Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

At the risk of straying farther afield, someone mentioned "Thunderbirds" and "Fireball XL-5" previously. Just to let you know that Amazon Prime Video has these as well as "Stingray", "UFO", and "Captain Scarlet". There are some other shows and movies, too. Stuff from my nerdy upbringings…:)
Yes I mentioned that I was watching Stingray.:cool:
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The one I really thought was great was years ago. Dish Earth. With a camera on the satellite. I have some great pictures of the Sun on the other side of the Earth and the "ring of fire" showing on screen.
Back in 2009 I recorded a solar eclipse that should have been visible on this channel. Unfortunately the aperture was opened up too much and the sunlit portion of the Earth is blown out.

But you can still make out the Moon's umbra moving across the Pacific.
I hear there is a hidden SatelliteGuys logo in this months Scape. I understand its only one for a few seconds.

Did anyone see it?

Yeah right. Would be cool though. :D

That would be cool. Dish is probably waiting for a space-themed DishScapes to add your logo. ;) You know it's coming.
With shark week gone, we no longer have the message in the sand. Now, very similar to last month's pickup drive through we have a submersible doing laps through the scene. I'm a bit surprised that the driver has no interest in the treasure chest and ship.

Then, there's organ music once in a while. At first I thought my wife was watching something on her iPad. Then she complained about the music and we realized it was coming from the TV.

Also noticed a different fish - maybe a barracuda? Plus a few seahorses.
With shark week gone, we no longer have the message in the sand. Now, very similar to last month's pickup drive through we have a submersible doing laps through the scene. I'm a bit surprised that the driver has no interest in the treasure chest and ship.

Then, there's organ music once in a while. At first I thought my wife was watching something on her iPad. Then she complained about the music and we realized it was coming from the TV.

Also noticed a different fish - maybe a barracuda? Plus a few seahorses.

If you look at the hull of the sunken ship when the organ music plays, you will see the inside is lit up. I think it's a ghost ship and there are pirates down there partying.

Haven't seen seahorses or barracuda yet.
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Online guide says that next month is Discover Alaska Dish Scape.
Dish just removed the SD version of the channel promoting their monthly "watch" events:
Uplinks Removed
198 WATCH removed from 110° TP 15 (SD Instant Order)
198 WATCH removed from 77° TP 26 (SD MPEG4 Instant Order)

The HD feed is still there, though. I guess this makes sense, since the Dish Scapes channel is HD-only. However, you would think that Dish would still want to promote the other free preview channels in the Watch Event on SD receivers. Unless, of course, there are not going to be any SD channels in next month's Watch Event. Hmmm...
Stay tuned! :)
  • Wow
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Dish just removed the SD version of the channel promoting their monthly "watch" events:
Uplinks Removed
198 WATCH removed from 110° TP 15 (SD Instant Order)
198 WATCH removed from 77° TP 26 (SD MPEG4 Instant Order)

The HD feed is still there, though. I guess this makes sense, since the Dish Scapes channel is HD-only. However, you would think that Dish would still want to promote the other free preview channels in the Watch Event on SD receivers. Unless, of course, there are not going to be any SD channels in next month's Watch Event. Hmmm...
Stay tuned! :)
And now the HD feed of channel 198 is gone. So apparently, there is no Watch Event associated with next month's Dish Scape. Or perhaps, Dish really needed the bandwidth, so that they can add a brand-new HD channel. Hmmm...
Of course, if Dish is that desperate for bandwidth to be able to add new HD channels, then the Dish Scape channel would be next on the chopping block. :( :crying
  • Sad
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And now the HD feed of channel 198 is gone. So apparently, there is no Watch Event associated with next month's Dish Scape. Or perhaps, Dish really needed the bandwidth, so that they can add a brand-new HD channel. Hmmm...
Of course, if Dish is that desperate for bandwidth to be able to add new HD channels, then the Dish Scape channel would be next on the chopping block. :( :crying
No they're not going to get rid Dish Scapes. They mostly have good reviews on this forum, and I'm sure someone from Dish reads the posts.
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No they're not going to get rid Dish Scapes. They mostly have good reviews on this forum...
It's not about reviews, it's about money. $$$
As long as Dish can turn the Dish Scapes into a paid advertisement, and keep bringing in those advertising dollars from Discovery or whoever else may want to advertise on the channel, then it is probably safe. However, if Dish decides that they need the bandwidth for a different channel that can bring in even more money than that, then the Dish Scape will get the boot faster than your head could spin if it were trapped in a blender. :biggrin

... and I'm sure someone from Dish reads the posts.
Oh, I am absolutely sure of that. They are implementing the Alaska idea that I suggested last month.

... Therefore, for the night to be that short, this scape must take place pretty far north. My guess would be that this farm is somewhere in the southern part of Alaska...
Online guide says that next month is Discover Alaska Dish Scape.
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