Yeah I know, $6 for those of us with a dvr & no hopper. I don't like it either, but will stay put for now. My options are limited to worse.
My wife pretty much convinced me to stay the course for right now. I had bought a used Tivo Series 2 w/lifetime for only $50 and I was going to leverage the multi-sub discount and pick-up a Premiere that Tivo is currently selling for $59.99 at their site and then move to our local cableco. Since we get our phone and internet from them it would be a lot less expensive due to the bundle and the only leased equipment would be a cable card and a dta for the two Tivo's. But she really didn't want to lose some channels and the Dish two tv dvr. Oh well, we now have a ota dvr for the bedroom set that isn't connected to Dish. I did do the "cancel BB@Home" trick and now have it for only $5 for the next 6 months.