Dish Programming Changes (Effective August 1st)

Ok, here is my CSR Chat Two cents....

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...

You have been connected to (03) Diana B.
Diana B: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer. How may I assist you?

Hi I have heard that tomorrow for those who add Platimum HD it will be a no cost add on, I currently have platnium will I receive a credit for this?

Diana B: I understand your concern.
Diana B: I am sorry, you will not get any credits on the account.

really so I will pay for a package that does not exist anymore??

Diana B: However, if you wish you can remove it from the account and add it back tomorrow so that you will get HD Platinum for free.

Ok I will do that

Diana B: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?

so do I go online to remove the package and tomorrow go back online to add?
(03) Diana B: Not to worry, you can contact us tomorrow to remove it and add it back to the account.

ok so I remove it today right?

Diana B: No problem.

Diana B: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?

yes, so platinum has been removed

Diana B: Yes.

thank you. I will enter the chat tomorrow to add
Diana B: I have removed HD Platinum pack from the account.

Ok, I will contact chat tomorrow to add it back

Diana B: Sure, you can contact us at anytime to add it back to your account.
Diana B: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?

Thanks, yes
I am not going to change anything. I will scream (and cancel) if they try to charge $10 extra per month for my Platinum I have currently.

Oh yeah and the "survey" never popped up allowing me to save so good I copied it before closing window.

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Ethan B..
(03) Ethan B.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
w: ok
(03) Ethan B.: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(03) Ethan B.: Please specify your concern. I will gladly help you with that.
w: i have a question about Platinum HD ; i understand that as of August 1 it will be no longer available but will be basically a free add on to gold hd
(03) Ethan B.: Yes, that is correct.
w: will I still be billed $10 per month for my platinum HD add on??
(03) Ethan B.: You will not be billed for that as this free add on offer.
w: I have read that some people are canceling the platinum add on and adding "gold plus platinum back tomorrow"
(03) Ethan B.: That too as a free add on package.
(03) Ethan B.: Please don't worry about that.
w: so I will have $10 credit each month or will it be updated to just a 10 dollar fee for both?
(03) Ethan B.: You will have the $10 fee as usual. This is because you have this package on the account before it is cancelled from the line up.
(03) Ethan B.: I thought that it is still under the free offer.
(03) Ethan B.: Found now that the offer is finished.
w: so $10 from now on for both gold and platinum (basically all hd add on) instead of my current $20 dollars, is this correct?
(03) Ethan B.: I see that you are being charged $10 for it.
(03) Ethan B.: Yes, that is correct.
(03) Ethan B.: You will be charged $10 for it.
(03) Ethan B.: Please don't worry about that.
w: thank you, this is sort of confusing (the press release from Dish); thanks
(03) Ethan B.: You're very welcome.
w: how do i save this chat?
(03) Ethan B.: As this has just got out, will be confusing for a while.
(03) Ethan B.: Once this news gets around, one way or the other, everyone will come to know this.
(03) Ethan B.: You will get a survey form after this chat.
w: so the accounts will all be updated for free without calling?
(03) Ethan B.: In that, you have an option to get this transcript e-mailed to you.
(03) Ethan B.: The bill statement will contain all the changes mentioned.
(03) Ethan B.: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
w: yes thanks
(03) Ethan B.: You're very welcome.
(03) Ethan B.: At Dish Network, we are dedicated to providing world class service to our valued customers. You will have the opportunity, at the end of this chat, to rate how well I have provided you with exceptional service.
Please take this brief survey to rate the impact I had on your issue.

(03) Ethan B.: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great day.
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.
So say you're a current GoldHD subscriber without Platinum add on. Do you still have to call in tomorrow to switch to GoldHD + Platinum for $10, or is it automatic?
So say you're a current GoldHD subscriber without Platinum add on. Do you still have to call in tomorrow to switch to GoldHD + Platinum for $10, or is it automatic?
I think Platinum is available for free as early as tomorrow, But I don't think it will happen automatic untill the 5th was the impression I got from E*.
I signed up with Dish in June'09. I have the Silver Pk & Silver HD, w/PlatinumHD.

FWIW, here's my Chat session with Agent Mark P.:
Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Mark P.
(03) Mark P: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(03) Mark P: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
J.: no problem
(03) Mark P: I'd be happy to assist you with that, J.
(03) Mark P: Platinum HD is added to your account, so you are charged for this package.
(03) Mark P: Platinum HD is a Add on package to your HD programming.
(03) Mark P: This includes individual channels, and these channels are only available in this package.
J.: I read that if I drop the Platinum HD today, as of tomorrow I can re-add it for free...
(03) Mark P: I am sorry, I do not see any of such offers on this account, may I know where did you get this information?
(03) Mark P: Are you still there?
J.: yes, this isformation has been posted on the web site "" A number of postings are showing copies of online chats from Dish's chat stating this
(03) Mark P: Okay, as I do not have the authority to provide the credit, still as you stated it is documented and you were been intimated, then contact us at 1-800-333-3474 to get a credit code added for this charge on your account, so that you will not be charged for this package.
(03) Mark P: As, you are been intimated earlier about this credit as you stated, deduct $10.00 from the complete charge and make the payment for the remaining amount.
J.: So when do I need to call that phone number, tonight or tomorrow?
(03) Mark P: You can contact us at any point of time from now.
(03) Mark P: We are available for 24 hours.
J.: OK, now just so I'm sure I understand you correctly, I just need to call 1-800-333-3474 and tell them what?
(03) Mark P: That is correct.
(03) Mark P: They will take care the issue from here.
(03) Mark P: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
J.: Just one more Question, please
J.: is this chat that we are having now being documented in my file?
(03) Mark P: Yes, this is documented.
J.: I thank you Mark for your answers, have a nice night!
(03) Mark P: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great day

I'll post back after I call Dish.
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I'm on hold with Dish right now and the CSR has no ideal of what I'm talking about...She trying to access some kind of infomation...
CSR Virginia has found the information she was looking for and she has transferred me to CSR Stephan, ID# B5J...but he's trying to tell me that the free PlatinumHD is only for new subs as of August 1st...back on hold again...
Why do I get this uneasy feeling that if I went and had them remove plat today, and then ask them tomorrow to add it back for free, they'll tell me they can't because it doesn't exist anymore?

That's what I was thinking, but I went ahead and did it. In theory, it won't exist for anyone who doesn't have it. But if everyone else is promised those channels, why not us?
OK...Last post for tonight. Stephan said that he "dug a little deeper" and found out that the Free Platinum HD offer is for new and exsisting subscribers...and that it "will happen automatically" and "no phone call is necessary." When ask if I could get an email sent to me stating that, Stephan claimed that if I have an email address on my account Dish will automatically send it to me advising of the change.

Anyone care to place a wager on how this thing turns out?;)
DISH is so screwed up they can't even take something like "FREE Plat pack with any hd pack" for $10.00 and make it a positive advertisement for DISH . Instead it is once again a confusing mess like all their programming packs have been since they went metallic. COME ON DISH: KISS method should always apply for all programming.

Just FYI for those waiting to 12:01 to call in... get some sleep.

The Dish CSR computers don't get updated until 6am Eastern Time.

They wont have anything new to report or tell you or be able to help you out more until after then.

And even after then I would wait as since its the start of a new promo period it might take a few hours for folks to get up to speed on the new happenings.
Not to mention that one CSR mentioned that the change would occur automatically on August 5th. This actually makes sense, since that is a Wednesday, and the change would require package flags to be changed on all the Platinum HD channels.
There is a really bazaar channel in Platinum. Every time I go past Mav TV, they have "Exercise Babes" or whatever it is called on. Women in spandex working out while the camera zooms around them.