Dish Pricing Update

According the the Dish employee Scott quoted in Post #1, it is.

Okay Kab I reread post number 1 and when I did the math, they will also eliminate the extra dvr fees as well. So in the case that Scott pasted in his #1 post the guy will only pay $6.00 increase.

He had two duo dvr receivers. He said he would be charged $17.00 for the extra dvr. He said one dvr fee(5.98) eliminated and one A/0 eiminated(5.00) and rolled up into his receiver fee making his bill only go up about $6.00 a month.

17.00 receiver fee
05.98 dvr fee -
05.00 A/0 fee -
06.02 increase.

So at a second look this whole thing looks much better than I first thought. They will eliminate the A/0 fee if you keep it plugged into a phone/ethernet AND eliminate the dvr fee on your additional dvrs after the first too! So this means if you have AEP , you will still get one dvr fee on the first dvr but none on the additional receivers. This is comparable to what DIRECTV does right now on its Premier pack of programming which is their version of AEP. The more You actually look at it this is a good thing and it standardizes the lease/additional receiver fees for both sd and hd receivers. Now you see why they switched to names like duo receivers, solo, etc. They are standard names that can be used for both SD and HD receivers. One step closer to making HD the norm instead of the premium it was.
So at a second look this whole thing looks much better than I first thought. They will eliminate the A/0 fee if you keep it plugged into a phone/ethernet AND eliminate the dvr fee on your additional dvrs after the first too! So this means if you have AEP , you will still get one dvr fee on the first dvr but none on the additional receivers. This is comparable to what DIRECTV does right now on its Premier pack of programming which is their version of AEP. The more You actually look at it this is a good thing and it standardizes the lease/additional receiver fees for both sd and hd receivers. Now you see why they switched to names like duo receivers, solo, etc. They are standard names that can be used for both SD and HD receivers. One step closer to making HD the norm instead of the premium it was.
This is what I believe they are trying to do. I do not think the sky is falling.

wrong.....I live in Minneapolis which is one of the top 20 markets and we have Dish, Direct, or Comcast...some areas around Mpls/St Paul are Medicom or Charter but thats it

no fios
no uverse

Minnesota is mainly Qwest territory for phone and they hawk Directv...Qwest is in 14 states with a few large cities

and a lot of smaller areas (they're in MN, IA, NE, ND, SD, ID, MT, CO, UT, WY, OR, WA, AZ, NM)...damn I remembered all of them :)

I agree with this statement. I think the guy is one of those that thinks just cause I and a few friends have it then almost everyone must have it.
Another example is Scott G.'s own he posted. He has 6 duo dvrs on his account. So at 5 additional or leased receiver fees he will be paying 5 x 17.00 = 85.00.Now eliminate the dvr fees after the first 5 x 5.98=29.90. Eliminate the A/0 fees for keeping your phone line/ethernet plugged in 5x 5.00=25.00.
You get 30.10 increase in Scott's bill.

85.00 Additional or leased receivers 5x 17.00=85.00
29.90 - Dvr fees 5x 5.98=29.90/ eliminated
25.00 - A/0 fees 5x 5.00=25.00/ eliminated
30.10 increase in Scott's bill.

This is all a perception problem and DISH is trying to show it on your bill it one way and then show the credits in another area as a positive thing like : YOU SAVED $ 5.00 A/0 Fee! and YOU SAVED 5.98 DVR FEE !
This is what I believe they are trying to do. I do not think the sky is falling.

Maybe you can repost to your Multi Channel news- as long as you can get clarification from DISH of course. No sense in getting the internet public to panic for nothing. Besides I wouldn't want DISH to lose any good will and subs they just gained due to everyone panicking for nothing. This is just a perception problem based on rumors anyway.
30.10 increase in Scott's bill.

I don't know if Scott's receivers are leased or purchased. If they're leased, I'd say Scott's 6 HD DVRs are burdensome to Dish and he's being charged extra accordingly. That said, it is a nasty increase and I think some things like MRV between HD boxes (and non-DVR as playback slaves) would curb some needs for additional DVRs.

However, I do think Dish should make it beneficial to owning receivers. It would get these people off leases and they could always ding the customers for DHPP for repairs with the excuse "It's your stuff, not ours".
wrong.....I live in Minneapolis which is one of the top 20 markets and we have Dish, Direct, or Comcast...some areas around Mpls/St Paul are Medicom or Charter but thats it

no fios
no uverse

Minnesota is mainly Qwest territory for phone and they hawk Directv...Qwest is in 14 states with a few large cities

and a lot of smaller areas (they're in MN, IA, NE, ND, SD, ID, MT, CO, UT, WY, OR, WA, AZ, NM)...damn I remembered all of them :)

OK that is true, if your local phone company is not ATT or Verizon then you got no chance in hell of getting U-Verse/Fios and your local cable company does not have added competition or incentive to upgrade their systems.

But if you look at most of the population is located it is in CA, TX and eastern part of the country ie NE and FL except for TX states like Ca, NY, IL, FL and Penn more than 50% of the population in those states are located in major cities within those states. 1/3 of the country lives in the 5 largest states with over 1/2 of the population living in top 20 cities. If you look at the top 10 metro area's close to 40% of the country population lives their too. Small cities like Saint Louis MI offer U-Verse and they are not even a top 10 or 20 city. All new U-Verse trials are in Saint Louis MI or Austin TX. ie 24/3 internet speed and 3HD streams are both active in those 2 markets only.

Again I am not trying to say most of the country has comparable service to Los Angeles or NYC or Chicago etc. What I am saying is a very large portion of the population lives in cities, and in some cities just not large cities do have access to some type of TV via their local phone which is pushing down local prices.

Dish has 2 choices either move to a more local pricing structure in an effort to retain or add new customers in area where their is competition and price wars are going on or accept the fact they are going to loose tons of customers in those area's. Those area's are just going to continue to expand over time.

Dish writing off large area of country like most of CA and NY and FL can not be a good business model as I am sure considering those 3 states have about 20% of the US population that could translate into same % of total dish customers.
But if DISH eliminates the extra dvr fees like they say they will , it won't be a burden to DISH for subs to have more dvrs , it will be a plus. More people might actually start leasing or buying dvrs for their other tvs because they won't get dinged for the dvr fee PER DVR RECEIVER like today. The only way you could escape the fees before was to sub to AEP , the highest pack you could get. Now you can sub to top 200 or 250 or even top 100 and have as many dvrs as you want up to 6 if you buy and or lease, and no more dvr fees after the first. THIS is what we have all wanted was the elimination of the extra DVR fees . Looks like DISH is finally in parity with DIRECTV in the dvr fee department. This is something to CELEBRATE!!:D
OK that is true, if your local phone company is not ATT or Verizon then you got no chance in hell of getting U-Verse/Fios and your local cable company does not have added competition or incentive to upgrade their systems.

You could also be like ME NH VT where Verizon completely sold us out so they wouldn't have to deploy FIOS. They did this in other markets too.

Being in a Verizon market doesn't really assure getting FIOS. They could sell off any market they want to whoever if they deem it 'too expensive' to deploy.

By the way, Verizon has deployed FIOS in markets where they aren't the LEC. They're selling a fiber based service and the rules of traditional phone don't apply.
The 20 largest cities have a population of less than 35 million people; hardly 70% of the population.

You can not look at Cities, look at Metro area LOL. If you look at NYC it has 8.8 mil population but if you look at Metro NYC which includes all 5 burrows and Newark ie across the bridge then population is 22 mil and Newark population is 2.7 mil of that total just adding 5 borrow together get you over 1/2 of the 35 mil number you quoted and Los Angeles is even a better example. City of Los Angeles is 3.4mil but if you count metro Los Angeles which includes all of Los Angeles and Orange County then Metro Los Angles has 19.2 mil more. You can drive from the northern most point of LA County to southern most point and everything is build out, No rural areas either.

If you have even been to Los Angeles then you know for example places like Azusa, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, West Hollywood, North Hollywood, Long Beach, San Pedro, Torrence, Pasadena, Inglewood, Glendale etc are in Los Angeles county but are incorporated cities. So they are cities which are all surrounded by City of Los Angeles, but have their own fire and police dept and schools etc and people who live in those cities are are not added to City of Los Angeles population numbers as they dont live official in the city of the Los Angeles.

The largest metropolitan areas 1) New York, 2) Los Angeles, 3) Chicago, 4) Washington D.C., and 5) Boston. Those 5 metro area's combined have over 70 mil people. That is just top 5.
Ha Ha

You can not look at Cities, look at Metro area LOL. If you look at NYC it has 8.8 mil population but if you look at Metro NYC which includes all 5 burrows and Newark ie across the bridge then population is 22 mil and Newark population is 2.7 mil of that total just adding 5 borrow together get you over 1/2 of the 35 mil number you quoted and Los Angeles is even a better example. City of Los Angeles is 3.4mil but if you count metro Los Angeles which includes all of Los Angeles and Orange County then Metro Los Angles has 19.2 mil more. You can drive from the northern most point of LA County to southern most point and everything is build out, No rural areas either.

If you have even been to Los Angeles then you know for example places like Azusa, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, West Hollywood, North Hollywood, Long Beach, San Pedro, Torrence, Pasadena, Inglewood, Glendale etc are in Los Angeles county but are incorporated cities. So they are cities which are all surrounded by City of Los Angeles, but have their own fire and police dept and schools etc and people who live in those cities are are not added to City of Los Angeles population numbers as they dont live official in the city of the Los Angeles.

The largest metropolitan areas 1) New York, 2) Los Angeles, 3) Chicago, 4) Washington D.C., and 5) Boston. Those 5 metro area's combined have over 70 mil people. That is just top 5.

U so funny here. Keep digging maybe you will get out of the hole. :D
so it appears dual output boxes are 17 bucks each after the first?

less 5 bucks a month if you keep the phone line connected?

making 722s, 625s etc 12 bucks a month in receiver fees?

E will see lots of AEP cancelations........

from people like me trying to avoid the DVR fee.

So I could have the gold package, top 250 non high def $63.00

plus one primary receiver, plus 2 additional ones at 12 bucks each $24.00
for a total of $87.00
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Bill charges

This is what I believe they are trying to do. I do not think the sky is falling.

It is interesting what people are saying about their fees and programming.
I pay my bill through my phone company. Here is a quick breakdown:

DUODVR Receiver $5.00
Dish Network DVR Service Fee $5.98
Dish Home Protection $5.00
HD & Platinum $10.00
Classic Gold 250 w/ Locals $62.99
Bundle Discount $5.00
State/Local Taxes $1.65
Total $86.61

I wonder what changes I could see on by bill.
I have both receivers hook up to phone lines.
A 622 and 522
I guess the whole program may not be clear enough... i.e. what about the 501/508 units,and/or how it might apply with AEP pack.

I think the key for me is if I don't save on fees by having AEP, then dropping down to a lower package makes a lot of sense. The only thing that keeps me with the AEP is avoiding the DVR fees as dropping AEP and getting the DVR fees nearly washes out any lower price, and is a huge value drop for only a few dollars for the lower packages. Take that benefit for AEP away, and there really is no reason to keep it.
Read my earlier posts. It says they will eliminate the DVR fees after the first receiver come February. So if you don't want the AEP , you could go with the WITH DVR pack for either top 100/200/250 and you would still not get any dvr fees , since they are rolled into the programming pack anway. I think DISH realizes that many people can not afford premium packs any more and this is a way of giving you the discount of NO extra dvr fees , if you don't want to sub to all those premiums anyway. THis is the way DIRECTV is doing it now. DISH is just getting parity with their competition. NO more dvr fees PER DVR RECEIVER!
U so funny here. Keep digging maybe you will get out of the hole. :D

top 30 metro area in the USA from 2005

Largest Metropolitan Areas in the U.S. - Most Populous Metros

Metropolitan Areas with Population of 5,000,000 or More. 9 of them in 2000 only and 9 combined had a total of 84,064,274 or about 30% of US population.

Metropolitan Areas with Population of 5,000,000 or More —

Top 20 Largest US Cities.

Population of the 20 Largest U.S. Cities, 1900–2005 —

Map of LA County Map of LA County So that fact you think or believe Los Angeles is not like I claim and people who live in the middle of Los Angeles county and surrounded by LA really dont live in Los Angeles but like you think in rural america thus those people really dont live in big cities. Or the fact you think people who live in Queen, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Staten Island do not live in NYC and only people who live in Manhattan really live in NYC and people who live in other 4 burrows live in rural america too i guess.

The Cable in all 5 burrows in NY Metro area is run by TWC and Fios is available most parts of all 5 burrows too just like all the cable in Los Angeles county is run by TWC and not all of a LA county has Fios or U-Verse but big chucks do.
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