Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

I smell a spin-off thread coming: "Dish Scapes App is interesting."

Surprisingly, this app is also available on the Hopper Duo! :eek: So, this is what they removed the More Video Services app to make room for. However, even after rebooting my Hopper Duo, when I go to the Gallery app, all I get is a screen with "No Titles Found." :(
View attachment 147487
My sister confirms that this is not working properly on her Wally, either. :( She sees the channel, but when she selects it, all she gets is a message saying Unable to Load, asking her to reset the Wally. After resetting the Wally, the same thing happens again when she goes to channel 198.
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I downloaded the Beach Scapes (16 episodes), Dish Scapes (8 episodes), Fall Scapes (9 episodes). The Dish Scapes are downloaded to the hard drive and can be fast forwarded. It only took a few minutes to download each Dish Scapes. Each is 1 hour in length. I will watch them during the free preview month of September.

However, I would never pay $5 to watch them.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
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My sister confirms that this is not working properly on her Wally, either. :( She sees the channel, but when she selects it, all she gets is a message saying Unable to Load, asking her to reset the Wally. After resetting the Wally, the same thing happens again when she goes to channel 198.
I checked my sister's Wally today. The error pop-up after selecting channel 198 had a code 619a in the upper-right corner. The Gallery app is completely missing from her Apps Menu. Some time this afternoon, channel 198 then completely disappeared from both her Wally and from my Hopper Duo. I think it was around the time that Dish made this change in the uplink report: Uplink Activity Updates » Blog Archive » 9/10/20 at 2:30pm ET (v17) – 0 changes seen

New LName/Text
198 GLLRY Internal Data

So now, she has no way of even trying to launch the app at all. :( I can still launch the app on my Hopper Duo, either through the ad shortcut in the banner at the bottom of the guide, or through the Hopper Duo's Apps Menu. Either way though, I still get the No Titles Found message every time I launch the app.
My sister confirms that this is not working properly on her Wally, either. :( She sees the channel, but when she selects it, all she gets is a message saying Unable to Load, asking her to reset the Wally. After resetting the Wally, the same thing happens again when she goes to channel 198.
I checked my sister's Wally today. The error pop-up after selecting channel 198 had a code 619a in the upper-right corner. The Gallery app is completely missing from her Apps Menu. Some time this afternoon, channel 198 then completely disappeared from both her Wally and from my Hopper Duo. I think it was around the time that Dish made this change in the uplink report: Uplink Activity Updates » Blog Archive » 9/10/20 at 2:30pm ET (v17) – 0 changes seen

New LName/Text
198 GLLRY Internal Data

So now, she has no way of even trying to launch the app at all. :(
So, after all of my complaining here about not being able to access the app on the Wally, my sister finally found the additional Dish Scapes through the regular On Demand.

On Demand > Browse By Channel > See More > New Networks On Demand

Since the app now works properly on my Hopper Duo (other than the channel 198 for the app still not showing up in my guide) we are both happy now. :)
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I love the Alaskascape!

Things I have located that I have not seen talked about:

1. The owl and her chicklet.
Sits on the far left big dark green alpine tree.
Count upwards from the bottom branch, to the 4th large branch.
It's a little reddish/brown/golden smudge, sittng on the branch in profile, looking at the shops. Her color is like the golden tree behind the green tree.
Best to locate during the day.
Once you see it, you can't believe you didn't see it.
A tiny beige chicklet head pops out sometimes, to the right of the mama owl.

2. Smoke from chimney in some of the houses on the hill.

3. The red fox, it has a nice lush tail.
Could be a different animal like a wolf, in the same area of the moose.
We don't see her as often as the moose.
This is different from the moose with a rack that disappears in the tree.

4. There are several small black barges that come in from the sea on the left, that don't come into the dock.
They don't pass the trees to be seen again.
When it's raining, I count 6 barges/boats come in to the outer bay.
They also appear in the day time.
These barges are different from the two colors of fishing boats that come to offload their fish at the dock.

5. A lone seagull flies over the shops and homes on the hill.
6. The Orca whale.
7. Mama bear and two cubs.
8. Bald eagle flies around whole scape and back to her nest in tree.
9. Seaplane.
10. Fish truck to pick up catch of the day.
11. Glacier breaking off from mountain into the bay.

I CANNOT FIND THE DUCK. Help me find it!!!!
I'm assuming the geese are the ones flying, not the ducks.
If I remember correctly, the duck comes out on the rock, in front of the trees that the moose walks behind. Though I have not seen the duck in a while. I cannot believe you found that owl. Did you have a magnify glass looking that close in? Lol. I would have never known that is what that was. I thought it was just a small spot of a different color leaf or something.
If I remember correctly, the duck comes out on the rock, in front of the trees that the moose walks behind. Though I have not seen the duck in a while. I cannot believe you found that owl. Did you have a magnify glass looking that close in? Lol. ...
Like I said before, this is all a big conspiracy to get us all to buy larger TV's. I barely spotted it (after reading that post) on my sister's 24-inch HD TV, by getting up and standing only a couple of inches away from the screen. On my old 20-inch SD TV? Forget about it!

... I would have never known that is what that was. I thought it was just a small spot of a different color leaf or something.
I thought the same thing. I assumed that it was just a gap in-between the leaves of the tree in front, letting the leaves from the tree behind it show through.
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I can't believe all the stuff y'all can see, that I cannot. It's great!

This is my favorite 'scape by far, because of the quality of the sounds. Sure, other 'scapes have done the sound of rain, but in this 'scape when it's raining, you can distinguish the plop of nearer drops from the patter of most drops, and still hear the water lapping at the shore underneath. Outstanding!
I can't believe all the stuff y'all can see, that I cannot. It's great!

This is my favorite 'scape by far, because of the quality of the sounds. Sure, other 'scapes have done the sound of rain, but in this 'scape when it's raining, you can distinguish the plop of nearer drops from the patter of most drops, and still hear the water lapping at the shore underneath. Outstanding!

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Looks like October will be Halloween themed - "Spooktacular Dish Scape." Something new, though - there will be a "watch and win" element. Apparently, you watch and then take a quiz online about the scene.
So, after all of my complaining here about not being able to access the app on the Wally, my sister finally found the additional Dish Scapes through the regular On Demand.

On Demand > Browse By Channel > See More > New Networks On Demand

Since the app now works properly on my Hopper Duo (other than the channel 198 for the app still not showing up in my guide) we are both happy now. :)
I checked my sister's Wally again today. Now, the New Networks On Demand section is completely missing. We couldn't find the Gallery On Demand channel anywhere else, either. :( She still has access to some of the Scapes that she had already rented On Demand. However, after selecting any of the other suggestions from the lower-right corner of the Info screen (You May Also Like...) the only option available for those events is a Close button in the lower-left corner of the Info screen. The ones that she actually can play will only play for a few minutes. Then, they crash, with a "Please wait. Refresh in progress" pop-up in the lower-right corner of the screen, before kicking her back to Live TV. It is a shame that this is happening with one week still left in the free preview. If Dish had waited until after the free preview ends before screwing this up, then it would not have mattered.
  • Wow
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...Some time this afternoon, channel 198 then completely disappeared from both her Wally and from my Hopper Duo. I think it was around the time that Dish made this change in the uplink report: Uplink Activity Updates » Blog Archive » 9/10/20 at 2:30pm ET (v17) – 0 changes seen

New LName/Text
198 GLLRY Internal Data
After today's uplink, channel 198 finally reappeared in my Hopper Duo's guide.

LName/Text Change
198 GLLRY (110° TP 21) Internal Data Changed
198 GLLRY (72.7° TP 21) Internal Data Changed

Regional Flag Change
198 GLLRY (110° TP 21) Regional Flag changed
198 GLLRY (72.7° TP 21) Regional Flag changed
I checked my sister's Wally again today. Now, the New Networks On Demand section is completely missing. We couldn't find the Gallery On Demand channel anywhere else, either. :( She still has access to some of the Scapes that she had already rented On Demand. However, after selecting any of the other suggestions from the lower-right corner of the Info screen (You May Also Like...) the only option available for those events is a Close button in the lower-left corner of the Info screen. The ones that she actually can play will only play for a few minutes. Then, they crash, with a "Please wait. Refresh in progress" pop-up in the lower-right corner of the screen, before kicking her back to Live TV. It is a shame that this is happening with one week still left in the free preview. If Dish had waited until after the free preview ends before screwing this up, then it would not have mattered.
The On Demand Gallery Scapes are working again on my sister's Wally. So, I am still not sure why there was a problem the other day, but it is fixed now.
I like this Spooktacular DishScape. The ghost of the lady who appears and sits on the bench was done very well. When I put on my surround sound headphones, there is a lot of background noise. I got a chuckle with this real old house and the satellite dish right there. Looks like one of the Dish HD dishes from Eastern Arc :biggrin
I like this Spooktacular DishScape. The ghost of the lady who appears and sits on the bench was done very well. When I put on my surround sound headphones, there is a lot of background noise. I got a chuckle with this real old house and the satellite dish right there. Looks like one of the Dish HD dishes from Eastern Arc :biggrin
I agree ! I like the ghost! She looks so forlorn. I assume they will change the scape each week in October for a new quiz?! Certain archetypal "frighteners" are missing from the scape.
Let's get to the important stuff - the dish on the roof of the sun room appears to have a western arc LNB setup. :)
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This month's Halloween 'Scape is driving one of my cats crazy. With all the movement and noises he is determined to jump through the screen and into the scene. And, are my eyes failing me or is the ghost really wearing a virus mask?