Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

Instead of calling or using chat I tried adding the platinum programming using my account at the Dish website. I already have HD programming, so I had to untick the (Gold) HD addon option, then click review. The next screen showed the HD & Platinum programming as an option so I selected it and saved the changes. The platinum channels were instantly available at my house.

I just did this and it worked perfectly, I now have the platinum channels! Thanks!
I just added it using the same method. I figured there was no way in hell I'd give the CSRs a chance to deny it if it worked automatically.

The only drawback I can see is that now it doesn't mention "DVR Advantage" anywhere on my account, so I probably won't be getting the $3 per month credit that I never really understood in the first place. (Damn Dish and their creative accounting.) But $3 for 11 channels is better than $10, and coincidentally 3 is exactly the number of those 11 that occupy a spot in my favorites list. (Whether I'll watch them that often is another story.)
NBA Network HD - Seasons Over. Nothings on.
NHL Network HD - Seasons Over. Nothings on. Avs lost anyway. Great music though. I wonder which DISH CD channel it is?

Whoa there! You're looking at the wrong channels. You're looking at the Center Ice and Full Court (or whatever they call it) HD channels. NBA Network and NHL Network have programming year-round. You need to look at 402 and 403, if you're a fan.
I would say that it is one of the most helpful things you will read.

If it is August 4th and you want to know what is going to happen on August 5th, wait 24 hours.

If instead, on August 4th, you have spent an hour asking people what will happen, you have wasted an hour that you could have spent doing something more worthwhile.

What happens on August 5th will not necessarily have anything to do with what anyone says on August 4th, including those who are supposed to be performing the actions.

While this applies to everything, it is especially true of Dish Network. ;)

And now you're defending your surly, smartass attitude by displaying it. Grow up and stop harassing people on Scott's site.
FWIW, got the Platinum channels via online chat a little earlier today, quick, easy, no questions. I have the Silver Package (4 years) along with HD Silver (18 months)and simply asked if I could have the former Platinum channels that are now part of the $10 Silver HD Pack.
What will be my price increase.

I have

DDA 200 Silver $57.00

250 gold add on $10.00

HD Gold add on $10.00

Extra Rec. $ 5.00

With tax I'm paying $87.97 (6% tax)

So if I'm get the platinum Hd how would my bill change?
If you change your "GoldHD" to "Platinum HD and GoldHD" then you will lose your 2 for $22 or 3 for $31 price as it says here: "Existing customers who subscribe to DishDVR Advantage and pay the special price of $22.00/mo. for two add-on packages (a premium movie package AND a $10.00/mo. HD add-on package OR the Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack) will not see a price change unless they elect to change their programming."

When I reviewed the changes it showed it would cost me $5 more a month since HBO would now cost the normal $16 price and not the $11 it costs when packaged with the other add-ons. So it is not worth the extra $5 to lose that deal and get Platinum. That is not right that they can't just give us Platinum and we have to "change programming" to get it so that it ruins the deal we had.
Instead of calling or using chat I tried adding the platinum programming using my account at the Dish website. I already have HD programming, so I had to untick the (Gold) HD addon option, then click review. The next screen showed the HD & Platinum programming as an option so I selected it and saved the changes. The platinum channels were instantly available at my house.

So there is further evidence that each hand doesn't have a clue about the other. What a fiasco for Dish. Is all of this some elaborate marketing ploy?:rolleyes:

Thanks! It works. What a painless way to do it. Dish Network should be ashamed.
This one?

I guess you bought new equipment then right?
And look what thread its in.
A whole thread with more unhappy Turbo customers.
So now Turbo is gone so we shouldn't see anymore of these threads.:p

Dish will provide plenty of reasons for more unhappy customers no matter if they're Turbo subscribers or not, that's almost guaranteed given their track record.:up:)
I hope that anyone wanting Turbo HD was already signed up. Looks like they have completely removed mention of it on the web. I was wondering how long it would survive.

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