Dish Pricing Update

"Why Would You Ever Pay More"

This is the curent marketing . And after the new year you will pay more!!!!!
This pricing will push churn into the 30-40% old subs will look at the tottal cost for cable and find thr grass is greener. Hd offrings no but cost is. Directv's dvr is a one time $5.98 for one or 32 dvrs.

I chose to pay for dish because of the voom chanel Monsters HD, then saw nick and many others coming so 1 day b4 I added another 722 just to find out the new chanels are replacing my curent loved chanels.

"Why Would You Ever Pay More"
AEP and all my gear $130-170 (some ppv) DISH
DirecTv all Chanels $0
If this pricing becomes true I'm closing my dish account along with my mother and many other family members that I pushed dish on.
I'm glad I still have my Directv dish on my house and all the wiring ready.

Go ahead Charlie......make my day.:rant: :rant:
DVR fee charged on my 722k is $5.98.

Never heard of the $12.00 fee, maybe it includes the lease/AO fee with the DVR fee.
One of the primary things I have always pointed out to Comcast customers in my area that asked about Dish is 'How can you pay 13 for a receiver and 3 for a remote every month?' With that now nullified, the only real thing I can say about Dish is that it does have a great DVR and with my 722K, I can do 4 stream record. No Comcast box here can do that. That said, I only have one receiver mirrored to both of my TV's (I only live with my daughter half the time and she watches videos on our 24" LCD computer monitor).

So, I should see no change, but I do know that I will not be adding another receiver with the new pricing (I actually had a second 722K, but dropped it due to non-use and the fact that it saved me 12.98 a month). I'll just throw a tuner card in my Windows 7 box and let media player record any local spillover. I do have Xbox extenders at both TV's.

I won't argue with them having the best DVR... I've used them all (except FIOS) and Dish's is definitely the most responsive of any of them.
This is the curent marketing . And after the new year you will pay more!!!!!
This pricing will push churn into the 30-40% old subs will look at the tottal cost for cable and find thr grass is greener. Hd offrings no but cost is. Directv's dvr is a one time $5.98 for one or 32 dvrs.

I chose to pay for dish because of the voom chanel Monsters HD, then saw nick and many others coming so 1 day b4 I added another 722 just to find out the new chanels are replacing my curent loved chanels.

"Why Would You Ever Pay More"
AEP and all my gear $130-170 (some ppv) DISH
DirecTv all Chanels $0
If this pricing becomes true I'm closing my dish account along with my mother and many other family members that I pushed dish on.

Come February 1 st there will only be ONE dvr fee of 5.98 PER ACCOUNT . Meaning you can have as many dvrs extra and no dvr fees after the 1st. Why is everyone still missing this major FACT? I think everyone expects the worst and when they actually find out that it won't be much different than now, they can feel relieved and pleased with themselves. Also be advised there will be no price increase on Programming next year. First time NO Price increase since 98 or 99. No one is looking at this as a positive either.
DVR fee charged on my 722k is $5.98.

Never heard of the $12.00 fee, maybe it includes the lease/AO fee with the DVR fee.

The new equipment pricing will be as follows on the dvr is 17.00 . That is made up of the 7.00 lease /additional receiver fee + the 5.00 A/0 fee and the 5.00 dvr with a .98 discount. So when they credit you the dvr fee and the a/o fee it will come out the following;

05.00 subtract the A/0 fee if phone lines plugged in.
05.98 subtract the dvr fee

The question remains will they charge 5.00 or 5.98 for the dvr fee? We won't know till next month. But the DISH csr said in his example in post #1 that it will be 5.98 for the dvr fee. Hopefully he is right because if this is true you would come out cheaper than today paying the 7.00 lease /additional receiver fee+5.98 dvr fee or 5.00 if you count it as bundled .

Well see at CES if the csr is right or not.
AH, yes those were the 1Q 2009 DVR Advantage AO fees, that included the DVR fee. I have been on HD Absolute so they just charge me the $5.98 for my primary and since the rest are 211's and a 301, no extra DVR fees.

It really looks like they have taken the DVR fee, AO fee and phone line fee and rolled them into a single fee, which really is not much of an increase at all, except maybe for those who have AEP, if it is not grandfathered.

As I said before I might just go with a 3rd 211 if they are going to charge me $7 for my solo receiver any way, that way I can mothball all my TiVos and put an HDTV in the bedroom with a 211k and an EHD.

I might even buy a R5000 modded 211 for my office and move the leased 211 to the bedroom, so I can rip HD shows to DVD for later playback (MPEG2 TS file is about 2 hrs per DVD).
Chicken Little

I've been reading along on this thread seems like forever now. With only a couple of exceptions like MikeD-C05 it seems like everyone seems to be playing "Chicken Little". It's change so most are freaking out running around and yelling the "the sky is falling". You are going to find out what is really going to happen but not until after the 1st of the year. Maybe I'm a cock-eyed optimist but it doesn't look like it is going to be bad for most of the people. Yes I admit that few may get the shaft, but it seems to be better than everyone getting every Feb. Almost have a feeling that D* is not raising their prices until March in the hopes that they will get people coming over and locking them into a nice new contract. I'm under one so I will be staying for a while longer, in fact I may even have to pay less from everything that I've read. Soapbox is now turned over to someone else, I'm going to bed. :)
It is ironic that Dish desires and is under great pressure from Wall Street to get subs to spend more per month, as the more we spend per month, the healthier the business for Dish. Yet, this proposal will actually result in either downgrades or or mass defections of Dish Network subscribers who pay the most to Dish Network each month: the AEP folks with additional services and several Duo HD DVR's on the account.

Charlie and Co. really do believe that AEP are millionaires who will gladly pay the additional $26-$30 extra per month because they must have money trees. Everybody, even the affluent, of which there are many on this board, have their limit, as well, and even if they can afford such a huge increase, they do have to draw a line in the financial sand. That is how they remain affluent.

AEP people have been subsidizing Family Pack and other low level subscribers from the start, but now Dish wants to shift far too much of the burden upon AEP subs so that the lowest level subscribers don't churn because of an increase in charges. And it is often the lower level subs who have the least loyalty being the ones who play the hopscotch game of Dish until commitment ends, then they go to cable, then Direct TV, then whoever, and back to Dish, then leave again . . . while Dish tries to do everything it can to get those people to "trade-up," but they almost NEVER do "trade-up" because they have intentions of leaving to play the hopscotch game.

Meanwhile Dish plans to treat is biggest money makers who have the strongest loyalty (I've tolerated all sorts of Dish problems, delays, technical screw-ups, etc. and accepted the previous $3-$5 increases over the years) pretty much like garbage and takes our business for granted. I really don't think Dish believes that HUGE monthly bill subs, like Scott and me, are going to downgrade or leave. That is the terrible miscalculation, and it is unfortunate that there seem to be a lot of people on this board with much lower monthly bills and, perhaps, fewer financial means willing to accept a $6 increase with pleasure. Dish still has a chance to do something for its "most valued customers" and should do so with this coming fee restructuring.
I've been reading along on this thread seems like forever now. With only a couple of exceptions like MikeD-C05 it seems like everyone seems to be playing "Chicken Little". It's change so most are freaking out running around and yelling the "the sky is falling". You are going to find out what is really going to happen but not until after the 1st of the year. Maybe I'm a cock-eyed optimist but it doesn't look like it is going to be bad for most of the people. Yes I admit that few may get the shaft, but it seems to be better than everyone getting every Feb. Almost have a feeling that D* is not raising their prices until March in the hopes that they will get people coming over and locking them into a nice new contract. I'm under one so I will be staying for a while longer, in fact I may even have to pay less from everything that I've read. Soapbox is now turned over to someone else, I'm going to bed. :)

The ones doing the loudest screaming here aren't the small fries like you, but people who have AEP and several Duo HD DVR's. So, it is appropriate that we do make are feelings clear on this matter, as we see fit. Furthermore, I'm glad you're going to bed because, according your own stated situation, this discussion doesn't really involve you. As Jezz says in the UK comedy Peep Show, "Keep your beak out of it!"

You are wise to leave this discussion to those who face a $26-$30+ increase in monthly bills. I am so pleased with your lack of concern regarding we few subscribers for whom this fee restructure will result in massive increases approaching or exceeding 20% because it is we few who are making it possible for subscribers like you to enjoy barley a hit in the pocketbook, but who, upon our departure, will have to really start pulling your own weight and absorb some pretty big increases next year because of a dismissive attitude to those who are paying for your increase this year. Oh, BTW, you're welcome, but you'll get the bill next year.

I thought that was rather funny :).
E could grandfather or make the no DVR fee for AEP a blanket discount.although it would save just one fee.

after looking about all this.

for current subs who keep the phone line plugged in and have more than one DVR costs will probably be the same, or very close.

AEP subs who had AEP just to save the DVR fee may migrate to a cheaper package. I am one of those, who have nearly no interest in the movie packages.



hey if this works out cable and FIOS will be losing subs:)
Got some more unofficially answers today in responce to my questions in yesterdays edition of The Satellite Dish...

Is it just me or is their plan to make things more simple actually making things more confusing?

Received more info are answers to your questions on your blog in the satellite dish....

1)If a customer has one receiver and its a 722k do they need to pay a DVR fee or is it included? If it is then that means those customers bills are going DOWN? Yes all accounts that have at least one DVR (not the 501/508 PVR) will have one and only one account level $6.00 DVR fee. So their bill would go up .02 unless they have AEP then it would go up $6.00 if I understand your question correctly.

2)How do they decide the first receiver on a customers account since the first receiver is free? Is the lowest price receiver going to be the free one? The highest level receiver is supposed to be included in the primary programming cost. For example someone has a duo dvr and a solo receiver. It should include the duo dvr in the primary package and the solo receiver will have the $7.00 receiver fee

3)What about the older Dish Network 501 and 508 DVR which currently have no charge for DVR service? What do their receivers fall under and will they need to have a plan with built in DVR fees? No account level DVR fee unless they have another type DVR on their account besides a 501/508 PVR but will have the receiver fee if it is an additional receiver.

Of course this is as of now...any of this they could decide to change by the time 2/1 rolls around. This is what was told to us today but did not receive any official training on it.
So if it's not a DVR fee... they charge an "additional receiver" fee. Either way they charge for every piece. I'm surprised they're not charging for each length of cable. I'm going to wait and see what my bill looks like. I have AT250 with no movie packages, a 622 and a 612. If my bill goes up I'll be looking at cable again to see how they commpare. I really HATE cable, so it'll be a tough decision if it comes to that.
Sorry to repeat myself..... Is anyone hear using a 211 with an external hard drive? Are you paying a DVR Fee now?

I was thinking of reupping with Dish for another two years in exchange for swapping my 622 with a new 922 when it comes out, but I'll bolt for Fios if it will cost me an extra $50 a month for no improvement....

I am using a 211 with EHD. I do not have a DVR fee, paid the one time EHD activation fee of 39.99 and that is all for the VIP211.
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I will wait until something official to react, but if my bill increases $20+, I will be dropping AEP and saving $40 off of programming.
Why do I keep seeing the $5.98 DVR fee? That was removed last year. I'm paying $12.00 for each 622, a savings of $0.98. Is anybody paying $5.98 for their DVR?

Look at this post by Scott:

I have only 1 receiver on my account, 722k. And I pay a $5.98 DVR fee.

Monthly Charges
Jan 05 - Feb 04 Classic Gold 250 With Locals 62.99
DISH Network DVR Service Fee 5.98
Multi Sport 5.99
HD & Platinum 10.00
Got some more unofficially answers today in responce to my questions in yesterdays edition of The Satellite Dish...

Is it just me or is their plan to make things more simple actually making things more confusing?

U r right my 2 years with Dish....these things r getting more complicated to understand then when I join. Now from what I read in this thread....looks like more complications in understand what is billed lies ahead.

Who thinks of these complications in Dish Network anyway. Is it so difficult to actually simplyfy the price table?
One of the "side" effects of this is that Dish can eliminate SD receivers. The customers do not see any anymore with SD over HD. This is probably in prep for the big box swap on WA when they convert to 8PSK.

They do not want customers complaining that they were forced to swap out their boxes and saw their rates increase with the new fancy ones.

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