DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/2/2008 3:10pm - 631 changes

With the RSN channel moves in Cleveland, it reads like they are taking them off of 129 and moving to 61.5. Is this actually a "mirroring" situation or is an actual removal from 129 and placement on 61.5?

I would say mirroring. Parts of Ohio (Columbus, Jackson, etc) don't/won't/can't receive Cleveland HD locals. And as such, already have the 129 in place.

That would be INCREDIBLY costly to DNS to have all of those HD homes get a repoint. As someone already mentioned, I'm sure it'll either be a $60 upfront or a 24 month commitment to get a repoint if you don't have the 61.5 in place currently.
Tony, basically it is stuff moving from 110/119 to 61.5 and shifting from MPEG 2 to MPEG4, then being readded as MPEG 2 at 110/119

I think it is just the system used, it would have been better than instead of showing them as moves, just showing them as adds on 61.5

But I agree, the CSNBA to FOXBA makes NO sense, nor does all the moves off of 118k

The 118 removes are actually from 121. That "remove" bug is on the list.

You are correct on the adds/moves. I used to combine these by hand. Now they are really noticed since the category stuff was put in. Looks like I have a good report to work on for coding this weekend.

As always... check TheList for the latest look on the layout.
If Dish intends to have a solution pointing at 61.5 they have to copy all the locals from 119/110 to 61.5. So, they would put all the standard def locals in MPEG-4 SD and the MPEG-4 HD locals all on a spot beam on 61.5. That way you do not have to have a dish pointing to 61.5 area and one pointing to 119/110. For a market like Chicago that is a lot of local stations in SD, and the big networks in HD on spots from 61.5. They are duplicating 110/119 spots to 61.5.

Isn't that a HUGE waste of Bandwidth? And for a market like Chicago, a HUGE waste of time and resources? Are they going to charge me to put the 61.5 dish back on my house that they took down two years ago when I got HD? And how many tens of thousands of Dish subscribers in the Chicago DMA don't have a 61.5 dish to begin with?

This move DOES NOT PAYOFF until they move everyone and update all the equipment. Until then, they can't take the 119 locals down, anyway, can they? We're talking YEARS and YEARS before any of those can come down.

This makes sense how, exactly?
Well, I reread the uplink report and not only did they not turn on Raleigh HD on 61.5 but they removed the MPEG2 HD on 118.5! Now there is no Raleigh HD available right now?? Jeessh, I sure hope there is another uplink report brewing somewhere -- pluuzzeee.
I would say mirroring. Parts of Ohio (Columbus, Jackson, etc) don't/won't/can't receive Cleveland HD locals. And as such, already have the 129 in place.

That would be INCREDIBLY costly to DNS to have all of those HD homes get a repoint. As someone already mentioned, I'm sure it'll either be a $60 upfront or a 24 month commitment to get a repoint if you don't have the 61.5 in place currently.

Makes sense. Thanks. Once I have the locals, I'll be fine signing up for 2 years.
If it is indeed going to show up in the next few days, that'll be the shot in the arm the RSP and local retailers in NE Ohio needed. A *TON* of repoints!

welcome back to a busy Dish network :) Hope you make out like a bandit on 61.5 installs! I know my brother needs one as soon as locals get turned on!
Not sure why people were expecting national HD in this report. We've been saying pretty much all week its just going to be more HD LIL shuffling. Although with SkyAngel out of the way now hopefully we'll see more interesting stuff in the near future.
so bottom line...what is going on with the cleveland stuff?

Scott has said he is hearing next week for a turn on, We will have to wait and see and hope that date holds true, but as of right now, the locals are now up on 61.5 and the Rsn's are too, so it looks like everything is getting lined up for them to throw the switch any day now I hope!
so bottom line...what is going on with the cleveland stuff?

If you have 61.5, you'll have the RSN's soon and your locals sometime this month. If you have 129, you have to wait until 61.5 locals go active later this month (hopefully) and then sign up for 2 years/pay $60 for a wing dish. Exciting stuff.
If you have 61.5, you'll have the RSN's soon and your locals sometime this month. If you have 129, you have to wait until 61.5 locals go active later this month (hopefully) and then sign up for 2 years/pay $60 for a wing dish.

Are the RSN's staying on 129 or will I miss those without a wing dish?
I am so confussed. I have a 622, with the 250 package, and Hd, and locals (but not my hd locals yet, they aren't available). I see 110/119/129, and I live in Louisiana, so what will I need after May (Eastern arc) to get everything I have now, plus my HD locals (when they become available)? A wing dish, or a new dish just pointed at 61.5, or what. I am lost at this ppint
If you have 61.5, you'll have the RSN's soon and your locals sometime this month. If you have 129, you have to wait until 61.5 locals go active later this month (hopefully) and then sign up for 2 years/pay $60 for a wing dish. Exciting stuff.

so i will have to pay 60 and sign up for another 2 years?
or will i get to choose one or the other?

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