DISH -VS- VOOM - A Settlement has been reached!

Here's something that puzzles me:

Rainbow must be sitting on a ton of copyrights! In two years, I haven't seen any of the programming that I remember from Voom appear on any channel. I'm speaking not only of the movies, but also of the excellent documentaries on Gallery, Equator, etc.

Rainbow owns other HD channels, such as Bravo and A&E, and those channels recycle the same stuff over and over again, to the point that I at least have given up and taken them out of my Preferences. (i checked yesterday and still nothing new -- just reruns).

Why doesn't Rainbow take the excellent content of the Voom channels -- Monster, Equator, Rave, Gallery, and 11 more whose names I forget -- and use it to re-vitalize Bravo and A&E? What are they waiting for? The end of the court case? Why not now? It would seem to me to be a lot siimpler than trying to launch new channels from scratch.

Anybody have a theory?

Rainbow does own several channels but neither A&E nor Baravo are among them.
Rainbow does own several channels but neither A&E nor Baravo are among them.
That's true...their major channels are AMC, IFC, Sundance, and WE. Personally, I love AMC and will occasionally watch IFC...although I can do without Sundance and WE. Offhand, I recall VOOM owning the copyrights or broadcast licences to a number of horror films. Hmm. I guess they could be shown on WE - that channel always scares me. :p
Lastest Update: 16 April 2010

WHEREAS, on May 19, 2008, the Court entered the Preliminary Conference Order;

WHEREAS, the Preliminary Conference Order provides that, "all dispositive motions shall be made no more than 30 days after the filing of the Note of Issue."

WHEREAS, on March 19, 2010, Plaintiff VOOM HD Holding LLC ("Voom HD") filed the Notice of Issue and Certificate of Readiness for Trial in this matter;

WHEREAS, pursuant to C.P.L.R 3212, both VOOM HD and Defendant DISH Netowrk LLC ("EchoStar") presently intend to file motions for summary judgment in this matter;

WHEREAS, both VOOM HD and EchoStar seek a brief extension of the deadline to file motions for summary judgment, and the parties further seek to set a briefing schedule for those mottions.

WHEREFORE, it is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the undersigned counsel, that

1. All motions for summary judgment and supporting papers will be served by hand delivery on or before Thursday, April 29, 2010;

2. All oppositions or responses to motions for summary judgment and supporting papers will be served by hand delivery on or before Friday, May 28, 2010;

3. All replies to in further support of motions for summary judgment and supporing papers will be served by hand delivery on or before Tuesday, June 29, 2010; and

4. Oral argument on the motions for summary judgment will be held at a date and time to be schedule by the Court on or about Thursday, July 8, 2010 or on the earliest date thereafter that the Court may seek oral argument.


OK, I understand what a summary judgment is but after reading the filing I am not sure if the parties are asking for a summary judgment based on the merits of the case or if there is a motion for a specific issue. I guess we'll have to wait until the motions are filed and both parties respond.
Lots of activity in the VOOM vs. EchoStar case...just noticed the court posted 54 exhibits, including depositions, on their website: something like 90 e-documents are downloadable, while 25 are secure and not accessible to the public.

Both VOOM and E* and seeking summary judgment with oral arguments scheduled for July 8th.
Has anyone has time to read any of the 90+ documents posted online? They would take several days to read and analyze...and I certainly don't have time these days. Anyway, although some of the exibits there are litterally hundreds of pages posted online. For example, the Exhibit68-95 and 97 document is 551 pages long. Yikes!
I've glanced over several hundreds of pages of these documents. As I suspected, all the pieces to VOOM's initial assertion that E* concocted false breaches in order to illegally terminate the affiliation agreement have been validated. E*'s arguments are non-sensical and fly in the fact of contractual law. I have the feeling Dish Network customers will soon be paying for VOOM HD programming they have not and are not go along with the $17 duo-DVR fees the customers are forking-over to pay Tivo.
I've glanced over several hundreds of pages of these documents. As I suspected, all the pieces to VOOM's initial assertion that E* concocted false breaches in order to illegally terminate the affiliation agreement have been validated. E*'s arguments are non-sensical and fly in the fact of contractual law. I have the feeling Dish Network customers will soon be paying for VOOM HD programming they have not and are not go along with the $17 duo-DVR fees the customers are forking-over to pay Tivo.

Way to post just the Voom side of things.:( Of course that is the reaction you would have reading the Rainbow filing.

I was more interested in the emails you posted in the pub, specifically when Dish asked for an audit, and Voom protested, saying that that had always been waived. Seems to me like a guy trying to hide something.

How about in the interest of fairness posting Dish filings?
Way to post just the Voom side of things.:( Of course that is the reaction you would have reading the Rainbow filing.

I was more interested in the emails you posted in the pub, specifically when Dish asked for an audit, and Voom protested, saying that that had always been waived. Seems to me like a guy trying to hide something.

How about in the interest of fairness posting Dish filings?
There are close to 500 documents posted for public viewing. You can just as easily access these documents and post them here if you wish. Why do you need me to post them for you? In fact, I'm surprised how you failed to post EchoStar's motion after complaining about my not posting it. Additionally, I posted no such emails in the pub. Once again, here is the link to access these documents: WebCivil Supreme

Anyway, the document I originally posted accurately portrays both sides of the argument (assuming you read any the thousands of pages of legal arguments, depositions, expert testimony, financial statements, and other artifacts publically available in this case) regardless of whose side you believe. I've posted EchoStar's motion (which took less time to post than your reply) which, in my opinion, mirrors the issues being addresssed by Voom. I think most people here are smart enough to realize this is Voom's motion...and can download and read EchoStar's motion if they wish. Finally, there literally dozens of really interesting documents that are publically available but nobody seems too interested in this case since it doesn't involve Tivo..and VOOM will certainly never reappear regardless of the outcome.

Such is life...


This is the way I remembered it. The Voom channels were a nice service when there were NO other national hd channels available. Once there were more national hd content channels Voom had outlived its purpose and was taking up valuable transponder space. Especially when all they showed was the same two show or movies over and over on the same channel ALL day long. Worse eventually the content was shared on all the Voom channels and shifted from one movie channel to the next . The same two movies all day long on now all movie channels. They all took turns showing the same crap. In my opinion Voom definitely violated their agreement with DISH to add more original programming first. DISH tried to keep just the best 5 hd channels that were really watched like Monsters HD , but VOOM wouldn't hear of it. They wanted all or nothing so All channels were removed. Now I can watch some of the same Monsters hd movies on MGM , Retro, channels as well as others. I don't miss them anymore. Besides when Voom first appeared on DISH , I would of watched anything in hd because HD was new. Now I am more selective in what I watch and content is more important in my decision . I wish they would settle this and the Tivo thing and move on.
Valuable Transponder space. Taht's the ticket. Voom never lived up to it's end of the deal. Voom services were for niche audiences that may have numbered 10,000 a month. It no longer made sense for Dish to keep those channels occupying TP space when their value to Dish was nil. SO they dumped the Voom Channels.
Of course a small yet vocal minority made of of fans of these niche servics have been chriping. However as new and more popular national HD services come on line ,that chirping has gone mostly silent.

Hopper and USB Hub???

Upgrade to 2nd Hopper questions

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