Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

Mount Rushmore is a beautiful job with lots to see. I have only one complaint that startles me every time! When the fireworks start the first three pops sound much more like knocking that each and every time I jump!
Dish accomplished something that Pres. Biden would not allow.

I just noticed a glaring error. As the sun rises behind the figures - they face east not west. The sun sets behind them.
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I just noticed a glaring error. As the sum rises behind the figures - they face east not west. The sun sets behind them.
:oldlaugh I didn't know that because I've never been there and didn't know which way they were facing.

And did you see the cartoon showing the view from the "Canadian side"?
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I watched the Spring Farm one this morning. I really like it. The only thing I would change would be how loud the crickets are at night. I had to turn down the sound on my TV with how loud they were and the crickets easily drowned out the dog.
Was that supposed to be a dog? Whoop, whoop, whoop didn't sound like a dog, more like a bad case of whooping cough. I got a kick out of Bigfoot stealing the eggs. By the way, if you look close I think you'll notice as the eggs roll down the board they are painted Easter eggs. Those must be very talented chickens. :)
Was that supposed to be a dog? Whoop, whoop, whoop didn't sound like a dog, more like a bad case of whooping cough. I got a kick out of Bigfoot stealing the eggs. By the way, if you look close I think you'll notice as the eggs roll down the board they are painted Easter eggs. Those must be very talented chickens. :)
I thought it was a dog - maybe something else? Or they were aiming on making a dog bark!
The July 2023 sounds very interesting. Shark Reef Dish Scape - "Experience the vibrant ocean where sharks and other sea creatures thrive amongst mystical ruins and a mermaid paradise". I wonder if it is going to have a similar vibe to the previous reef Dish Scape as well as under the sea one from August 2020.
I always go through a new one's cycle at least once just to see what I find. But ya, they have become pretty boring. Last December was better as it had more action. The best in my opinion was a couple of Octobers ago with the non-stop action spook house. But the best it gets these days is just finding the Bigfoot cameo. Pretty anemic.

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