I just had to delete some comments due to their political slant. This is getting tiresome! Please stop with the political comments.
Just more FUD perpetuated by the news, like the 90,000 lost subscriber number Carry is making up.
Again, you fail to mention the flaw of that, when you fail to mention the underhanded tactics Fox is pulling also
Fox got everything they wanted out of the Multichannel News article and that 90,000 lie. See here, here, here, and here among others. Fox News may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are masters at media manipulation.
Notwithstanding, we have:
Fox News' total audience down over 21% since Dish blackout started
Tough to manipulate actual numbers.
And their false GUESS at how many consumers have left? Guaranteeing their stock holders dish wouldn't leave... That's just bad management on Foxs prt to their shareholders. That all said, advising customers to switch is just as "underhanded" as Charlie calling Fox on their Bs. And yes, I will beleive Charlie in that regard and here is why. This is not the first time in the last 12 months Fox has tryed to hold one of their channels or content hostage from dish, to improve contracts on FS1 specifically. Go ahead and research that one. You are so short sighted and small minded on the topic, it's truly astounding. As I have said before, Fox News target audience member.I know of no "underhanded" tactics, by either party, and neither do you. We have seen Ergen's lack of decorum. Parrot Ergen all you want.
Since you seem to have an inside track to the Fox/Dish negociations, care to share the transcripts with us?
I'd say that advising customers to switch if they want Fox is the only viable solution at this point. Any clear thinking individual can see that. The fact that I've been without Fox for 3 weeks says it all.
... If Fox News wants you to see them then this deal must be for Fox News and Fox Business only. The other channels will have to be negotiated when there contact is up which is over a year away.
Posted Via The FREE SatelliteGuys Reader App!
AMEN! Hallelujah! Preach it, brother!Please stop with the snipping and attacks. I come here to find out info on the negotiations, only to find topic after topic closed due to personal attacks or political yammering. I don't want to come back and find this thread closed too...
Lol. This actually made me chuckle. Thanks Tony.AMEN! Hallelujah! Preach it, brother!
We have established that Mark believes Charlie has committed slander and Chad refutes it (along with others.)
Now move along, move along.... nothing to see here!
The notion that Dish makes $5 a month from each of its customers is ridiculous. They might make $50 a month from one customer and lost $40 a month from someone who never pays their bill. Are they losing the dead beat customers or is Dish losing the really profitable customers? Doubt if many people who watch Fox are deadbeats, mainly older people who pay the bill regularly. As has been said, Dish has high overhead and fixed costs, that is why they can't afford to lose customers. Wall Street doesn't like that at all, that is why it is important in the quarterly reports.
I must not have complained enough lol. I sent in my comments on Jan 2 and I have not gotten a credit or even a email. Ive been a dish customer since 2001....Did you guys that got credits give your account number or just email when you left feedback?
I find it funny that at least one of the most vociferous posters about how horrible Dish is being is still a Dish subscriber. IOW not even following his own advice!
I'm surprised at some of the posters, not really at all by others. 90,000 comes from an estimate by a FOX Vice President of Distribution. He gets that from how many have called or contacted Fox and contacted DISH. Really?? And people here are actually using that as some kind of correct amount or even a fair and balanced estimate? I didn't realize some could be so easily deceived.
If the shoe fits...If that dig was directed at me, I have a DirectTV installation scheduled for Jan. 14 in the morn, not that it's any of your business.
Hope that helps.![]()