull this call and listen to it.

If my employee gave mis-information and said you would get the $75 rebate with using a club dish card I will honor the $75 rebate, and pay the difference
Do you remember what day you ordered and who your sales rep was?

There were several calls made and we spoke with several reps (between my father and I). Sometimes our calls would go to a female rep (I do not have her name) and others it would go to Ernie. I believe Ernie said that sometimes the overflow calls would go to another call center that was less knowledgeable about the rebates, but Ernie was the sales rep and he is the one that promised the $75 rebate.

I don't have the exact day that my dad placed the order with Ernie, but I trust you should have this in your records. I can say that it was soon after 06/29/2010 09:36:22 because that's the day I submitted for the Club Dish Card on I know it wasn't long after that that all the calls were made.

Thanks for looking into this.
Here is what we got...

Chet K called into the office first and spoke with Ernie and got some information for his father, and asked questions about Club Dish and using the Dishstore rebate.

The father called in and left a message for one of my sales reps named Ernie.

Ernie called Chet K's father back and closed the sale.

I listened to all the calls, and when the actual customer called in and spoke with Ernie there was no discussion about what the actual rebate amount would be. It was pretty much here is the club Dish card number from my son, and what paperwork is required for the rebate such as first months bill.

When Chet K Origionally called in and spoke to Ernie, he did ask if he could combine it with Club Dish and was told the rebate would be $25 less, and that the amount of the rebate is dependant of what father signed up with.

It clearly says on the rebate form and website what rebate this customer would be receiving. My rep did say $25 less, instead of $25, So I will give this customer the benifit of the doubt and pay the additional $25 on Monday which will make the total rebate $50.

I think this is a fair resolution, I'll be glad to post the recordings (Minus personal information) if both Chet K and his father requests it.
it seems in retail as i am in that lately it is getting worse and worse for people wanting things that are clearly written in writing. I see if the rep did mispeak but he is human and you can read correct? You are smart since your a business owner and I will assume successful. So put most the blame on you and not the store. Me as retail manager would never walk into another store and demand something that is against their store policy as I know how much I hate it when they do it to me. If I called dish today and they said they would give me the world i would not believe it unless they sent it to me in writing since it goes against what is written in black and white (or sometimes color). Do what you would want a customer to do if it was your business and say you are wrong and let it drop!
How about we pass the hat and send ChetK $50? My goodness, to stress over $50 when you are in the wrong is tiresome and annoying.

I have my $5 ready to donate to shut him up.
How about we pass the hat and send ChetK $50? My goodness, to stress over $50 when you are in the wrong is tiresome and annoying.

I have my $5 ready to donate to shut him up.

i wouldn't give him anything. He was wrong and if you give it to him then why have policies in the first place.
I think Claude is trying to put this to bed, so to speak. It's put up or shut up. I admire that. If his store is in the wrong, he is willing to make good, if it isn't, we'll know soon enough. The fact that this is out in the open is refreshing. Claude was besmirched in the opening of this thread and now we get to see how it plays out.
that's my issue his store isn't wrong due to its in black and white. And you can easily see he fell into the $25 rebate. If the rep misspoke I would tell him hey this is what happened and I knew it was wrong as it does not coincide with your written policy and you might need to do some more in house training and leave it at that. people are still human the last time I checked. That is like verizon saying hey its only a 150 ETF and I sign a contract saying its 375 and then complaining. Come on take some responsibility people for a change.

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