DishPlayer 942 is (NOT) out!

BFG said:
With the rebates and other Stuff an HD tivo can be bought for $650 a much better value than the 942

What model is the Tivo HD DVR and where can I find it? I did a search on pricegrabber and came up empty. Would a TIVO HD-DVR work on DishNetwork?
fenwah said:
What model is the Tivo HD DVR and where can I find it? I did a search on pricegrabber and came up empty. Would a TIVO HD-DVR work on DishNetwork?

Tivo has not released a HD DVR that will work with Dish. You would need a Stand alone DVR that accepts DVI or Component inputs.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Mark from DBSTalk will have the first review of, after they we will post our honest review of the unit.

Actually I am looking forward to it. :)

Who are they? Also, you surely are not suggestion that Mark's review is not an honest opinion are you?
tonyp56 said:
I wouldn't buy/lease this receiver, the only way that I would put it to use is if Dish gave me one to test, I'd be willing to help them, but I wouldn't buy this thing
I wouldn't mind getting one for what my 921 cost me. :D
(I won it at the SatelliteGuys holiday party) :)
WeeJavaDude said:
Who are they? Also, you surely are not suggestion that Mark's review is not an honest opinion are you?
Who are who?

Mark's first origional 921 review was so "pro echostar" and sugar coated you got cavaties just by reading it. Alls it did was mention how great the 921 was, it didn't mention any of the bugs or shortcomings. It wasn't until I posted my review that Mark went in and edited his review to note the problems.

If I remember correctly there was even some people upset about how sugar coated his review was.

However with that said I believe Mark has learned a lot over time and will post a good review, which is why I am interested in seeing it. Although part of me stink thinks we could see a little coating to keep his friends at Echostar happy.

When I get my 942 I will put the 942 through its paces and I will give our members an honest review of the unit, as I could give 2 cents as to what Dish Network thinks of me, I am not doing a review to impress Dish Network, I am doing a review for SatelliteGuys members so they can make an informed decission when they choose new satellite technologies.

No excuse me please, I have an interview with some Dancing Girls who are looking for a job. :) Don't know if I would hire them though as they never showed up for work at the other place. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Who are who?

In your response below you say "They we will", was not sure who they were when I first read it. After re-reading it a few times i now know what you were trying to say. Sorry for the confusion and for the record I was not be a Grammer police, just got slipped up.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Mark from DBSTalk will have the first review of, after they we will post our honest review of the unit.

As to the reply to my orginal question, I guess were saying you felt that in his 921 review he was being dishonest.
tonyp56 said:
Of course this is my opinion, and if and I say IF the 942 doens't have any problems I will be the first to say I was wrong.

Ofcourse the 942 will have issues when released. The HD Tivo did, Tivo itself did, the 522 did, the 921 really did etc etc etc. The real question is will any of these problems be a huge whooper and will Dish be able to solidify the stability of the unit in a timely manner and not paddle around like they did with the 921.

I think the answer to the question remains to be seen. From what i have seen around the 522 and with lessons learned I do think they are working with a better code base and there is some hope.

Time will tell.
Actually, my 921 review got edited after it was released, which was still before you wrote your review, Scott. The original version did mention some of the 921's shortcomings (what I originally saw based on about 2 weeks worth of using it), but did not mention the very big original problem with it (other than saying that there was a very big original problem) because I was giving the programmers time to fix it. When it was released with the original very big problem still there, that was when I edited my review to add what they very big original problem was, and provided a workaround for it, if I remember correctly.

I really don't care if you think that I'm dishonest, or put nice candy coating over what I write. My opinions are my own, and they're not driven by any ulterior or subverted motives. If I like something, I'll tell people about it. If I don't like something, then people will hear about that as well. Once my review is online, you will see the things that I don't like about the 942. But, you'll also see what I do like about it. You're certainly welcome to agree or disagree with me. Doesn't make any difference to me one way or the other.
All I gotta say about the 942 delay is......

So, I guess this means a delay in Scott's 942 Giveaway?

(go ahead, korsjs, say it: "What, a delay? Nobody saw that coming!")
Are they just minor bugs? Maybe they can release next week before the Easter weekend, or are they still saying April?
bobj2004 said:
Are they just minor bugs? Maybe they can release next week before the Easter weekend, or are they still saying April?

I sent an e-mail to this afternoon trying to get on pre-order for a 942 to replace an old receiver that recently failed. I got a phone call back in 20 minutes and the person who called said she had heard discussion in the office that the 942 was delayed until "mid April", but she had seen no hard info on the release date. She also told me that there is no pre-order list and that they would be offered on a first-come first-served basis. She did offer to try to call me when they become available (but she would be on vacation in mid April, so I may not hear from her if it's released while she's gone.)

We'll have to wait and see.

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