Dish HDTV reception


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 13, 2004
Alamogordo, NM
Hello all,

I just had my Dish 811 installed and was watching a program on HDNet Movies. The signal would pause at times and get pixelated others. Is this an issue with the service or is it a problem on my side? All three sats report good signal strength and the other HD channels seem OK...

Thanks in advance,

LoBridge said:
Hello all,

I just had my Dish 811 installed and was watching a program on HDNet Movies. The signal would pause at times and get pixelated others. Is this an issue with the service or is it a problem on my side? All three sats report good signal strength and the other HD channels seem OK...

Thanks in advance,


I've been seeing quick pauses myself on my 811 as well as a little bit of blocking. I see it on HBO-HD and OTA digital channels as well. I think it's another 811 problem.
Same issues here

I am having the same pixellation issues on the OTA channels. Sometimes, it works if I reboot the box or if I change channels and go back. I hope this gets fixed!!
I've noted the same problem on my HD channels on the 921.

Pixellation, and sometime a high pitched chirp. I have 120 signal strength on 119 bird and nearly 100 on the 110 bird so I know its not a signal issue.

Either the decoder software can't keep up with the signal or the processor can't decode the HD and buffer the signal onto the hard drive fast enough.

Since the 811 isn't a DVR, I would suspect software glitches. I can't say with authority, its just my opinion.
I don't have that problem with HD NET since I drop the HD package :D I 'll add it when more channels are added to it. I don't see much value in the HD package since only of of my receivers can view it. When I did have the package I noticed this problem only when I had the receiver set at 720P. The problem is gone if you change it to the 1080i. I would check to see if the 1080i setting helps you too.
styxfix said:
The problem is gone if you change it to the 1080i. I would check to see if the 1080i setting helps you too.

That doesn't help since I have mine set at 1080i and it does it ever show atleast once. It is not a big deal to me but it does it on all HDTV channels including OTA.

A channel on how to use your DVR??

921 OTA recording?

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