Watched the new November streamed DishScape on 198 and saw a couple of interesting things.
It's a snowy vintage ski town (1950s ish as per the cars) with a main street that looks up the mountain ski slopes. To the left is a building that, if you squint real hard, is labeled the "Bigfoot Research Center". It even has a Bigfoot flag flying above it. Later during the night scene, Big Foot comes skiing down the mountain and up the center of Main Street. Got to have your big foot cameo appearance.
Something else caught my eye. The "Bigfoot Research Center" building has the almost obligatory satellite dish on it. However, it not the standard DishNetwork, three horn, that they have been using forever. Instead, it kind of looks like an old PrimeStar dish, the company that DirecTV bought out in 1999. I wonder if this could be a subtle nod to the Dish/DirecTV merger.
Someone correct me if they can more definitely identify that dish.