I think they're probably counting that 90,000 number as subscribers who cancelled as well as those who've complained and those who've received a credit.
You would think Dish would crawl back to the bargaining table and accept Fox demands if they lost almost 10% of their customers. So I am calling BS on that #
I was a dedicated Fox New watcher, but I'm still with Dish and putting up with CNN and their non stop "Breaking News" from Airline disasters to Terror Attacks in France.
The only good thing is less or little politics, seems Fox is too hell bent on politics and less on "Breaking News", you would think with all the commercials that Fox News shows
(approximately every 6 minutes) they wouldn't be demanding so much $$$.
The Blaze doesn't cut it it's too much talk discussion, very boring. on the plus side I get Sky News on my Roku.
So I can live without Fox, if it means paying extra.