Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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I recorded the whole show. I'm putting together a sound clip with Mike Kohl telling the 4DTV / NPS / Motorola whole story. I will make it available for you guys to listen too. I hope to have it up later today.

That would be great! I missed the show as I got wrapped up in doing taxes. Thank you so much. Have a great day!
URL for Sound File

Okay I uploaded the clip of the main segment with Mike Kohl to my website. It's a streaming MP3 so you need Winamp, Windows Media Player or Real Player to listen.

I will go through the whole show and look for other interesting bits and put them up there too later. Wanted to get the main info up there now :)

The URL:

TvroPro.... What's up with the 4DTV....
Okay I uploaded the clip of the main segment with Mike Kohl to my website. It's a streaming MP3 so you need Winamp, Windows Media Player or Real Player to listen.


Thanks for the link and service. listen last night but its always good to listen again.

Satellite Receivers C band and 4DTV satellite programming

If you are an NPS dealer you probably will not have any programming to sell as it seems that NPS is getting out of the C band business. You may want to contact SRL and see if you can sign up with them to be a dealer for them.

And if you can become a dealer good for the industry with the added subs for SRL and them, the subs, not leaving 4Dtv, which in my opinion is still the best value for programming out there!
NPS not renewing Guide

I just called NPS to renew the 4DTV guide.

They told me they were no longer renewing the guide.

Seems like they are trying to cut services.

I would not be suprised if they dropped the G3 channels.

I just called NPS to renew the 4DTV guide.

They told me they were no longer renewing the guide.

Seems like they are trying to cut services.

I would not be suprised if they dropped the G3 channels.


Did you have a subscription to anything? they have to give you the guide if you sub. Talk to a supervisor then.

The writing is on the wall as far as the end of NPS. Anyone who is still with them (including me for a couple more months) is going to have problems. If they would refund my money I would be with SRL today. I have my new pkg's picked out with SRL and Skyvision already and in there system and a websams user so it's all a phone call away. I refuse to let nps run away with money I paid them though. They will make good no matter how much hell I will need to raise with them to get it done.
NPS refusing to Renew Guide

There is a subscription.

And they refused to renew the guide.

It is a old pack and they tell me it will not be grandfathered in for the guide.

If it was not for Fox News would probably go to some other company.

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Okay I uploaded the clip of the main segment with Mike Kohl to my website. It's a streaming MP3 so you need Winamp, Windows Media Player or Real Player to listen.

I will go through the whole show and look for other interesting bits and put them up there too later. Wanted to get the main info up there now :)

The URL:

TvroPro.... What's up with the 4DTV....

Must be a very busy website or it's a very slow server since I've been waiting for over 5 minutes for the video to load (I have a 10Mb adsl connection to my provider).
There is a subscription.

And they refused to renew the guide.

It is a old pack and they tell me it will not be grandfathered in for the guide.

If it was not for Fox News would probably go to some other company.


Looks like NPS just wants to piss off more people. :rant: I would call back and ask to speak with a supervisor though and don't take no for an answer.
What a shock I received tonight when I called NPS to renew. I was not happy to go back to them last year, but we had a Superbowl emergency (I forgot to renew before my sub with SPS expired the day before the SB) , and I had to go back to NPS. I didn't want to because they tired to cheat us out of a rebate the year before. This past year with their service has been uneventful until I called them tonight.

I spoke with a woman that told me that she could not renew my annual sub with them, but I could get a sub for less time. The reason that she gave me was that Motorola was getting out of the CBand business. Period. We were welcome to renew for less than a year, but if Motorola stopped providing CBand (whatever it is they do) then we would lose our money, BUT WAIT!!!!! There is hope! If I decide to switch to small dish now, then we could get FREE two room installation AND activation!!! Along with that we could choose to receive 220 channels for $15.00 per month off the regular price for an entire year. We could actually receive a refund for the one month of service of our Abs. Dig. pack. She said that right after saying that our remaining month of CBand would be free.

My experience with NPS is that they don't refund anything, even when promised and in writing, without me losing a LOT of time, effort, and teeth.

Did I forget to mention the free DVR? There was also an insurance soft sell. She was smooth, I must say. She told me that if I didn't call back by tomorrow and accept the offer that I would be out the one month free CBand service, which I guess would be the supposed refund of our remaining one month. No, she did not say that it would be credited to our new small dish bill. She said refund.

Bless her heart. She was sure to let me know that they in no way were trying to pressure us into purchasing a small dish system. She was so kind as to be honest that they had NO CLUE when Motorola would pull the plug. It could be tomorrow. I could be six months from now. Awww. Not a clue. She was so thoughtful of me to let me know that they couldn't refund my money because they couldnt' promise me anything.

OH! And didn't I know that CBand was more expensive for me than the small dish?

Yep. No more CBand for anyone anywhere.


Mike Mountford does come across as someone that is not completely on the up and up. If it is not him, then his employees are grossly misrepresenting NPS. You know: The company that he is ultimately responsible for.

Mr. M, this thumb is for you: :up , and no, it is not to give you a thumbs up.
I have spoke with NPS a few times in the past week and what you said is there standard sales script. Little do the know we know it's all bull. I think for the better of of all of us is don't even renew short term anymore with NPS (they can't be trusted on pulling there plug). Call SRL/Skyvision. NPS will start loosing money from me tomorrow since one of the 4 things I have with them expires. I also have an outstanding bill sitting here for the last small pack I renewed just before Feb 1st. I want to talk with a supervisor about that since if they will not promise me that the programming will be on for the term on the bill I will refuse to pay it past the date I speak with the supervisor. Starting in March I will be begin my migration to SRL, in April phase 2 will begin with SRL, at that point all I will have left with NPS is one alacarte till Oct.

It's going to be a wild ride with uncertainty with NPS till I secure my services once again with SRL & Skyvision. I will not be taken advantage or have money stolen by NPS with any games they want to pull because they are having issues with programmers and Motorola. I had a problem with NPS pulling a shot years ago when ABC family went digital and they tried to steal that renewal money. I refused to budge and they deleted that bill out of the system. I had to play hard ball to do it but they did not get away with it. I guess I will have to do that again. :mad:
In next 3-6 months, I see 80-90% of NPS customers either go with SRL or (probably only a few) go with their dishnet bs. So, I can see uncertainty that the G3's going away very soon with so very few subs left for Mike and co. I just hope G3's stay up until June 30 because that is what I am paid up to. I sure wish I hadn't renewed early, but Mike already has my money.

July 1st I plan to be with SRL and or skyvision...
Yes It looks like G3 will be the first thing NPS will abandon. I feel for you with having subs with NPS, I'm in the same boat. Except for one alacarte which I was renewing yearly I have been keeping all my other subs at 3 month terms. Im sitting on pins and needles expecting my programming to go to non subscribed mode any day because NPS didn't pay a programmer. Im sure there going to default on there bills, then blame the shutdown on Motorola. If there was a way I could get a refund I would and start SRL today. I don't want to pay double though. If worse comes to worse and NPS pulls my programming while I still have a term left with them. I can get it back with SRL probably within 15 minutes. Then NPS will have a battle on there hands with me even getting my lawyer involved for theft.
if you pay buy credit card... would early cancelations be covered under fraud protection ? my cc has it and then id think the cc company would get involved chasing nps. purchases are contracts and you cant just walk on contracts without consequences.

crackt out,.
If they terminate the service you paid for, and you paid by credit card, it is a very simple process to have the difference forcefully recalled by the issuing bank.

The great thing about credit cards is more often then not, the consumer is always right.
I wouldn't shead a tear if G3 gets turned off. It is by far the worst example of commercial engineering regarding video delivery I have ever seen. (Ok maybe not, 97 West has some contenders.)
Always remember that NPS is super sneaky. They know what they are doing. It's in the verbiage somewhere that they can change up subscription at anytime. In my personal opinion, I think that they will stick with the end of 2010 as the date in order to avoid a lot of headaches, but who knows what will happen when they see how many people will jump ship.

IDEA --- someone mentioned using the mail function to inform all 4dtv users of NPS's lie. Of course nps couldn't be named. a reply came back that you had to pay for it. could one of us do it, but all of us chip in to help with the money to pay for it? it would be well worth it. i'm curious if motorola would just do it to let customers know that they weren't backing out. mike kohl is able to talk to someone there, maybe he could talk to them for us?

I forgot to add in my original post from last night that the woman that I spoke with was named Lisa. I am curious if she is the same Lisa that is mentioned in the very first post of this discussion. Mike M. said she was an entertainment specialist.
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X4 ZK channels

Please help me Make a List of C/KU Receivers
