For those saying FTA is their option I'm curious (as a sports fan), how easy is it to find the WWE, MLB, etc. wild feeds? I know someone that gets various locals through FTA who says the NFL is no problem.
Price protection credits are only for customers activated between 3/1/12 & 1/16/13. If your activation date was on 3/2/12 your protection credits end on 3/1/13.
To soften the blow for at 120+ & AEP the additional credits are for anyone who activated before 1/17/13.
C/P from a page on Scott's later post.
* Eligible customers will only receive the 18-month credit if they do NOT have the TV2 Receiver Connection fee (for America's Top 120 subscribers) or $10/
mo. HD add-on (for America's "Everything" Pak subscribers) on their account.
In other words if you are paying the tv2 connection fee it will be removed & no additional credits applied.
AEP if you're paying for the $10 hd add-on it will change to hd free for life & no additional credits applied.
It may be a good move for those on AEP, especially auto payers with free hd to stay put & for those thinking of subbing to it, get it now.
I said I know the deal, I'll get a good deal for 6 months and then my price jumps.
If you call Comcast and complain about the high price after the promo period ends, they will often extend it for another six months. Call again, and another six months. Call again, and another six months.
I did it a bunch of times, when I was on Comcast at home.
Honestly if they don't sweeten AEP there is no reason to offer it any longer.Just call it AT250 plus 4 premiums,same difference.That also does away with any confusion about (everything).
Bloomberg had a tv analyst interview last night (Friday). He said one of the cable companies just broke the mold, dropping some channel that was being dumped on them at ever increasing costs. Went on to say that of the several hundred channels available on satellite or cable, the average viewer only watches 10 of them. Continued on about the sports channels costs and ended saying that while times are currently good for the show producers, he thinks in 5 years they will be in trouble with the distributors (cable/sat) offering al la carte. Said, if they don't have al la carte, the customers will go direct on the internet, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony, etc, to cut costs and the existing marketing plan will collapse due to lack of demand.
alacart will video over IP ..where the consumer pays the content provider directly..cable will just provide the bandwidthI think any a la carte system would be in the form of small packages (theme packs) similar to the Canadian system.
jumps? Try skyrockets
I get the same things in the mail all the time. Great teaser rate for 6 months then runs insanely high
I just dropped back down from the Family Pack
Is there a fee involved to drop back to a lower package?
I just dropped back down from the Family Pack (Smart Pack now) back to the Welcome Pack plus HeartLand - - total cost $17.49 for the next 6 months, but of course $22.49 starting 17 Jan 13.
For what I get - I think not too bad.