DISH Network II

If the satellite is a 702 built by Boeing, you can expect that it will be around six months late on delivery. IIRC, E* has been buying more SSL satellites lately.

I would just be happy if they would get a reliable launch system... Been launching stuff for 50+ years and still have so many problems.
I would just be happy if they would get a reliable launch system... Been launching stuff for 50+ years and still have so many problems.

SSL has also been know for being late, just ask the folks that were waiting for D7S to get launched so they could get their locals.
By the time they get all the kinks out of HD and get things rolling like they should (if they can even do that in time), there will be an even higher definition come out that they will have to fight cable/fiber on.
By the time they get all the kinks out of HD and get things rolling like they should (if they can even do that in time), there will be an even higher definition come out that they will have to fight cable/fiber on.

I think that 1080p will be the next push in hd. I had talked to DISH about this a couple of years ago and the lady said that DISH wanted to be the first sat company to do everthing in 1080p. Now the question is will they have room for this on the new sats someday. Will we need new hd receivers to see it or will they just enable it via software updates on our old mpeg4 receivers. I just hope that any new changes will not result in a fade in picture quality. YOu know compression like the old sd channels suffer from.
Also thinking outside the box... what would make them stay with the same bit rate per transponder? what if they found a way to double or triple that?? thus most likely needing new receivers to handle the stream rate?

Reading this thread really no one has come up with a compelling reason to "Re Launch Dish Network" Most are just adding a new SAT or two... far from a re-launch...
Its a relaunch as it will be a sepearate service where ALL SD and HD programming with be in MPEG4, coming from two new satellite locations.

Search for our team summit coverage for more information.
Also thinking outside the box... what would make them stay with the same bit rate per transponder? what if they found a way to double or triple that?? thus most likely needing new receivers to handle the stream rate?

Reading this thread really no one has come up with a compelling reason to "Re Launch Dish Network" Most are just adding a new SAT or two... far from a re-launch...

It could be done... but with the current dish sizes and satellite wattage output? No.
Boy, what a switch. Years ago it was D* that was lik the CIA and E* was wide open with their plans, now it's the other way around.

Because Charlie has proven himself the master of pay TV and DBS. Now, all competitors who used to dismiss him hang on every word he says and act accordingly. It was Charlie who started the revolution of DBS stealing cable customers away, and his bets on DVR and other firsts have kept him ahead of the competition.
With all the churn that there is in the satellite business it probably wouldn't take long to churn out a lot of the existing MPEG-2 customers. The ones that do not churn out will be given opportunites to switch over to MPEG-4 / HD. Eventually those that did not make the switchover would be forced to do so if Dish ended up finding a new purpose for 110/119.

By having the MPEG-4 service at the two new satellite locations he is saving lots of money on not having to swapout all the existing customers (at least right away) to take advantage of a full MPEG-4 system. That way by the time they want all the rest of the subscribers on it, there will not be many subscribers at 110/119 and they will end up having their older satellites at those locations while using their newer ones for backup for the new MPEG-4 satellites.

They might also choose to launch the rest of the SD local markets in the U.S. to 110/119/129 since taking HD off of those satellites would free up enough space to do so. Those smaller markets would be less likely to have HD locals or as many of them and people in those markets would be more focused on getting their locals than HD at this time. Maybe a dish such as the SuperDish could be up 110 in addition to their other slots?

Dish 625 dvr

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