Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

Hmmmm…. Like a lot of TV these days, the April Dish Scape may just be a repeat. Yawn.
The description mentions the fan favorite - I have them all DVR'd and I am not sure why that one is a fan favorite. I was re-watching it and there are some chickens, the eggs rolling, but there isn't a ton of things going on. Maybe the colors of everything was appealing to people? The Santa's workshop one - that one I can see how they could call that one a fan favorite and there are a lot of things that could be added and changed up from year to year. But this one I am not sure. I will be watching to see how it is different than last time.
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The new Dishscape that launched on 3/29 didn't have many changes from last year - nothing compared to the Santa Workshop. Nothing has changed on the streaming Dishscape yet - still is Bora Bora.

This is the 4th Dishscape in 5 months where we have had dancing characters. Santas Workshop had the dancing elves, Feb. had the dancing hearts, last month had the dancing elves, and this month we have dancing chickens/sunflowers.
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Next Month is the "Still Unexplained Dish Scape" set at the base of Devils Tower, is full of peculiar happenings, alien visitors, and more excitement than ever.

Seems like they are reusing the March 2020 Dish Scape as that one was at the base of Devil's Tower. Unless it is a different view?
Next Month is the "Still Unexplained Dish Scape" set at the base of Devils Tower, is full of peculiar happenings, alien visitors, and more excitement than ever.

Seems like they are reusing the March 2020 Dish Scape as that one was at the base of Devil's Tower. Unless it is a different view?
With a couple of exceptions, I always thought that first year for Dish Scape was the best, and especially the Halloween scape.
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Are you saying because of cost? That would make no sense as the regular Dishscapes are recordable. It's only the streaming ones that aren't. The wife likes watching it but I don't want to eat up my data every day or every other day so she can watch.
None of the streaming channels are currently recordable. It was rumored in another thread awhile back (don't remember which one) that the ability to record streaming channels was coming later this year. But we'll have to see.
That poses an interesting question then with "Signal Protection", when the receiver automatically switches from the dish to streaming does that mean the recording stops? And when it switches back does recording start again or is the timer lost? That wouldn't be much of a signal protection, would it? Something doesn't make sense here.
That poses an interesting question then with "Signal Protection", when the receiver automatically switches from the dish to streaming does that mean the recording stops? And when it switches back does recording start again or is the timer lost? That wouldn't be much of a signal protection, would it? Something doesn't make sense here.
Let's say you didn't have signal protection and you had a signal lost issue. Your recording would stop during the outage and restart when the signal returns. When you start that recording you would receive a message that part of your recording was lost due to the outage. I don't know if that same outcome would happen with the transfer to stream but because the stream automatically reverts back to satellite when you signal returns I have a feeling that you will get the same response.
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That poses an interesting question then with "Signal Protection", when the receiver automatically switches from the dish to streaming does that mean the recording stops? And when it switches back does recording start again or is the timer lost? That wouldn't be much of a signal protection, would it? Something doesn't make sense here.
I wondered about the "signal protection" - let's say for a channel like TV Land or Disney XD, which is in SD on satellite, if the signal goes out, does it stream in the HD format (as it is in HD on the Dish Anywhere app), or is there an SD stream to give a similar look to the channel?
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Also, with this month's Dish Scape on 199, when the Wild Sunflowers sing 10 minutes into the loop - is that the first time there has been any dialog in a Dish Scape? I don't recall there being any previous dialogs in any of them.
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Watched the new November streamed DishScape on 198 and saw a couple of interesting things.

It's a snowy vintage ski town (1950s ish as per the cars) with a main street that looks up the mountain ski slopes. To the left is a building that, if you squint real hard, is labeled the "Bigfoot Research Center". It even has a Bigfoot flag flying above it. Later during the night scene, Big Foot comes skiing down the mountain and up the center of Main Street. Got to have your big foot cameo appearance.

Something else caught my eye. The "Bigfoot Research Center" building has the almost obligatory satellite dish on it. However, it not the standard DishNetwork, three horn, that they have been using forever. Instead, it kind of looks like an old PrimeStar dish, the company that DirecTV bought out in 1999. I wonder if this could be a subtle nod to the Dish/DirecTV merger.

Someone correct me if they can more definitely identify that dish.
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The new November Thanksgiving DishScape 199 has a farm scene with a stream running through the middle of it, a vegetable garden to the left, and a cornucopia picnic table to the right.

initialize Brother_day;

Cats and dogs are friends;

Turkeys do a conga line;

A little squirreling around;

A UFO visit from the planet ApplePie;

set Brother_night;

Dean Martin's amore (that's a big pizza pie);

Country western inflatable turkey hoedown;

set Brother_day;

Bigfoot apple thief;

A Lilliput, three masted, Spanish armada;
goto begin_ scene;

And they should invite Sir Isaac Newton to sit at the far side of the cornucopia picnic table.

Plus, everyone wears pilgrim hats.

(And this DishScape has the standard DishNetwork, three horn, dish)
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I wonder why no one commented on last month's Halloween Dishscape? I suppose no one thought it interesting enough.
To be honest the regular Dishacapes are just getting way too silly. Back when this particular Halloween scape first debut it was spooky and great but each iteration just gets sillier. Dancing skeletons? Nah. This month's farm one is another example, marching turkeys wearing Pilgrim hats? Apple pie flying saucer? A Spanish Galleon (if that's what it's supposed to be) sailing down that little creek? Nah. Now the ski village is much better, enjoyable music and nothing acts silly.
To be honest the regular Dishacapes are just getting way too silly. Back when this particular Halloween scape first debut it was spooky and great but each iteration just gets sillier. Dancing skeletons? Nah. This month's farm one is another example, marching turkeys wearing Pilgrim hats? Apple pie flying saucer? A Spanish Galleon (if that's what it's supposed to be) sailing down that little creek? Nah. Now the ski village is much better, enjoyable music and nothing acts silly.
I agree on that! Last January's reminded me of being in Colorado - very calm, nothing crazy going on. But I know some people would say "nothing is going on - this is so boring". But now it feels like the silly forced additions are to the extreme. There are some that are meant to be fun - there was the one early on that had the elves/dwarfs in the forest with magical powers, there was one a couple of June's ago that was basically Candy Land and was a little more goofy, or some others that have the bend for the kids. I get that. Even the "unexplained Dish Scape" I could see some of the silly stuff as it gets imaginative. But some of it feels forced.

I am hoping that next months is good for Christmas. Last year they had Santa's Workshop (Will we see Santa's Workshop 4 this year?) and then the channel that had all the old Christmas Dishscapes with some new additions. Plus the Dishscapes where you had to search for things. I always enjoy the Christmas ones and hope we don't see too much goofy stuff.
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