Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

So who won the contest on channel 199? The pumpkin has shown the names of Diane C, Barb B, and Sophie BP. Are any of them members of SatelliteGuys? I watched for 30 minutes and the names repeated so I assume that they are the 3 winners. I have not found my name so I guess I did not win. Although I did not win it was fun watching to find the answers so I hope Dish does something similar in the future.

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So who won the contest on channel 199? The pumpkin has shown the names of Diane C, Barb B, and Sophie BP. Are any of them members of SatelliteGuys? I watched for 30 minutes and the names repeated so I assume that they are the 3 winners. I have not found my name so I guess I did not win. Although I did not win it was fun watching to find the answers so I hope Dish does something similar in the future.

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Hopefully they do something similar in December for Christmas.
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So who won the contest on channel 199? The pumpkin has shown the names of Diane C, Barb B, and Sophie BP. Are any of them members of SatelliteGuys? I watched for 30 minutes and the names repeated so I assume that they are the 3 winners. I have not found my name so I guess I did not win. Although I did not win it was fun watching to find the answers so I hope Dish does something similar in the future.

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Just for chuckles I watched it again this morning while enjoying my coffee and saw some things I don't recollect seeing before. Was there always a sunrise effect? How about the gargoyle in the planter? The cat up front in the entrance gateway instead of the cemetery or front porch? The one thing I thought we'd eventually see was a hand reaching thru the fence and grabbing some candy from the pot but it never happened. Really, really cool graphics. :thumbup
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Just for chuckles I watched it again this morning while enjoying my coffee and saw some things I don't recollect seeing before. Was there always a sunrise effect? ...
Yes. More interesting (to me) is the length of the daytime segment. At the beginning of the month, the scape was evenly divided between day and night, as you might expect at the beginning of October. Last week, I noticed that the day segment was shorter than the night segment. With this week's changes, the day segment is now even shorter than that. So, the scape's days are actually getting shorter in real time, matching (as closely as possible) the actual length of the day at this time of the month.

...How about the gargoyle in the planter? ...
Yes, that was always there.

...The cat up front in the entrance gateway instead of the cemetery or front porch? ...
That was there in week 1. I was very glad to see the cat return there this week, so we could see it up close again. Now, the cat is in all three places, so we can follow its journey as it patrols the grounds. It is still not doing its job, though. Somehow, that rodent keeps sneaking through to cross that entrance gateway.

...The one thing I thought we'd eventually see was a hand reaching thru the fence and grabbing some candy from the pot but it never happened. ...
The sign says "Take one if you dare." Apparently, no one dares! :biggrin

... Really, really cool graphics. :thumbup
Yep! :thumbup
No one noticed the SatelliteGuys logo?


Ok maybe that's a stretch, but maybe one day. :)

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Howdy neighbor! (Not really; I live in Fairfax.) It is lovely. Furthermore, if this is 100% CGI, they did a very convincing job of those waterfalls.

I haven't seen much in the way of wildlife. I think I saw a murder of crows flying overhead. I can hear a whole lot of other birds, however. I also hear what sounds for all the world like a person stepping on and breaking a twig. Bigfoot? I never did get to see Bigfoot in that other Dish Scape. :(
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Howdy neighbor! (Not really; I live in Fairfax.) It is lovely. Furthermore, if this is 100% CGI, they did a very convincing job of those waterfalls.

I haven't seen much in the way of wildlife. I think I saw a murder of crows flying overhead. I can hear a whole lot of other birds, however. I also hear what sounds for all the world like a person stepping on and breaking a twig. Bigfoot? I never did get to see Bigfoot in that other Dish Scape. :(
Did you try the Gallery app? I never went back and watched the old scapes in that app, so I am not sure which version of that scape they used. (Bigfoot was a mid-month addition that month, when it originally aired.) If you have not already subscribed, you can still get one month for free. :)
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This one doesn't appear to have as many things as the previous couple. Very beautiful, but not a lot of change. I had it on for about an hour in the background and there was no sunset or day to night like the others would.
So far, there's really "no there, there."
Could it be that DISH has a new plan?
They want to keep our interest, keep us watching daily, so......
In a day or two they add a couple new things... maybe a bear comes out on the ledge, and a trout jumps out of the water.
Then after another day or two... a hang glider trailing a DISH banner flies into the scene, and a man walks out to check the water wheel.
A howling wolf and a jumping frog appear after a couple more days...
And on and on throughout two or three weeks. That would keep me watching daily.
If you don't do something like that, DISH; it might work for some future month...
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