DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/9/2008 1:00pm - 178 changes

I don't have a problem with people getting their locals in HD. What I have a bit of a problem with is large cities, who already have very good over the air HD service, getting locals in HD before those of us who live in mountainous rural areas where reliably picking up *any* kind of signal over the air is a challenge.

OK, I'm done being grumpy.....for now.
Ditto - Grand Junction CO get OTA in High def when NOT plugged in to the DVR 622.
Well, once again we can wish in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which one fills up faster! With Dish you end up with a handfull of....we'll you know.
My theory is they wanted to launch a set number of LILs first. It is also that they wont do both LILs and Nationals on the same uplink day.

Based on what we've been told it seems very liekly we'll see scifi and usa next week. I'm hoping with the delay we may see something else as well.

But in the end, I'm just a fool and I know nothing. Just my own thinking. :)

I am also a fool, and I enjoy logic games. So I used to enjoy predicting what Dish would do. But It has gotten to the point where Dish is impossible to predict because whatever logic they are using is unique to that corporation and impossible to replicate by any living thing on this planet (or in geostationary orbit).

I used to assume that they had extra capacity, but I don't assume that anymore. The sales figures show that they are getting their clock cleaned by D* as regards new subscribers, the ones most likely to value HD. They are behind by about 25 channels, by my count. And they have admitted that this is a problem. Why wouldn't they launch more HD is they could? Puzzling.

My answer to this is that they want us all to switch to MPEG4, and the only place they can do that is on Eastern Arc. So why would they put more HD on 110, 119, or 129?


+ There will be no National HD until April 30.
+ When it comes, most of it will ONLY be available on 61.5 This will hasten the migration of people like me to the ALL MPEG4 system. In Order to get these new National HD products, as well as PBS locals, people like me will either have to pay for a new dish or extend commitment by two years.\

My second prediction is that I will make no more predictions about Dish after May 10. By then, I will either have switched or Dish will have done enough to keep me as a subscriber.
What about the fact that some areas were pushed to have a 61.5 dish back in 2006? Thats when mine was installed and yet there is no new HD, not even LIL HD for some of those markets?
Like when E* said Austin HD locals were coming in 2006;)

I won't disagree. :eek:

Here's the 2006 announcement.

"DISH Network will make HD Local channels available to over 50 percent of U.S. households via satellite in some of the following markets. The remaining markets will receive over-the-air broadcasts as signal availability, strength and geography permit."

Even with their careful wording only delivering 28 out of the 50 or so potential markets was BS.

This uplink report is definitely a chiller. A slow (actually glacial) moving cold spell has Colorado USA in it's icy grip. No new national HD for us and it is not a SciFi fantasy.:(
I really am getting a kick out of this. Many people are happy that they are getting there HD locals now. There is also a lot of people unhappy that they didn't get any HD nationals today. The locals for me in Milwaukee, WI were uplinked today. That should make me happy right? Well, I would have to say wrong to that. They placed them on a sat. that I can't get (61.5) without having yet another dish put on my roof. I have had Dish for 2 1/2 years now. In that time I have had to go from a "Super Dish" to a "Dish 1000". I was told then that it would also take care of the HD locals when they come on line. I guess they were just feeding me a line. I had to upgrade my HD DVR in order to get the mpeg4 stations and sign another commitment. I also had to put up a TV antenna to get my HD locals because Dish didn't come through with them when they said they would. If I add the second dish now, I will have 2 dishes and a tv antenna on my roof. How rediculess is that? Just how many holes in my roof do I need: For everyone who is unhappy about having to put up a second dish and unhappy about not getting their National HD stations why not just jump ship and get Direct TV. You can probably get everything and do it all with just one dish. Before I install a second dish that is exactly what I am going to do.
Did you read his original post? He said, "That may be true of a small number of HDTV buyers, but I would guess the majority of them understand the difference between SD and HD channels."

He's talking about HDTV owners, not all TV viewers. Yes, 230 out of 1,002 people watching HDTV is pathetic, but what he said about a majority of HDTV owners understanding the difference between SD and HD channels is apparently true, since according to this report, 56% of them (HDTV owners) have HD programming.

Plus, the article discusses the number of HDTV owners who subscribe to an HD signal. The original argument trying to be made was that there are a number of people who buy HDTVs who don't understand that they need a HD signal to view HD content. I would imagine that a number of HDTV owners understand that they need the HD signal, but have chosen to wait to upgrade. I would also imagine that those same people are waiting to see who is going to give them the most HD for their dollar--Dish, Direct or cable. Therefore, Dish is going to lose out on these potential customers unless the national HD train leaves the station!
Did you read his original post? He said, "That may be true of a small number of HDTV buyers, but I would guess the majority of them understand the difference between SD and HD channels."

He's talking about HDTV owners, not all TV viewers. Yes, 230 out of 1,002 people watching HDTV is pathetic, but what he said about a majority of HDTV owners understanding the difference between SD and HD channels is apparently true, since according to this report, 56% of them (HDTV owners) have HD programming.

I am in the 44% right now. Well, I get a few locals via QAM from my limitied basic through coNcast (only have that for the HSI discount but that is for another thread). I LONG for HD channels, but I still hold off. Each week checking to see if e* has lit any HD nat'ls I've been waiting for - namely: AMC, ifc, CNN and Cartoon. I live in a market whose LiL are not on the chart any time soon (Harrisburg/Lanc DMA #41); so it's exciting to see some markets get their HD LiL's... but for this potential customer, locals are a non-factor, show me the nationals.

As some one who sells televisions at a mom and pop store, I know I am in the minority of that 44%; the larger number of them are the elderly and less informed who, through mis-information, believe that unless they have a HDTV, they will get no television next year. I try to educate them but it falls on deaf (figurative) ears. To a large number of that 44%, DTV and HDTV are synonymous.
I am also a fool, and I enjoy logic games. So I used to enjoy predicting what Dish would do. But It has gotten to the point where Dish is impossible to predict because whatever logic they are using is unique to that corporation and impossible to replicate by any living thing on this planet (or in geostationary orbit).

I used to assume that they had extra capacity, but I don't assume that anymore. The sales figures show that they are getting their clock cleaned by D* as regards new subscribers, the ones most likely to value HD. They are behind by about 25 channels, by my count. And they have admitted that this is a problem. Why wouldn't they launch more HD is they could? Puzzling.

My answer to this is that they want us all to switch to MPEG4, and the only place they can do that is on Eastern Arc. So why would they put more HD on 110, 119, or 129?


+ There will be no National HD until April 30.
+ When it comes, most of it will ONLY be available on 61.5 This will hasten the migration of people like me to the ALL MPEG4 system. In Order to get these new National HD products, as well as PBS locals, people like me will either have to pay for a new dish or extend commitment by two years.\

My second prediction is that I will make no more predictions about Dish after May 10. By then, I will either have switched or Dish will have done enough to keep me as a subscriber.

What about the people in the south and the west coast, who do not use 61.5 for anything. I doubt dish would make all of those customers add a 2nd dish for 2 or 3 national hd channels. They will have to mirror the new hd on 110,119,129. I can tell you in the new orleans area there are way more directv dishes than dish network. Down here 1 directv dish gets all of the hd nationals plus the locals in hd. When dish users in N.O. have to use 2 dishes to get their locals in hd, i think you will see a bunch of people jumping to directv. Just my opinion, but i dont think people want 2 dishes, if they can switch to a co. that only uses one.
Currently NYC HD are on 6300-6303. NYC SD are 8100-8118. So are those really HD stations on Spot beam or are the SD. Despite what the report says they do not appear to be active at least to regular Dish customers.
Ok. Been nice seeing all ya'll again.. Guess those that don't switch to DirecTV will be back again next week.. See ya'll then, Same time Same place.. (and probably same result) :)
Each week checking to see if e* has lit any HD nat'ls I've been waiting for - namely: AMC, ifc, CNN and Cartoon. I live in a market whose LiL are not on the chart any time soon (Harrisburg/Lanc DMA #41); so it's exciting to see some markets get their HD LiL's... but for this potential customer, locals are a non-factor, show me the nationals.
You could easily be receiving the Philly HD locals while waiting for more national HD.

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