Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

About wildlife: at the right side, behind and under the evergreen, on the ground is a bird who peeks out. Its head, beak, and eye look to me a bit like a crow, but its feathers are dark brown rather than black. Of course, I'm the person who doesn't see clearly in these DISHscapes, so y'all tell me what it is.
Of course, how the forest gets such thick vegetation with no precipitation beats me.

And the wildlife must have moved away to get some sleep, since it's never dark.
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So far, there's really "no there, there."
Could it be that DISH has a new plan?...
I thought that the Gallery app was their new plan. Monetize their assets! ;)

They want to keep our interest, keep us watching daily, so......
Well, maybe if they start inserting commercials, then Dish would have more of an incentive to keep us watching, in order to rake in that ad money. :devilish

In a day or two they add a couple new things... maybe a bear comes out on the ledge, and a trout jumps out of the water.
Then after another day or two... a hang glider trailing a DISH banner flies into the scene, and a man walks out to check the water wheel.
A howling wolf and a jumping frog appear after a couple more days...
And on and on throughout two or three weeks. That would keep me watching daily.
If you don't do something like that, DISH; it might work for some future month...
Actually, what I think would keep all of us watching daily is more "watch and win" events like last month. It would not have to be three huge prizes, but how about a whole bunch of smaller prizes? Pay-Per-View certificates, free premium movie packages, bill credits, etc. That way, Dish can spread the good will around, and satisfy a lot more customers, while still having the overall cost to Dish be lower than the cost of last month's grand prizes. Just something to think about, Dish...
This one doesn't appear to have as many things as the previous couple. Very beautiful, but not a lot of change. I had it on for about an hour in the background and there was no sunset or day to night like the others would.
I like the more static nature of the Dishscape for relaxation. If many things are happening in the background, I can't relax until I know everything that will happen.
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I thought that the Gallery app was their new plan. Monetize their assets! ;)

Well, maybe if they start inserting commercials, then Dish would have more of an incentive to keep us watching, in order to rake in that ad money. :devilish

Actually, what I think would keep all of us watching daily is more "watch and win" events like last month. It would not have to be three huge prizes, but how about a whole bunch of smaller prizes? Pay-Per-View certificates, free premium movie packages, bill credits, etc. That way, Dish can spread the good will around, and satisfy a lot more customers, while still having the overall cost to Dish be lower than the cost of last month's grand prizes. Just something to think about, Dish...
How about "guess the exact location" game?
Howdy neighbor! (Not really; I live in Fairfax.) It is lovely. Furthermore, if this is 100% CGI, they did a very convincing job of those waterfalls.

I haven't seen much in the way of wildlife. I think I saw a murder of crows flying overhead. I can hear a whole lot of other birds, however. I also hear what sounds for all the world like a person stepping on and breaking a twig. Bigfoot? I never did get to see Bigfoot in that other Dish Scape. :(
I think Bigfoot was in May. I bet turkeys will fly out In this scape at some point- this is, after all, November!
So who won the contest on channel 199? The pumpkin has shown the names of Diane C, Barb B, and Sophie BP. Are any of them members of SatelliteGuys? I watched for 30 minutes and the names repeated so I assume that they are the 3 winners. I have not found my name so I guess I did not win. Although I did not win it was fun watching to find the answers so I hope Dish does something similar in the future.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Agree. I liked the contests.
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And they are keeping it calm before the big one——December!
Yes, the Hopper screensaver ad for Dish Scapes is already promoting the upcoming Christmas Dish Scape: "Check back for the Christmas DISH scape starting on 12/1." I guess maybe Dish thought they would start getting complaints from people in November about "Why aren't you showing the Christmas scape yet?" So, Dish figured "We'd better tell them to be patient, it's coming in December." (By the way, if you want Holiday Instrumental music, Dish has that playing now on channel 927.)

Interestingly, last year's December Christmas scape was the calm one, compared to all of the scapes this year. So, when Dish says "the Christmas DISH scape" I wonder if it is the same one from last year, or if they will have a new one.
I like the more static nature of the Dishscape for relaxation. If many things are happening in the background, I can't relax until I know everything that will happen.

I agree. The more entertaining ones are interesting for us to actively watch - at least until we had spotted all the features. However, they are distracting if you just want it on while reading, etc. We tend to just leave the more scenic ones running while we do other things.
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So, we have a snowy mountain Christmas scene with lots of blinking lights on decorated tree.. Saw some northern lights. Hearing occasional crashes - not sure what that is. And of course, the Jolly Old Man himself rode across the sky wishing us all "Merry Christmas." Also Big Foot himself makes a brief appearance.
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