DISH -VS- VOOM - A Settlement has been reached!

Seems strange to me. Dish is for all practical purposes the "defendant". Rainbow has the burden of proof. Seems like Dish should get the choice. But I guess the plaintiff gets the choice in civil matters.

If the trial is in New York, perhaps Rainbow is worried about getting some disgruntled Cablevision subscribers on the jury. :)

Other question: anyone know who's lawyers actually drafted the affiliation agreement? This trial will be all about interpreting an ambiguous contract, and I think it is standard that such contracts are interpreted in favor whomever didn't draft the contract.
Either side may generally request a jury trial. Usually a trial date if by jury will be set further out. I would venture that in this case due to the technicalities involved in sorting out this (dis)agreement, the parties would prefer a decision by someone better versed in these matters and not leave it to 12 people off the street. The vast, vast majority of jurors would have a difficult time wrapping their head around the minituae that may make or break this case for either side.

As for interpretation, that would be generally correct if one party presented it to the other and it was signed as is (e.g. a consumer contract). I doubt that was the case here. Sometimes a specific clause stating that all parties were involved in the drafting is inserted to take care of that issue.
Dish Network Files Jury Demand with NY Supreme Court

In response to VOOM's demand for Trial by Judge, Dish Network (aka EchoStar), "hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable in this matter." (see attached)

OK, offhand why would VOOM request Trial by Judge and EchoStar request Trial by Jury? It seems to me that a Judge would be best suited to "quickly" sort throught the minutia (millions of pages of artifacts having little probative value) and addressed the "Breach of Contract" isssues at hand. A jury trial will add months, if not years, to these proceedings and, in my opinion, it is easier to confuse or obfuscate evidence than it is with a trial by judge. I really don't see the "I hate Cablevision" being much of a factor...but who knows?

Would any trial lawyers care to comment on both parties strategy?


All I want to know is when do I get my Monster HD back! Watching Godzilla in HD was great and better yet it drove my wife nuts :D

I also miss Rave and Equator.

In response to VOOM's demand for Trial by Judge, Dish Network (aka EchoStar), "hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable in this matter." (see attached)

OK, offhand why would VOOM request Trial by Judge and EchoStar request Trial by Jury? It seems to me that a Judge would be best suited to "quickly" sort throught the minutia (millions of pages of artifacts having little probative value) and addressed the "Breach of Contract" isssues at hand. A jury trial will add months, if not years, to these proceedings and, in my opinion, it is easier to confuse or obfuscate evidence than it is with a trial by judge. I really don't see the "I hate Cablevision" being much of a factor...but who knows?

Would any trial lawyers care to comment on both parties strategy?
Mo&Fo is representing Dish on this one. I don't know all the procedural angles, but perhaps it is a delay tactic or covering their bases. You generally have to make the trial by jury request early on, but can withdraw it if no objection is raised by the other side.
Even if Rainbow wins, all they now want is a check. I understand some in Rainbow wanted rid of Voom themselves and took the opportunity.
No doubt...this is money grab and VOOM is history - I'm just interested to see who was telling the truth and/or who met their contractual obligations. However, it's possible to see a couple of the VOOM channels reappear once this case is over...lots of MonstersHD fans.
Just keep dumping salt into the second largest festering wounds dish has inflicted onto my AEP ( Current largest is the $17 Box fee on top of the DVR Fee..)

Monsters HD Must be Exhumed!!
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No doubt...this is money grab and VOOM is history - I'm just interested to see who was telling the truth and/or who met their contractual obligations. However, it's possible to see a couple of the VOOM channels reappear once this case is over...lots of MonstersHD fans.

Here's something that puzzles me:

Rainbow must be sitting on a ton of copyrights! In two years, I haven't seen any of the programming that I remember from Voom appear on any channel. I'm speaking not only of the movies, but also of the excellent documentaries on Gallery, Equator, etc.

Rainbow owns other HD channels, such as Bravo and A&E, and those channels recycle the same stuff over and over again, to the point that I at least have given up and taken them out of my Preferences. (i checked yesterday and still nothing new -- just reruns).

Why doesn't Rainbow take the excellent content of the Voom channels -- Monster, Equator, Rave, Gallery, and 11 more whose names I forget -- and use it to re-vitalize Bravo and A&E? What are they waiting for? The end of the court case? Why not now? It would seem to me to be a lot siimpler than trying to launch new channels from scratch.

Anybody have a theory?
Re: First amended complaint filed in Voom vs. Echostar Lawsuit

Many of the Voom channels still air in other countries including Canada. Voom has abandoned the united states market though

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Here's something that puzzles me:

Rainbow must be sitting on a ton of copyrights! In two years, I haven't seen any of the programming that I remember from Voom appear on any channel. I'm speaking not only of the movies, but also of the excellent documentaries on Gallery, Equator, etc.

Rainbow owns other HD channels, such as Bravo and A&E, and those channels recycle the same stuff over and over again, to the point that I at least have given up and taken them out of my Preferences. (i checked yesterday and still nothing new -- just reruns).

Why doesn't Rainbow take the excellent content of the Voom channels -- Monster, Equator, Rave, Gallery, and 11 more whose names I forget -- and use it to re-vitalize Bravo and A&E? What are they waiting for? The end of the court case? Why not now? It would seem to me to be a lot siimpler than trying to launch new channels from scratch.

Anybody have a theory?
I can only assume it's part of their legal strategy. I don't feel like searching through the old VOOM threads...but yes, they did obtain/acquire/create/ thousands of hours of original programming and purchased movie library licenses, which was a capital investment in the VOOM HD product. Although Cablevision has a duty to shareholders to mitigate damages, I suppose any attempt to reuse VOOM assets would only hurt their case against E*. Additionally, another factor to consider is that EchoStar is still a minority owner (20%) in VOOM HD.
I can only assume it's part of their legal strategy. I don't feel like searching through the old VOOM threads...but yes, they did obtain/acquire/create/ thousands of hours of original programming and purchased movie library licenses, which was a capital investment in the VOOM HD product. Although Cablevision has a duty to shareholders to mitigate damages, I suppose any attempt to reuse VOOM assets would only hurt their case against E*. Additionally, another factor to consider is that EchoStar is still a minority owner (20%) in VOOM HD.

forgot they have some ownership. Why not settle the lawsuit and relaunch Monsters Treasure and some of the others and have something direct doesnt and would never have?
forgot they have some ownership. Why not settle the lawsuit and relaunch Monsters Treasure and some of the others and have something direct doesnt and would never have?
VOOM wants more than $1 Billion - DISH wants to give them 2 cents. After 2-years I don't see both parties killing and making up...this matter is going to be decided by a Judge and Jury.

Hopper and USB Hub???

Upgrade to 2nd Hopper questions

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