DISH Price Increase 1/17/2013 (UPDATED!)

For those saying FTA is their option I'm curious (as a sports fan), how easy is it to find the WWE, MLB, etc. wild feeds? I know someone that gets various locals through FTA who says the NFL is no problem.
Price protection credits are only for customers activated between 3/1/12 & 1/16/13. If your activation date was on 3/2/12 your protection credits end on 3/1/13.

To soften the blow for at 120+ & AEP the additional credits are for anyone who activated before 1/17/13.

C/P from a page on Scott's later post.

* Eligible customers will only receive the 18-month credit if they do NOT have the TV2 Receiver Connection fee (for America's Top 120 subscribers) or $10/
mo. HD add-on (for America's "Everything" Pak subscribers) on their account.

In other words if you are paying the tv2 connection fee it will be removed & no additional credits applied.

AEP if you're paying for the $10 hd add-on it will change to hd free for life & no additional credits applied.

It may be a good move for those on AEP, especially auto payers with free hd to stay put & for those thinking of subbing to it, get it now.

I'm a new subscriber and I just went from the Top 200 to the AEP. I might as well do it now so I can have all of the credits. Thank you for all the info!
Tv package prices in general are getting out of control. I get at least one or two flyers a month from comcast a month. Last time I spoke with a door to door sales comcast guy, he begged me to switch saying how their Dvr was better than dish's. He then went on to say how great their pricing was and then before be got into his full pitch I said I know the deal, I'll get a good deal for 6 months and then my price jumps. After I said that he kindly left.
If you call Comcast and complain about the high price after the promo period ends, they will often extend it for another six months. Call again, and another six months. Call again, and another six months.

I did it a bunch of times, when I was on Comcast at home.
If you call Comcast and complain about the high price after the promo period ends, they will often extend it for another six months. Call again, and another six months. Call again, and another six months.

I did it a bunch of times, when I was on Comcast at home.

Charter Internet works that way also....
Bloomberg had a tv analyst interview last night (Friday). He said one of the cable companies just broke the mold, dropping some channel that was being dumped on them at ever increasing costs. Went on to say that of the several hundred channels available on satellite or cable, the average viewer only watches 10 of them. Continued on about the sports channels costs and ended saying that while times are currently good for the show producers, he thinks in 5 years they will be in trouble with the distributors (cable/sat) offering al la carte. Said, if they don't have al la carte, the customers will go direct on the internet, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony, etc, to cut costs and the existing marketing plan will collapse due to lack of demand.
Honestly if they don't sweeten AEP there is no reason to offer it any longer.Just call it AT250 plus 4 premiums,same difference.That also does away with any confusion about (everything).

I wonder if there will be any type of further information once the prices are released on AEP maybe sports pack included, don't think so but let's see what January brings
Bloomberg had a tv analyst interview last night (Friday). He said one of the cable companies just broke the mold, dropping some channel that was being dumped on them at ever increasing costs. Went on to say that of the several hundred channels available on satellite or cable, the average viewer only watches 10 of them. Continued on about the sports channels costs and ended saying that while times are currently good for the show producers, he thinks in 5 years they will be in trouble with the distributors (cable/sat) offering al la carte. Said, if they don't have al la carte, the customers will go direct on the internet, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony, etc, to cut costs and the existing marketing plan will collapse due to lack of demand.

I think any a la carte system would be in the form of small packages (theme packs) similar to the Canadian system.
To make the $15.00 price increase worthwhile dish has to at least offer the blockbuster package as part of aep package.

Other wise I would go to one of the lower packages.

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AEP is dead. I haven't been able to afford it for years. I especially wouldn't want it now at $15.00 higher cost. Blockbuster isn't worth the extra $10.00 cost either. Never watched many of the channels with it except Epix and it showed the same movies over and over again. The entire model of sat /cable programming packs are antiquated. We need ala-cart and we need it yesterday. Sports has lead to the increased costs and now the other channels have decided they want to ask more too. Not to mention local channels are also trying extort more money over the auto hop feature. And least we forget , Charlie has to get his due too. Now the price of the dvr fee is going up. I am surprised he didn't go up to a uniform $10.00 dvr fee across the board . But there is always next year's price hike.
jumps? Try skyrockets :)
I get the same things in the mail all the time. Great teaser rate for 6 months then runs insanely high

I wad the lifeline cable package from TWC. I called to cancel it. Woman at TWC made me an offer I couldn't refuse. For only $7 more than I was paying, a dvr and a cable box for a 2nd tv for 2 years.
told her that I wouldn't cancel Dish and she said fine.
My Dad's response to higher prices came two years ago. He bought the "Introductory Pack" at his local cable company. It has locals, TBS, WGN, Oxygen, Biography, Destination America and several other cable channels (about the same as the Welcome Pack though some of the channel selections are different) and is only $19.99. When PAC-12 Network launched, they added a "college sports package" that is PAC-12, Big Ten and CBS Sports Network for $5.00 / month extra and they added the Encore channels which are also $5 / month. My Dad is quite happy at $30 bucks a month. :)
I just dropped back down from the Family Pack (Smart Pack now) back to the Welcome Pack plus HeartLand - - total cost $17.49 for the next 6 months, but of course $22.49 starting 17 Jan 13.

For what I get - I think not too bad.
I just dropped back down from the Family Pack (Smart Pack now) back to the Welcome Pack plus HeartLand - - total cost $17.49 for the next 6 months, but of course $22.49 starting 17 Jan 13.

For what I get - I think not too bad.

I had the Welcome Package for a nice little while with the Encore Movie Package and the two NY superstations and was rarely without anything to watch. I really enjoyed the price but missed sports (specifically college football on ESPN and MNF). That said, I became strategic and DVRd a couple of college football games that were on while I was watching another game (same for NFL) and would watch those through the week. Living north of Atlanta, I would get a few Braves games on Peachtree in a season as well as WWOR and WPIX. I would also record the golf through the weekend. I'm seeing someone right now that is talking kids and all that stuff and she insists to go back to that as she says DA Gold, Cinemax and Starz is too much $. I'm starting to agree. :( I may be back to the Welcome Pack with you soon.

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